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Jim morrison translate French

94 parallel translation
- Jim Morrison.
- Jim Morrison.
A bit of Jim Morrison, a bit of Elton John.
Un peu Jim Morrison, un peu Elton John.
You actually saw Jim Morrison.
Jim Morrison, en chair et en os.
Jim Morrison.
Jim Morrison.
Look that's Jim Morrison.
Regarde, c'est Jim Morrison.
Andy, this is Jim Morrison of the world-famous Doors musical group.
Andy, c'est Jim Morrison du fameux groupe de rock the Doors.
Are you saying you want to marry me, Jim Morrison?
Qu'est-ce que c'est, une demande en mariage Jim Morrisson?
- I just have one more thing to say to you, Jim Morrison :
- J'ai une dernière petite chose à te dire Jim Morrisson :
Do you hear me, Jim Morrison?
Tu m'entends Jim Morrisson?
I want you to come back in here this minute, Jim Morrison.
Je t'ordonne de revenir ici imédiatement Jim Morrisson.
I knew it was you, Jim Morrison.
Je savais que c'est toi Jim Morrisson.
- I'm Jim Morrison.
- Jim Morrison.
Last night, Jim Morrison spoke to me.
Cette nuit, Jim Morrison m'a parlé.
Did Jim Morrison give you Del Preston's exact address?
Jim Morrison t'a donné l'adresse exacte de Del Preston?
Was it Jim Morrison?
C'était... Jim Morrison?
Jim Morrison and his weird naked Indian friend visited me in the night and assured me that all the bands will come.
Jim Morrison et l'Indien à poil me sont apparus cette nuit et m'ont dit que les groupes viendraient.
I don't know if you should mention that Jim Morrison thing any more.
Wayne, essaie d'éviter de parler de Jim Morrison.
I said, "Who are you?" He said, " Jim Morrison.
Je lui dis : "Qui es-tu?" Il dit :
I'm a dead rock star. "
"Jim Morrison, une ex-star du rock."
Jim Morrison said, "If you book them, they will come."
Jim a dit : "Engage-les et ils viendront."
Jim Morrison, Jack Nicholson add a bloody pail of nitrate and you got Mickey and Mallory.
Jim Morrison, Jack Nicholson... plus un baril de poudre, ça vous donne Mickey et Mallory.
But... well, when anyone ever asked me, I always said I was named Jim... after Jim Morrison of The Doors...'cause, you know... he had this great kind of life... just traveling around and writing his songs... and having women beg him to do it to them... even to take his...
Mais, quand on me demandait, je disais toujours que c'était pour Jim Morrison, des Doors. Parce que, il a eu une super vie.
He wants to try making it in New York as the next Jim Morrison.
Il est allé à New York et rêve d'être le prochain Jim Morrison.
That's the whole reason this movement started.
Nous pensons que cet homme pourrait être Jim Morrison.
"Liberace Unplugged," "Jim Morrison Sings Irving Berlin" and Kurt Cobain's "Christmas Album."
Liberace, Jim Morrison chante Irving Berlin et les chants de Noël de Kurt Cobain.
I love Jim Morrison. Yes.
Je suis folle de Jim Morrisson.
Terry was supposed to come in and record us in our natural environment.
D'ici là, tu seras peut-être le nouveau... Le nouveau Jim Morrison.
What I suggest that we do is we'll sit on it until spring and who knows you, by then you could be the biggest name since, since Jim Morrison.
Dis "ah". Pour sa première soirée avec nous, on était tous sous acide.
Because Marlene Dietrich died there and so did Jim Morrison
Marlene Dietrich est morte là bas tout comme Jim Morrison
You know, like, like Jim Morrison or Kurt Cobain.
Du genre Jim Morrison ou Kurt Cobain.
Jim Morrison?
Jim Morrison?
However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming...
Cependant, Elvis et Jim Morrison viennent
Jim Morrison passed out in there one night... with me underneath him.
Jim Morrison y a tourné de l'oeil. J'étais sous lui.
Jim Morrison is a ghost, and so are you.
Jim Morrison est un fantôme, toi aussi.
Jim Morrison. "I am the Lizard King."
Jim Morrison. "Je suis le Roi-Lézard."
Jim Morrison, not Van Morrison. Jeez.
Jim Morrison, pas Van Morrison.
OK, Jim Morrison. She was talking about him like she... knew him or something.
Elle en parlait comme si elle le connaissait.
- Jim Morrison lives, man!
- Arrête vieux! - Fascistes! Laissez-les jouer!
Jim Morrison says hello.
Jim Morrisson vous dit bonjour...
Jim Morrison is not hanging out with Elvis, and the Kennedys did not kill Marilyn.
Jim Morrison ne traîne pas avec Elvis et les Kennedy n'ont pas tué Marilyn
What's it going to be like... when Lennon and Hendrix and Janis... and Jim Morrison and all the gods of rock'n'roll are like... old and fat and bald and shit?
Ce sera comme... Quand Lennon, Hendrix et Janis... et Jim Morrison ainsi que toutes les légendes du rock n'roll, comme... vieux et gros, chauve et nul?
The Jim Morrison of Kentucky.
Le Jim Morrison du Kentucky.
And my idol is Jim Morrison.
Et mon idole c'est Jim Morrison.
That's an impression of your fingernails from the foam insulation in Jim Morrison's mouth.
C'est l'empreinte de vos ongles de la mousse extraite de la bouche de Jim Morrison.
It's not like we're being obnoxious and asking someone to take a picture of us in front of Jim Morrison's grave.
Ce n'est pas comme si on avait été désagréables en demandant à quelqu'un de nous prendre en photo devant la tombe de Jim Morrison.
Wow, it's like finding Jim Morrison alive.
C'est comme retrouver Jim Morrison vivant.
It's to see Jim Morrison's grave.
Pour voir la tombe de Jim Morrison.
Jim Morrison.
Pourquoi Jim Morrison?
- Do you like Jim Morrison?
- T'aimes Jim Morrison?
Jeannot very angry with me. Mad at me, because of Jim Morrison.
Jeannot très en colère avec moi à cause de Jim Morrison.
I kinda likeJim Morrison's thought.
J'aime la pensée de Jim Morrison.

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