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If it wasn't for him translate French

191 parallel translation
Oh, i'm not ashamed and repentant and all that. If it wasn't for him.
Je n'aurais pas de honte, si ce n'était pour lui...
If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be any magazine.
Sans lui, il n'y aurait pas de magazine.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive.
Si ce n'était pas de lui, je serais mort.
If it wasn't for you, I'd have punched him right in the nose.
Sans toi, je lui cassais la figure!
If it wasn't for you, I would have killed him last night!
Toi seul m'as empêché de le tuer la nuit dernière.
And I still would be if it wasn't for him!
Et je le serais resté s'il n'était pas arrivé!
We'd be in a peck of trouble if it wasn't for him.
Sans lui on serait dans le pétrin.
If it so happens I come across him Jim wasn't a ballet dancer for nothing.
Jim n'a pas été danseur pour rien.
If it wasn't for him always pushing me around,
C'est à cause de lui, il me bouscule tout le temps..
My old man said you never paid him for it and if he wasn't hurt he'd come back and squeeze it out of you.
Mon père a dit que tu l'as jamais payé. S'il était pas blessé, il viendrait le chercher directement.
If you were rude with him for my sake, it wasn't necessary.
Si tu as été brutal à cause de moi, ce n'était pas nécessaire.
I'd throw him out in a minute if it wasn't for Patou.
Sans Patou, je le jetterais dehors!
But if it wasn't goodbye for him, it could've been for some of us.
Mais sans ça, nous risquions d'y passer tous.
If it wasn't for him...
S'il n'était pas venu...
If it wasn't for him, everything would be the same between us.
Tu as dit que sans lui, tout serait pareil entre nous.
The spirit of reconciliation that priest spoke of "Invite your friends to take the moderate line"... If it wasn't that I need him for dying I would've kicked him out the door.
- Le curé... l'esprit de concorde qu'il m'a dit... invitez vos amis à la modération... si j'avais pas besoin de lui pour crever,
Ha, if it wasn't for him, you'd be running some sort of a bingo parlor.
Que suis-je censée faire? Fais-le revenir.
Well, it wasn't very smart... to set off a boy's parents'if you've only known him for two days.
Ce n'est pas sérieux de partir comme ça, chez les parents d'un garçon que vous avez rencontré il y a huit jours.
If it wasn't for him, you'd have rotted to death!
Sans lui, vous seriez déjà pourris, bande d'ingrats!
If it wasn't for him, we'd have no Jeep.
Sans lui, on n'aurait pas eu la Jeep.
I don't care what he is, if it wasn't for him, your impartial chief of police would still have the wrong man behind bars.
- Peu m'importe. Sans lui, il y aurait toujours un innocent derrière les barreaux.
But it's not such big deal if it wasn't for him
Pas de quoi s'en vanter. Sans son intervention Mao Biao m'aurait capturée.
He got injured while rescuing me if it wasn't for him I would...
En voulant me protéger, il a été grièvement blessé. Sans lui, je serais déjà...
You'd still be rotting'in the Nogales jail if it wasn't for him.
Tu croupirais encore à la prison de Nogales sans lui.
If it wasn't for him and his big-deal fucking caper, I'd be on the street now, married.
Sans lui et ses coups fumants, je serais dehors... et marié!
If it wasn't for him, I'd have threw him out long ago.
Si ce n'était pour lui, je l'aurais viré depuis longtemps.
If it wasn't for the fact that he's my only relative, I'd call up his captors and tell them that they're welcome to him.
S'il n'était pas mon seul parent, j'appellerais ses ravisseurs pour leur dire de le garder.
If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have made it.
N'était-ce lui, vous n'auriez pas survécu.
If it wasn't for my son-in-law's intelligence, who masterfully succeeded, let's say... to clear him with a few magic words on grounds of insanity.
Sans le coup de génie de mon gendre qui a réussi à tout annuler.
Antinori, free Musillo. If it wasn't for him..... we'd never had caught them. Did you listen?
Antinori, libère Musillo. sans lui on n'aurait jamais eu ces deux là.
.If it wasn't for Ken....I just wish we knew more about him.
S'il n'y avait pas Ken... J'aimerais qu'on en sache plus sur lui.
If he changes his mind, maybe it wasn't right for him to do.
S'il change d'avis c'est que ces séances sont inutiles.
Fresh air won't hurt him. If only it wasn't for that Hitler.
ça lui fait du bien de sortir un peu, dommage que ce soit à cause d'Hitler
If it wasn't for him this creep would've raped me.
Sans Raoul, ce salaud m'aurait violée.
Although, if it wasn't for him...
- Mais s'il n'avait pas été là...
If it wasn't for him. I'd probably still be earning my living on my back... with half of your pals in Chicago.
Sans lui, je gagnerais encore ma vie... sur le dos... en versant 50 % à tes copains de Chicago.
If it wasn't for him and others like him, then everything would just fall apart.
S'il n'y avait pas des gens comme lui, tout tomberait en morceaux.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be going to this nice school and staying in the nice dorm I'm staying in.
Si ce n'était pas pour lui, Je ne serais pas dans cette chouette école. Et je ne resterais pas dans ce chouette dortoir où je dors.
If it wasn't for that, we would have caught him.
Sans ça on l'aurait eu.
If it wasn't for you, they never would have found him.
Sans vous, ils ne l'auraient jamais trouvé.
If it wasn't for him, I'd kill you.
Sans lui, je te tuais. Je me tuais après.
Well, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have this competitive drive, now, would I?
Eh bien, si ce n'était pas pour lui, je ne me serais pas lancé dans cette course.
If it wasn't for him...
Si ce n'était pas pour lui...
Things'd be much better, Ralph, if it wasn't for him.
Tout irait tellement mieux s'il n'était pas là.
He coached my Little League team. I wouldn't even be a lawyer if it wasn't for him. I'm sure his dog loves him, too.
Il faudra plus que de l'indignation pour le faire condamner.
I'd ask you to stay the night if it wasn't for uncle Bud. But I don't want him talking you into this mess.
Je te demanderais bien de rester pour la nuit si c'était pas pour Oncle Bud.
I would've killed myself if it wasn't for him.
Je me serais tuée sans lui.
You know if it wasn't for him... we wouldn't have the pleasure of being assembled here tonight, in our fabulous house in need of... minor repairs.
Sans lui, nous n'aurions pas le plaisir d'être rassemblés ici ce soir, dans notre fabuleuse maison, qui ne nécessite que quelques petites réparations.
In fact, if it wasn't for him, I'd be in some jail somewhere.
Je lui dois beaucoup. Sans lui, j'aurais fini en prison.
If it wasn't for him, you'd have nothing.
Sans sa bêtise, vous n'auriez rien.
- If it wasn't for him...
Sans lui...

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