It just started translate French
1,111 parallel translation
It's like a cooking course, well, it just started.
C'est un cours de cuisine qui vient de commencer.
- It just started to bleed.
- Comme ça.
I think it just started to hit everybody.
Tout le monde a commencé á s'en rendre compte.
We've just started a clinic here in Dublin and, I wonder, would you like to attend it?
On vient d'ouvrir une clinique ici, à Dublin, est-ce que tu veux te joindre à nous?
It's early labor. It's just started.
- C'est le début de l'accouchement.
And that made me- - I started imagining... like, a garbage can that produces garbage... and it just keeps producing garbage.
Et ça m'a fait penser- - J'ai commencé à imaginer... que la poubelle produisait des ordures... sans fin.
It started coming down. They just wanted to look like a gorgeous movie star -
Illes voulaient juste ressembler à de belles stars de ciné
So I just sat down one day, and I started to write him this big long letter... just to get it all out.
Un jour, je me suis mise à lui écrire une très longue lettre, pour faire sortir tout ça.
It'll be just the way it was when we started the magazine. Just the two of us. Just you and me.
Ce sera comme à nos débuts, rien que nous deux, je le jure.
We just have to hope it started the print copy first.
Espérons que l'impression a commencé avant.
Oh, no. It was just sort of spontaneous. We all just drifted up here and started sharing memories.
On s'est juste réunis spontanément pour partager nos souvenirs.
It started out just as raining a lot, and after a while, we realized it was knocking out centers of civilizations, and rivers were overrunning, and people couldn't get to the places...
Au début, il ne faisait que pleuvoir fort. Après un moment, on a compris que ça dévastait les villes, que les rivières débordaient et que les gens ne pouvaient pas aller...
And it's only just started!
Ca vient juste de commencer!
You think you've started a life... and you hear something like this and it just brings it all back!
Je refais à peine ma vie. Et tout à coup. J'entends cette voix qui me rappelle tout ce cauchemar!
But it just took me a minute, a glimpse, and I was back where I started.
Je sais, mais en un clin d'œil, je me suis retrouvée à la case départ.
I just started it.
Je viens de commencer.
He started it. I was just sitting here.
C'est lui qui a commencé.
That's just how it was when it started on the Vico.
Je reconnais ce bruit. Ca a commencé comme ça sur le Vico.
It was like George just woke up and started to talk.
C'était comme si George s'était réveillé, et avait commencé à parler.
He just started flying it when it got stuck.
Il l'a laissé s'accrocher dans l'arbre.
She said she was pregnant, just like that, and started to devour candies. It's true.
Yeah. It's just that people have started to talk.
Oui, parce que les gens jasent.
It's just that things have started to look a little bleak.
C'est juste que la situation est plutôt... merdeuse.
Well, let's just say I prefer how it started.
J'ai préféré le début de la soirée.
After about a year of recognition and all the bullshit of fame... I just said,''Fuck it''... and I started drawing the dark part of myself again in the comics... which I'd always kept hidden before.
Après un an de célébrité et toute la merde qui va avec, j'ai tout envoyé chier pour laisser parler mon côté obscur, celui que j'avais gardé caché.
So all of a sudden it just broke down... and we all got out, and we waited... and some of us started wandering off.
Soudain, l'autobus est tombe en panne. Nous en sommes descendues et nous avons attendu... et quelques-unes d'entre nous se sont eloignees.
I said, "It's only just started." She said, "A pee."
Je lui dis : "Ça vient juste de commencer." Et elle : "Pipi."
He just went straight over to the tree house and started in on it.
Il est allé tout droit à la cabane et s'est mis à construire.
Maybe it's a fairy tale he made up but it started me thinking... how... how each of us might have turned out if history had been just a little different.
Il m'a peut-être raconté des histoires, mais ça m'a fait réfléchir... Que serions-nous tous devenus si l'histoire avait suivi un autre cours?
Still, it has to be more than just a coincidence that shortly after you arrived, people started to become ill.
Mais ce doit être plus qu'une coïncidence que les gens tombent malades depuis votre arrivée.
Then he just started spitting it out, like a goddamn machine.
Et puis il s'est mis à tout déballer, comme une machine.
It didn't hurt that much, but... I started crying anyway, hoping he would just leave me alone.
Je n'avais pas trop mal... mais j'ai pleuré quand même pour qu'il me laisse tranquille.
It didn't hurt that much, but I started crying anyway, hoping he would just leave me alone.
Je n'avais pas trop mal mais j'ai pleuré pour qu'il me laisse tranquille.
It didn't hurt that much, but... I started crying anyway, just hoping he would leave me alone.
Je n'avais pas trop mal... mais j'ai pleuré quand même, pour qu'il me laisse tranquille.
It didn't hurt that much, but... I started crying anyway, hoping he would just leave me alone.
Je n'avais pas trop mal, mais... j'ai pleuré quand même pour qu'il me laisse tranquille.
I just started thinking about all the bad stuff that can happen and how do I keep it from happening?
Je me suis mise à penser à ce qui pouvait arriver. Et comment je peux l'empêcher?
When it started, I was just trying to be nice to her because she was my brother's girlfriend.
Écoute. Je voulais être gentille. C'est la copine de mon frère.
I'll do anything. You just name it and I'll get started.
Je ferai tout ce que tu voudras.
I could. I just want to get started and get it over with.
- Moi, ça me plairait.
It's just that ever since you started being'my partner... I've been beat up, blown up... shot, kicked out a window... all my worldly possessions burnt to a crisp. Basically, I'm homeless.
C'est juste que depuis qu'on fait équipe, on m'a tabassé... fait sauter... tiré dessus, balancé par la fenêtre... on a brûlé tout ce que je possédais... en gros, je suis un SDF.
She just started making stuff up. A lot of it was the kind of stuff... that she used for herself just for laughs.
Elle s'est mise à leur donner des expressions à elle, pour rire.
It started when I was an ADA, just as you hope to be soon.
J'ai commencé substitut, votre plus cher désir.
And then when the seizures started it just made her lose her confidence somehow.
Et elle a commencé à avoir des crises et c'est là, petit à petit, qu'elle a perdu confiance en elle.
Well, he started feeding it crickets, and the children just love him and we're out of time.
Il lui a donné des grillons à manger et ça a beaucoup plu aux enfants. On n'a plus le temps.
I kept waiting for my life to get started, but it just went on and on.
J'ai toujours attendu que ma vie commence mais elle défilait.
It'd be great if wars were fought just by the assholes who started them.
Et si les fauteurs de guerre étaient seuls á se battre?
It was when I just started.
C'était à mes débuts.
It's just started, and now we have to be apart again.
On vient à peine de se connaître et on doit déjà se séparer.
It's just like when I first started playing the cello.
C'est comme quand j'ai commencé le violoncelle.
It's just I know how you arewhen you get started on a case.
Vu comme tu es quand tu enquêtes...
It's just that when we first started dating, we both got tested.
Quand on a commencé à se voir, on a passé un test.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just happened 309
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just happened 309