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I went to see him translate French

330 parallel translation
The other day I went to see him and it frightened him out of his wits because he thought I was from the police.
Je l'ai vu. II avait peur que j'appelle Ia police.
I went to see him in the hotel, that's right.
Je suis allée le voir, c'est la vérité.
Do you really believe that I didn't think before I went to see him?
Tu crois que je n'y ai pas réfléchi avant d'aller le voir?
- I went to see him.
Je suis allé le voir.
That's why I went to see him today- - to find out the truth from him.
C'est pour ça que je suis allé le voir, pour qu'il dise la vérité.
I went to see him at the hospitala couple of times.
Je lui ai rendu visite à l'hôpital deux ou trois fois.
I went to see him.
Je suis allée le voir.
It happened on the day that Mr. Hagiwara and I went to see him.
C'est arrivé le jour où Mr. Hagiwara et moi sommes allés le voir.
I went to see him this morning... and he assured me that I'd get the legal separation quickly.
Je suis allée le voir ce matin et il m'a certifié que j'obtiendrais rapidement la séparation.
I went to see him a few days later.
Je suis allé le voir quelques jours après.
To avoid an awkward scene, I went to see him.
Hier, je suis allé voir Monestier.
I went to see him.
Il allait assez bien.
That's why I went to see him.
C'est pourquoi je suis allé le voir.
I went to see him this afternoon when I could get away from Shippen.
J'ai vu Chet aujourd'hui, dans le dos de Shippen.
We were both suffering from it, even before he asked for me, and I went to see him. I was full of hate and remorse...
Nous souffrions tous les deux et avant même... qu'il me fit appeler, j'allai le voir, le cœur débordant de haine et de remords.
I went to see him.
J'ai été chez lui, ce matin.
You know.. The goalie of our football team. You know I went to see him?
C'est le goal de notre équipe de foot, vous savez bien que je suis venu le voir?
So I went to see him.
Ils sortent ensemble. Je suis allé le voir.
- I went to see him. - But you didn't talk to him.
Tu ne lui as pas parlé.
I went to see him in hospital.
Je suis allée le voir à l'hôpital.
That evening... he died. As I too felt better I went to see him.
Comme moi aussi j'allais mieux, je suis allé le voir.
I went to see him, but only stayed for one day.
Je suis allée le voir, mais ne suis restée qu'une journée.
Then, you'll see, I've always had everything I wanted in life, and when you went over to him I hated him.
J'aime obtenir ce que je veux. Il t'a enlevée à moi et je l'ai détesté.
I went to the hospital, but they refused to let me see him.
Je suis allée à l'hôpital et ils ont refusé que je le voie.
I went to his apartment, but I didn't see him.
Il n'était pas chez lui, hier soir.
Of course I had to see him on the q.t. We only went out in the dark.
En douce, bien sûr, seulement la nuit.
I wanted to knock him off, see? I went to his hideout.
Je voulais le rétamer, je suis allé à son repaire.
I went to see Gray last night. I asked him to bring us a specimen.
Je suis allé voir Gray hier soir pour qu'il nous trouve un corps.
I went to see Senor Camargo to try to find out something for you without letting him know why, what I was going to do.
Je suis allée voir Señor Camargo pour vous aider sans lui expliquer ce que j'allais faire.
I kept away as long as I could. And then, finally, one Sunday afternoon, I got the courage and went up to see him.
J'ai attendu longtemps et puis un dimanche après-midi... je me suis décidée et lui ai rendu visite.
I went up to see him that day... wanting him to keep up hope, wanting to cheer him up.
Je suis allé le voir ce jour là... Je voulais qu'il garde l'espoir, je voulais le soutenir.
And I went up to see him and his wife.
J'allai le voir.
I went to Mrs. Montgomery's to see him.
Je suis allée le voir chez Mme Montgomery.
I tried to stall him. Told him I thought you went to Palm Springs to see Gail.
J'ai voulu le faire patienter, en disant que tu étais allé voir Gail à Palm Springs
You went to see him because you are tired... as I am too.
Tu es allée le voir parce que tu es lasse... comme je le suis moi-même.
I went back in to see him. It was no soap.
Je suis allé voir Hurley.
You see, when I found out about you and Erich, I went to your husband and I told him everything because I was unhappy and desperate
Quand votre liaison avec Henri a commencé, je suis allée tout raconter à votre mari.
He just went in to see her. I'll give him some time.
Il vient d'arriver, je lui donne un peu de temps.
He went to see the mayor, I saw him.
Il a parlé au Maire.
I met an old friend from the regiment, and after the ceremony, since I didn't see him for 15 years, we went to a little restaurant near the cemetery, and we had a great meal!
Ça faisait 15 ans qu'on ne s'était pas vus. On a été mangé au bistrot en face au cimetière. On a très bien mangé.
I went to see him.
Je l'ai vu.
How? I had to see him before he went I had something to tell him
Je voulais le voir avant son départ pour lui dire une chose importante
But I was never going to see Phil again. I only went to his apartment to tell him.
Je suis allée chez Phil pour lui dire que je ne voulais plus le voir.
I went to him, I couldn't see the way.
Je l'ai suivi. On ne voyait rien autour.
Ah, I just got in and I think the old girl went with him to see you.
Ah, c'est que je viens d'arriver et je crois que la vieille est allé avec lui pour vous voir.
I bet if you went to see him he'd probably let slip that in Bianca Merusi's closet we found 10 million lire cash and a file on the Terzi drug.
Si tu vas le voir, je parie qu'il ne pourra pas s'empêcher de dire que chez Bianca Merusi, il y avait 10 millions de lires et la formule secrète du médicament de Terzi.
You went to see Grant and I told you not to see him.
Vous avez vu Grant malgré mes recommandations.
The weirdest thing. I went down to see him, and I must have been dreamin'...'cause I thought he looked at me and said, "Could I have my old room back now?"
Je suis allé le voir et je devais rêver... parce que j'ai cru l'entendre me dire, "Je peux ravoir mon ancienne chambre?"
I got this call from Coyle, so I went out to see him.
J'ai reçu un coup de fil de Coyle, alors je suis allé le voir.
I needed a job and went to see him.
J'avais besoin de travailler et je suis allé le voir.
I went to see him at noon : it was the visiting hour.
Je suis allée le voir à midi, c'était l'heure des visites.

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