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Jonno translate French

40 parallel translation
- You must be Jonno.
Jonno, c'est ça?
- Call the station, Jonno.
- Appelle un taxi, Jonno.
Jonno, lock that door.
Jonno, verrouille la porte.
ROY : Jonno, let's go.
Jonno, on y va.
JONNO : If we take the tunnel, we'll make it.
- Si on prend le tunnel.
No, Jonno didn't make it.
Non. Jonno est mort.
- Cheers, Jonno.
- Merci, Jonno.
Me, Jonno and Kel worked it out.
Avec Kel et Jonno, on l'a réussie.
Took a one-two from Jonno, he's gone, "Danno!"
Une-deux avec Jonno. Il fait "Danno"!
Get in your cell, Jonno, you lot get back!
- Là-dedans Jonno et vous dégagez.
Oi, Jonno, he's dead!
Jonno, il est mort le mec.
Jonno! Come back here, you stupid bitch!
Reviens tout de suite, putain.
Jonno! You stay out of it.
C'est pas vos affaires.
Put you in instead, shall we, Jonno?
- Tu veux sa place, Jonno?
Jonno gave it in.
Jonno l'a rendue.
The thing about rape, Jonno, you leave a lot of DNA behind.
C'est un viol. T'as laissé ton ADN.
Whatever it is, Jonno, I don't care.
Peu importe ce que tu veux, je m'en fous.
You're a cunt, Jonno.
T'es un connard.
I don't know what you're going to do, Jonno, because I think I just told you I quit.
Je sais pas ce que tu vas faire. Je crois t'avoir dit que je démissionnais.
Yeah, very funny, Jonno.
Très drôle.
Keep up, Jonno, mate.
Faut suivre, mon grand.
All right?
Ça va? Moi c'est Jonno.
I'm Jonno. I read your profile, twice.
J'ai lu ton profil, deux fois.
But they were all weirdos, so I found Jonno by the photocopier.
Ils étaient tous louches, alors j'ai trouvé Jonno à la photocopieuse.
Are you seeing anyone now? I'm Jonno.
- Moi c'est Jonno.
Jonno, it's all right to go home.
La soirée est finie.
Hey, how's it going?
Comment ça va? - Avec Jonno?
- How's it going with Jonno? - Yeah, I don't really know why he's here.
- Je ne sais pas ce qu'il fait là.
Look, just give Jonno a chance. You never give guys a chance.
Tu ne laisses jamais de chance aux mecs.
Jonno's not like the Matts.
Jonno n'est pas comme les Matt.
What is the plan here, Jonno?
C'est quoi l'idée?
It's not you, Jonno. It's just...
Ce n'est pas toi.
~ All right? I'm Jonno.
- Salut, moi c'est Jonno.
It's not you, Jonno.
C'est pas contre toi.
Don't you fucking go. Jonno!
Bordel, reste.
We've had a suicide, Jonno.
On a eu un suicide, Jonno.
Don't do this, Jonno. You don't want to do this!
Fais pas ça, Jonno.
Jonno, get over here.
Jonno, viens par là.
I'm Jonno.
Moi c'est Jonno.

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