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Keats translate French

275 parallel translation
What is it, Mrs. Keats?
Qu'y a-t-il, Mme Keats?
- I didn't know I was nameless, Mrs. Keats.
- J'ignorais être de père inconnu.
This cuff's a bit frayed, but I don't suppose Keats was very dressy.
Ce poignet est un peu effiloché.
It's Keats. "l behold upon the night starred face... huge cloudy symbols of a high..." 7 letters.
De Keats : "Quand je vois au front étoilé de la nuit " les symboles nébuleux d'une noble... " Un mot en 7 lettres.
But for England I'm ready to call John Donne, Dryden, Pope, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley and Keats, Tennyson, Bridges...
Pour l'Angleterre je peux citer : John Donne, Dryden, Pope, Wordsworth et Coleridge, Shelley et Keats,
Chambers, my name's Arthur Keats.
Arthur Keats...
Mr. Keats, do me a favor and tell Cora- -
Mais... il m'a eu. Rendez-moi un service.
That lawyer, Keats, he's nothing but a police stool pigeon.
Ce Keats n'est qu'un mouchard de la police!
You and Keats fixed it so that I tried to kill you too.
Paraît que c'est moi qui ai essayé de te tuer!
- Well, how are you, Mr. Keats? - Hello.
- Comment ça va, M. Keats?
- Hi, Mr. Keats.
- Bonjour, M. Keats.
I'm way ahead of you, Mr. Keats. And I'll handle this.
J'ai déjà pris mes dispositions.
- Notice his necktie, Mr. Keats. It's my wedding present to him.
Cette cravate, c'est mon cadeau de mariage.
Mr. Keats, would you drive me to the station, please? Leave it to me.
Pourriez-vous me déposer à la gare?
No, thanks, Mr. Keats. I'm gonna to see if I can't get that blond out of my system.
Non, merci... je vais essayer d'oublier cette blonde.
It was still in the files when I left Keats so I took it.
Je l'ai trouvée dans les dossiers de M. Keats.
I remember her crying once when I was reading an ode of Keats'because it was so beautiful.
Je l'ai vue en larmes quand je lisais une ode de Keats. Elle était émue par sa beauté.
She had what Keats probably would have called a sort of lovely purity.
Elle avait ce que Keats aurait appelé une ravissante pureté.
This is the ode of Keats'I read to her when she was a little girl.
Je lui avais lu ce poème.
The Nightingale. Strange to find a sea captain quoting Keats.
Curieux, un marin capable de citer Keats.
Well, Keats, Shelley and Marlowe beat her by a couple of years anyway. They were immortal before they were 30. - Classroom stuff.
Keats, Shelley et Marlowe l'ont été avant d'avoir 30 ans.
- Keats.
- Keats.
- It's Keats.
- C'est Keats.
Poèmes de Browning, Shelley, Keats.
You want to talk of Keats or Milton
" Vous parlerez de Keats ou Milton
Somehow Keats will survive Without you
" Keats survivra... Sans vous
Or keats or shelley?
Ou Keats ou Shelley?
Do you, Keats?
Vraiment, Keats?
For why, Keats, for why?
Pour quoi faire, Keats?
Keats, there are more things to life than breaking and entering.
Keats, il y a des choses plus importantes dans la vie que les casses.
Keats, I think we'd better arrange...
Keats, je pense que nous devrions arranger...
- Done what, Keats?
- Réussi quoi, Keats?
no longer do we have to be content with keats's "seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness"
Nous ne devons plus nous contenter de "Saisons de brume et douce abondance" de Keats, ou
I wonder what my chances are of interesting you kids in John Keats.
Je me demande si je peux vous intéresser à Keats.
I think Keats would have said it differently,... but I'll accept that.
Keats aurait tourné ça autrement. Mais tu as raison.
No Keats or Shelley.
Pas de Keats, ni de Shelley.
Is it like in Ode of Mr. Keats?
Comme dans l'ode de M. Keats?
Mary, they will end up destroying you as they destroyed Keats... if you do not learn to rise above the critics as I do,
Mary, les critiques te détruiront si tu n'apprends pas à les mépriser comme moi.
- Keats?
- Keats?
Did you know Keats?
Avez-vous connu Keats?
I thought I saw Keats the other day - What? - in Hampstead crossing the road to his house where he lived.
J'ai cru voir Keats l'autre jour à Hampstead... traverser la rue pour aller chez lui...
- Was that John Keats?
- John Keats?
My man John Keats said that.
C'est de mon pote John Keats.
Ode to Psyche by John Keats.
Et il lit l'Ode à Psyché de John Keats.
Don't wipe it off, Mr. Keats.
N'essuyez pas mon rouge.
- How's Mr. Keats? - Me and him had a little argument.
- Que devient M. Keats?
No, you didn't understand Mr. Keats at all.
T'as donc rien pigé?
That's Keats, isn't it?
Keats? Le Rossignol
- Keats.

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