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I wanted you to know that translate French

2,088 parallel translation
I wanted you to know that.
Je voulais que vous le sachiez.
I wanted you to know that Jasper is going to make it.
Je voulais que tu saches que Jasper va s'en sortir.
I wanted you to know that.
Je voulais que tu le saches.
And, uh, I wanted you to know that he told me more than once how much he loved the both of you.
Et je voulais que vous sachiez qu'il m'a dit plus d'une fois combien il vous aimait tous les deux.
" I wanted you to know that tree hill misses you,
" Je voulais que tu saches que tu manques à Tree Hill,
Home Secretary, I wanted you to know that I'm about to prevent a British-funded coup in West Africa that could lead to mass bloodshed, which your dear friend Robert Westhouse is planning.
M. le Ministre. Je vais éviter à l'Afrique de l'Ouest un putsch financé par des capitaux anglais. Un bain de sang potentiel organisé par votre ami Westhouse.
I just... wanted you to know how I felt about that, and...
Je voulais te dire ce que je ressentais.
Well, um, I... I'm glad you are all here because, um, you know, there's a couple of things that I've... I've wanted to say.
Je suis contente que vous soyez là, parce que, il y a deux trois choses que je voulais dire.
Yeah, but I... Thank you. I just wanted you to know that you can talk to me about anything, all right, like pimples, girls, birth control.
Sache que tu peux me parler de tout, d'accord?
We got that pastrami you like. I just wanted to let you know.
Je vous prévenais qu'on avait le pastrami que vous aimez.
I know that we said that we'd give it a couple of days, but I just... I really wanted to see you.
On devait laisser passer deux jours, mais je voulais te voir.
Sydney's obsessed with it, and basically I just wanted to ask you if you could tell me about, { \ you know, } some of the first signs that you saw with Max.
Sydney en est obsédée, et en gros, je voulais te demander si tu pouvais me parler des premiers signes que tu as vus chez Max.
I wanted you to know also, just, Joel and I both, we were so moved by the way that you reached out.
Je voulais aussi te dire que Joel et moi, avons été touchés que vous en parliez.
No, I wanted to tell you to your face that I know that I can do better than you.
Non, je voulais vous dire en face que je peux trouver mieux.
I just wanted you to know that I'm really looking forward to wiping the floor with you.
Je voulais te dire que j'ai hâte de te mettre la pâtée.
It's just, I wanted him to know what my business was... just in case he didn't wanna be seen having breakfast with me, you know, being such an important man that he is.
Je voulais seulement qu'il sache ce que je faisais au cas où il ne voudrait pas être vu déjeunant avec moi, étant donné que c'est un homme très important.
I know you wanted to talk about it and I never would and I'm sorry about that.
Tu voulais en parler. J'ai jamais voulu et j'en suis désolé.
You know, I haven't wanted to ask you this, but, um... back there in the alley with Kendrick, that shot you took to the chin... that wasn't supposed to happen, was it?
Je ne voulais pas demander, mais... L'autre fois avec Kendrick, ce coup au menton... C'était pas supposé arriver, si?
I'm sorry that I hit you, and I know you've been through more than most people, including me, but still, if you wanted to apologize to me, too...
Désolé pour les coups, et je sais que tu as vécu plus d'épreuves que la moyenne, y compris moi, mais bon, - si tu voulais t'excuser aussi...
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. You know, she flew all the way across the Pacific Ocean just to meet you, and I...
Elle a traversé le Pacifique pour te rencontrer...
I just wanted to let you know that the car you're driving
Je voulais vous prévenir que la voiture que vous conduisez
I know, but it always - they're never happy, are they? You know what I mean? Spiderman wanted to tell that girl
Spider-Man voulait dire à cette fille qu'il pouvait escalader les murs et tout.
I just wanted to let you know that I promised your mother...
Je voulais te dire que j'ai promis à ta mère...
'Cause I wanted to tell you that I know you kept the gun and sooner or later I'll find it.
Je voulais vous dire que je sais que vous avez gardé l'arme et je finirai par la trouver.
You looked like you really wanted to hurt him, and I kind of need to know what that's about.
On aurait vraiment dit que tu lui voulais du mal. J'ai besoin de savoir pourquoi.
You know what I wanted more than anything... was a guy that Ben could look up to.
Ce que je voulais, plus que tout, c'est un homme que Ben pourrait admirer.
I could shoot you if I wanted to, you know that?
Je pourrais t'abattre si je le voulais, d'accord? Te tirer dessus.
Well, look, I've been thinking about it. I really want to do something special for the wedding, and I wanted to take this opportunity to sort of remind everyone that I'm, you know, a leader.
235 ) } Je pensais à tout ça. 235 ) } et profiter de cette opportunité pour rappeler à tout le monde que je suis un leader.
Honey, I know that you don't like them, but you were the one that decided you wanted to wear them, and lucky for you, I have a spare.
Chérie, je sais que vous ne les aimez pas, mais vous étiez celui qui avez décidé de les porter, et heureusement pour vous, J'ai une pièce de rechange.
That's the secret I most wanted you to know.
J'ai toujours voulu te le dire.
No, I just... What I wanted to say is that I... I heard about the whole 2007 New Year's Day, you know, with the Armenian mob, when they came in and dragged the...
Je voulais dire... j'ai entendu parler de l'épisode du Nouvel An 2007, la mafia arménienne, quand ils sont venus et...
- Hey, spencer, it's hank. I just wanted to let you know that I'm headed over there
Spencer, c'est Hank.
And I just wanted you to know that.
Et je voulais que vous le sachiez.
I just wanted to let you know that while Avery is pregnant, I am giving up drinking.
Je vous informe qu'à cause de la grossesse d'Avery, j'arrête de boire.
I wanted to let you know in person that I heard what you said about Ben, and I'm taking your advice.
Je voulais t'annoncer que j'écoute ton conseil concernant Ben.
And I just wanted to let you know that I put everyone's keys in the breakfast nook because I didn't want anyone driving.
J'ai caché les clés de tout le monde au coin repas, de peur que quelqu'un ne prenne le volant.
You know, I guess I felt that he'd been up here a month and I just wanted to get him home for his sake and also to...
Il était là depuis un mois, et je voulais qu'il rentre, pour son bien, et aussi que...
Hey, you know, speaking of that, there's a few things I wanted to mention to you.
Parlant de ça, il y a un ou deux trucs dont je voulais discuter avec toi.
You know it's funny, I always wanted to do that.
J'ai toujours voulu en faire.
I just wanted to apologize for yesterday and say that I hope it doesn't interfere with, you know, what we've been doing here,'cause I want to keep doing it.
Je voulais m'excuser pour hier et te dire que j'espère que ça ne posera pas problème avec ce qu'on fait ici, parce que je veux continuer.
Also, I just wanted to let you know that the whole Carly meeting thing... Mm-hmm? Was pretty good.
{ \ pos ( 192,235 ) } Et je voulais te dire que... { \ pos ( 192,235 ) } la rencontre avec Carly... c'était vraiment bien.
Oh, hi. I, uh, just wanted to let you know That Amber's settlement papers are being drawn up.
Je voulais vous dire que l'arrangement pour Amber a été conclu.
I'm fine, so I wanted to let you know that.
Ça va, je voulais que tu le saches.
I know this is gonna sound odd, but with you being so much like her, I feel like it would help give me closure if I could say good-bye to you in the way that I wanted to say good-bye to her.
Ça va paraître bizarre, mais puisque vous lui ressemblez autant, ça m'aiderait avec mon deuil si je pouvais lui dire correctement au revoir à travers vous.
And I wanted to let you know that while the money stops, our connection goes on unabated.
Je tenais à vous préciser que si l'état ne vous verse plus d'argent, moi, je serai toujours là.
- Anne, sister. You know that I never wanted to marry the King.
Anne, ma soeur, vous savez que je n'ai jamais voulu épouser le roi.
I didn't want you to know that I'd never done it before and I wanted it to be right, and I wasn't sure whether I was ready.
Je ne voulais pas que tu saches que je ne l'avais jamais fait avant et je voulais que ça soit bien et je n'étais pas sure d'être prête.
And I don't know if it was in the way that you wanted her to, but I know that she did.
Peut-être pas comme tu aurais voulu, mais elle t'aimait.
I'm Andy, by the way - if you wanted to know. Maybe that's not important to you.
Je m'appelle Andy, si ça vous intéresse.
So I know that I probably... well, m-most likely pretty much haven't been the world's greatest dad for a while, so, you know, I just wanted to say that what's happened has, um... you know, I feel like it's changed me, and
{ \ pos ( 192,172 ) } Je sais que j'ai sûrement... { \ pos ( 192,172 ) } très probablement... { \ pos ( 222,282 ) } pas été le meilleur papa au monde { \ pos ( 222,282 ) } depuis un bail.
Just wanted to call you and let you know that, uh, I'm going to tell your dad about us today.
Je voulais te dire que je vais parler à ton père aujourd'hui.

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