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Joe dimaggio translate French

88 parallel translation
Joe DiMaggio couldn't have done better.
Joe Di Maggio n'aurait pas fait mieux.
You? Why, you don't even know what team Joe DiMaggio played for.
Tu ne sais même pas dans quelle équipe jouait Joe DiMaggio.
Who is Joe DiMaggio playing for?
Pour qui joue Joe DiMaggio?
"Their only hope is to find an antidote... " something that will reverse the process...
Comme si tu perdais et que tu voyais Joe DiMaggio arriver sur le marbre.
"from the bodies of its victims."
Je ne connais pas Joe DiMaggio.
'The only real pleasure I'd had at all'was following Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees.
Mon seul vrai plaisir était de suivre Joe DiMaggio des New York Yankees
It's like if you'd gone to school with Joe DiMaggio.
C'est comme si t'avais connu DiMaggio gamin.
And among you young men, there may be a Joe DiMaggio, a President Eisenhower or even a Vice President Nixon.
Et parmi les garçons, un Joe DiMaggio, un président Eisenhower ou même un vice-président Nixon.
Joe DiMaggio hit in 56 consecutive games.
Joe DiMaggio a gagné 56 matchs d'affilée.
Joe DiMaggio.
Joe DiMaggio.
Now, uh... Of course not Joe DiMaggio, but one or another of your baseball heroes, he sells his name and his picture to the cereal company for money, saying he eats their cereal when in fact he probably drinks beer
Bien sûr, pas Joe DiMaggio, mais l'un ou l'autre de tes héros de baseball vend son nom et son image à la société de céréales pour de l'argent, en disant qu'il mange leurs céréales
I'm holding out for Joe DiMaggio Mazilli.
J'insiste sur Joe DiMaggio Mazilli.
They were between the Yankee centerfielder Joe DiMaggio, the Prince of Players, the Star of Stars, and the Dodger left-fielder,
C'était Joe DiMaggio, le champ centre des Yankees, le prince des joueurs, la vedette des vedettes, et le champ gauche des Dodgers,
And he doesn't realize it was hit by Joe DiMaggio.
Il ne réalise pas qu'elle a été frappée par Joe DiMaggio.
Don't get upset if my skirt blows up It was you who showed me how to drop my guard and marry Joe DiMaggio and I'll do it for you
Ne te fâche pas si ma jupe se déchire c'est toi qui m'a montré comment baisser ma garde et marrie toi avec Joe Dimaggio et je le ferai pour toi
I just saw Joe DiMaggio in Dinky Doughnuts.
J'ai vu Joe DiMaggio chez Dinky.
Joe DiMaggio? - In Dinky Doughnuts? - Yes.
Joe DiMaggio dégustant un beignet chez Dinky?
- Joe DiMaggio. - No.
Oui, Joe DiMaggio.
I'm sorry. If Joe DiMaggio wants a doughnut, he goes to a fancy restaurant. He's not sitting in Dinky Doughnuts.
Pardon, si Joe DiMaggio veut un beignet, il va au restaurant ou à l'hôtel, pas chez Dinky.
I can't see Joe DiMaggio sitting at the counter at little, tiny, filthy, smelly Dinky Doughnuts.
Joe DiMaggio ne mangerait jamais dans un endroit aussi miteux que Dinky.
Look, I'm telling... I'm telling you, that was Joe DiMaggio.
Ecoute, je te dis... que c'était Joe DiMaggio.
I saw DiMaggio in the doughnut shop again.
J'ai revu Joe DiMaggio chez Dinky.
- Joe DiMaggio? Joe DiMaggio.
- Joe DiMaggio?
- Joe DiMaggio dunks his doughnuts?
Il trempe ses beignets?
Joe DiMaggio could not be a dunker.
DiMaggio n'est pas un trempeur.
- What? - Joe DiMaggio.
- Joe DiMaggio.
Trading bats for bullets, Yankee Joe DiMaggio promises to give those Nazis a jolt.
Laissant sa batte pour les armes, Joe DiMaggio... a promis de secouer les Nazis.
Joe D.'s the greatest ballplayer.
Joe DiMaggio a été le meilleur de tous les temps.
I saw Joe DiMaggio in Dinky Doughnuts again.
J'ai revu Joe DiMaggio au Dinky Donuts.
- Well, I wanted to be Joe DiMaggio.
Je voulais être Joe di Maggio. Moi aussi.
- Yeah, Al... But you see, that's what this country needs, is an intellectual Joe DiMaggio, with the women and the money and all of it, but from his brain instead of a bat and ball. - Dan.
Le pays a besoin d'un di Maggio intello... couvert de femmes et d'argent, mais grâce à son cerveau... plutôt qu'à son bâton.
How is Joe DiMaggio, the baseball player, doing?
Comment s'en tire DiMaggio cette année?
New York defeated Chicago 4-0 led by jolting Joe DiMaggio hitting 400.
New York a battu Chicago 4 à 0 grâce à DiMaggio qui est arrivé à 400.
Sixty-seven thousand fans at Municipal Stadium in Cleveland watching to see if Joe DiMaggio can keep his 56-game hitting streak alive.
67 000 supporters sont au stade de Cleveland pour voir si DiMaggio passera le cap de sa 56e partie.
It's a double play! DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak is stopped!
Joe DiMaggio n'a pas passé le cap de sa 56e partie.
Yeah, that's Joe DiMaggio.
Oui, c'est Joe DiMaggio.
Joe DiMaggio?
- Joe DiMaggio?
Terry Crabtree of Bartizan has also decided to publish my own book... a critical exploration of the union of Joe DiMaggio... and Marilyn Monroe... and its function in American mythopoetics... which, tentatively, I have entitled...
Terry Crabtree, de Bartizan, a décidé de publier mon livre. Un examen critique du mariage de Joe DiMaggio... et Marilyn Monroe, et de sa fonction dans la mythologie américaine... que j'ai intitulé provisoirement...
Joe DiMaggio, hands down.
DiMaggio, sans hésiter.
Hey, you know who used to like tea? Joe DiMaggio.
Joe DiMaggio aimait le thé.
At approximately 7 : 30 p.m., she received a call from her former stepson Joe DiMaggio Jr. and she was delighted.
Vers 19h30, elle reçut un appel... de son ex-beau-fils, Joe DiMaggio Junior, ce qui la ravit.
Former husband Joe DiMaggio arranged a private ceremony to which none of Marilyn's Hollywood friends were invited.
Son ex-mari, Joe DiMaggio, avait organisé une cérémonie privée... a laquelle aucun de ses amis d'Hollywood ne fut convié.
You might be Einstein. You might be DiMaggio.
Peut-être serez-vous Einstein, peut-être Joe DiMaggio...
Really. You might be Einstein... you might be DiMaggio.
Peut-être serez-vous Einstein, peut-être Joe DiMaggio...
He's got Lou Gehrig's rookie card, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, tons of others.
Il les a toutes. Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays.
Little did I know he would soon become Mrs. Joe DiMaggio and...
Figurez-vous qu'il allait bientôt devenir Mme Joe DiMaggio, et...
Hey. Joe DiMaggio.
Hé, Joe DiMaggio.
Don't get upset if my skirt blows up It was you who showed me how to drop my guard and marry Joe DiMaggio and I'll do it for you
Ne te fâche pas si ma jupe se déchire c'est toi qui m'a montré comment baisser ma garde et marrie toi avec Joe DiMaggio etje le ferai pour toi
I'm pretty sure the gunman in the grassy knoll was either Arthur Miller or Joe DiMaggio.
Un des tireurs de JFK devait être Arthur Miller ou Joe DiMaggio.
One more and you break DiMaggio's record 56 straight.
Encore une fois et tu battras le record de Joe di Maggio avec 56 points.
And are you a good friend of Joe DiMaggio? No, we're not friends.
Non, on n'est pas amis.

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