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Ivey translate French

89 parallel translation
Seen Ivey around?
Vous avez vu Ivey?
Ivey's not here.
Ivey n'est pas là.
Frank Ivey.
Frank Ivey.
Walt thinks Ivey's only bluffing they won't stop him from taking the stage.
Walt croit qu'Ivey bluffe. Qu'il le laissera partir.
My own father's with Ivey against the man I'm going to marry.
Mon père s'est allié à Ivey contre mon fiancé.
There's still Frank Ivey.
Reste Frank Ivey.
The whole town knows Ivey wanted to marry you.
On sait qu'Ivey veut vous épouser.
- Listen Ivey...
- I suppose Ivey sent you.
Frank Ivey t'envoie?
You've pushed Ivey at me ever since I can remember.
Tu as toujours voulu m'imposer Frank Ivey.
I'm warning you, don't get in my way! And that goes for Ivey!
Ne te mets pas sur mon chemin, et Frank Ivey non plus!
Strong enough to beat both Dad and Ivey at their own business.
Assez pour battre papa et Ivey sur leur terrain.
But I'll never turn to Frank Ivey.
Mais je ne céderai jamais à Ivey.
Ivey scared all the spare hands out of the valley.
Ivey a effrayé tous ceux qui sont libres.
How do you stack up with Frank Ivey?
Toi et Frank Ivey?
Ivey ordered me out of town.
Ivey m'a ordonné de partir.
I can get fifty men to work for nothing. Just for one crack at Ivey.
Cinquante feraient ça pour rien, histoire de se faire Ivey.
Anything we do against Ivey has got to be legal.
On combat Ivey en toute légalité.
I said before, Frank Ivey leaves pretty big tracks.
Frank Ivey laisse de grandes traces.
He said Ivey wasn't God.
Qu'Ivey n'est pas Dieu.
Ivey says he is.
Ivey dit que si.
Ivey's got a line camp near here. It's built of stone.
Ivey a une baraque tout près, en pierre.
Dave, this is Ed Burma. Ivey's tough ramrod.
C'est Ed Burma, l'intendant d'Ivey.
Tell Ben and Ivey that she'll be glad to trade houses.
Elle échangera cette maison contre la sienne.
Two of Ivey's men held him, while Virg...
Ils le tenaient à deux, et Virg...
I'll pay Ivey back for this if it's the last thing I do.
Je revaudrai ça à Frank, quoi qu'il en coûte.
Let's send him back to Ivey in a basket.
On le renvoie à Ivey les pieds devant.
- Who you fighting? Ivey or Burma?
Vous voulez Ivey ou Burma?
- Ivey.
- Ivey.
Ben and Ivey's doing his bail. Three thousand.
Ben et Ivey paient sa caution.
What's Frank Ivey?
Et Frank Ivey?
I want to break Frank Ivey.
Je veux briser Frank Ivey.
Dave will take care of Ivey.
Dave règlera son compte à Ivey.
They'll think Frank Ivey did it.
Ils accuseront Ivey.
Ivey and his crew jumped us about midnight. Set us off of the herd and started shooting.
La bande d'Ivey nous a attaqués hier soir, séparés du troupeau et a tiré.
So Ivey's really gone wild.
Ivey a perdu la tête.
Everyone of them has a grudge against Ivey, and the law has to be immune.
Ils en veulent à Ivey, et la loi doit être neutre.
You know Dad tried to force me to marry Frank Ivey.
Père voulait me faire épouser Ivey.
Frank Ivey killed the sherrif.
Frank Ivey a tué le shérif.
If Frank Ivey hears of this, I'm gonna kill you! Dead!
Si Frank Ivey l'apprend, je te tue!
Frank Ivey was at my place, yesterday, looking for Dave.
Frank Ivey est venu chez moi. Il cherchait Dave.
Frank Ivey will be watching all of us.
Ivey nous surveille tous.
I mean Ivey cutting loose his dogs.
Pourquoi Ivey a lâché sa meute?
The load that gets Ivey.
La balle qui tuera Ivey.
I've seen Ivey work.
J'ai vu Ivey à l'œuvre.
Happy now? Ivey's after us.
Ivey est sur nos traces.
Ivey doesn't want her.
Ivey ne la cherche pas.
No. Ivey knows we were at the mine.
Ivey sait d'où on vient.
Ivey shouldn't have got Bill Schell that way.
Ivey n'aurait pas dû tuer Bill comme ça.
Ivey didn't find out from me.
Ivey ne l'a pas appris par moi.
Names like Phil Ivey...
Des noms comme Phil Ivey...

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