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Translate.vc / English → French / [ J ] / Johnno

Johnno translate French

71 parallel translation
He is a well-built man. He dresses and speaks well. He is known as Johnno.
C'est un homme de belle stature, il s'habille et parle bien, il est connu sous le nom de John O.
But has the prosecution been able to produce this Johnno?
Mais l'avocat général a-t-il pu nous produire ce John O?
I put it to you that this man, this Johnno, does not exist.
Car cet homme, ce John O, n'existe pas.
Can you deprive this man of his liberty because of someone, some unknown man named Johnno?
Peut-on priver cet homme de sa liberté à cause d'un homme inconnu qui se nommerait John O? Je pense que non.
You mean, perhaps there never was a man called Johnno?
Que John O n'existe pas?
Well-built, known as Johnno.
Vous croyez... Occupe un poste de confiance.
Mrs. Gale claimed that Johnno is, in fact, a Mr. John Steed. " Your accusation word for word.
Elle a prétendu également que Wescott s'était adressé à Steed par ce même nom.
Wescott was actually heard to address Steed as Johnno. " Stuck my neck out.
Cela devrait faire réfléchir M. Steed.
It's nice to see that Johnno does exist.
Du thé? J'espêre que la petite fouille ne vous a pas trop ennuyé.
It'll all be over by 5 : 00, Johnno said so.
Je serai en retard.
- You stole them from Johnno, didn't you?
- Tu les as piquées à Johnno, hein?
And Johnno, well, Johnno was a Brigadoon man.
Et Johnno, hé bien, Johnno était fan de "Brigadoon".
- Johno, you're still here man?
Johnno! Toujours là, alors?
Oh, not feeling queasy are we, johno?
Alors Johnno, un peu patraque?
Johnno tripped up Dean Hurst and he got 300 stitches in his face and when his mum found out she did her dirty business on his dad's Astra.
Johnno a fait un croche-pied à Dean qui a eu 300 points de suture au visage et quand sa mère l'a su, elle s'est fait tirer par Johnno dans l'Astra de son père.
Johno is a bloody financial advisor.
Johnno était un putain de... conseiller financier.
Go and get a lawyer, Johnno.
Va voir un avocat, Johnno.
Yeah, the fucking bridge is built, Johnno.
Le pont est fini, Johnno.
Yeah. You know what the end of the world is, Johnno?
Tu sais ce que c'est, la fin du monde?
Come on over. You taking visitors, Johnno?
Tu as de la visite, Johnno.
Wrong number, Johnno.
Une erreur, Johnno.
You still hunting with them deer slugs, Johnno?
Tu chasses toujours avec des balles pour chevreuil?
I'll tell you what, Johnno.
Je vais te dire.
What are you doing here, Johnno?
Qu'est-ce que tu fous ici, Johnno?
What are you talking about, Johnno?
De quoi tu parles, Johnno?
Sit down, Johnno.
I wasn't gonna let'em hurt you, Johnno.
Elles t'auraient pas fait de mal.
I don't shoot dogs, Johnno. Go on!
Je bute pas les chiens, Johnno.
Let's just talk about this, Johnno.
Parlons de ça.
You know what a big ol'pile of cash will do to a poor man, don't you, Johnno?
Tu sais ce qu'un pauvre homme devient devant un tas de biffetons?
He give me some old cockamamie bullshit song-and-dance about how he was gonna look me up as soon as he got his hands on that stash, and swearing up and down that somebody snatched it from where he dug it up after it were buried, and got a good mind it was you, Johnno.
Il m'a raconté des histoires, il a dit qu'il penserait à moi dès qu'il aurait récupéré le fric, et il jurait qu'on lui avait piqué là où il l'avait enterré, et il savait que c'était toi, Johnno.
I'll tell you the God's honest truth, Johnno, the drunker I get, the more reasonable the most un-fuckin - reasonable things seem to me.
Je te jure que c'est vrai, plus je suis bourré, plus les trucs dingues me semblent raisonnables.
Old Ira weren't bullshitting all them years about being a rich man, neither, but that much you know, huh, Johnno?
Ira ne faisait pas semblant d'être riche non plus, mais tu le sais bien.
Don't take that little pencil-dick Cornish just for bluster, Johnno.
Ne prends pas cette petite bite de Cornish pour un vantard.
Shouldn't ought to done that, Johnno.
T'aurais pas dû faire ça.
I ain't got no friends, Johnno.
J'ai pas de copains, Johnno.
I wasn't gonna let him hurt you, Johnno.
Je l'aurais pas laissé te faire du mal.
What did you take that money for, Johnno?
Pourquoi t'as pris ce fric?
What did you take that money for, Johnno?
What'd you take that money for, Johnno?
Pourquoi t'as pris ce fric?
I'm gonna blow that head clean off, Johnno.
Je vais te faire sauter la cervelle.
I'm johnno mitcham.
Johnno Mitcham.
Mark, Luke and johnno.
Mark, Luke et Johnno.
Johnno : You know, you were my first kiss.
Tu sais tu as été mon premier baiser.
Johnno : Do you have to work in the morning?
Est-ce que tu vas travailler demain matin?
Johnno : Salut!
Now, Mrs. Gale, this is supposed to be a celebration. And you really have something to celebrate, don't you, Johnno? Oh, yes.
N'est-ce pas, "John O"?
" on the mysterious man, Johnno,
Mme Gale prétend que John O serait un certain John Steed.
Son of a bitch, Johnno.
Hello, johnno? It's Robin.
Salut, Johnno.
Was johnno involved?
Johnno était impliqué?

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