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Knightmare translate French

34 parallel translation
Japan could not stand for even one month before it was defeated. rights and honor... and finally even its name were taken from it.
Face à la nouvelle arme de Britannia, les Knightmare Frames, le Japon ne tint pas un mois, et perdit sa liberté, ses traditions, ses droits, sa fierté... et son nom.
Now hand over your Knightmare to me.
Ton Knightmare... Tu vas me le donner.
Not yet... how much experience do you have in piloting a Knightmare Frame?
- Je vois... Soldat Kururugi. As-tu déjà été aux commandes d'un Knightmare Frame?
The only Knightmare of its type in the world awaits you!
Un modèle de Knightmare unique au monde t'attend!
The world's first 7th generation Knightmare Frame.
Un Knightmare Frame de 7e génération unique au monde.
We made a promise to share a future together, didn't we?
CLAMP Character design : Takahiro Kimura Knightmare design :
the Britannian army used the Mobile Humanoid Armor Vehicles in combat for the first time.
Lors de la bataille décisive sur le sol japonais, Britannia inaugura ses unités blindées anthropomorphes, les Knightmare Frames.
The target is leaving the settlement and is heading towards the ghetto.
Un slash-harken? Un Knightmare!
You are the legitimate child of the last Japanese Prime Minister.
CLAMP Character design : Takahiro Kimura Knightmare design :
Ce Knightmare noir, c'est celui des infos, hein?
How do I say this...
- Ça fait plaisir... - Mais face au Knightmare blanc...
That Knightmare before!
Ce Knightmare...
It's a single Knightmare with unusual breakthrough power.
Par un seul Knightmare surpuissant.
We'd be a target for the enemy if we escaped in a Knightmare.
Un Knightmare pourrait être pris pour cible par l'ennemi.
That powerful armor is the only good thing about your Knightmare!
La seule qualité de ce Knightmare est sa résistance?
Master Rolo said he'll escort us out of here after he secures a Knightmare.
Rolo va s'emparer d'un Knightmare afin de nous escorter.
Why didn't you take Schneizel captive immediately?
Schneizel n'était escorté que d'un seul Knightmare!
What's this Albion thingy? but I wouldn't want to hand that to you right now.
C'est quoi, l'Albion? Le Knightmare développé spécialement pour Suzaku Kururugi. Mais vu ton état, c'est non.
which means...
Le Knightmare de neuvième génération...
He's known as the Knightmare!
Voici le Chevauchorreur!
The Knightmare is in league with the devil.
Le Chevauchorreur fait équipe avec le diable.
The Knightmare has a reputation to maintain.
Le Chevauchorreur a une réputation à maintenir.
The Knightmare, which is why I'm not alone.
Le Chevauchorreur, voilà pourquoi je ne suis pas seul.
Well, never knew you were so puny, Knightmare.
Bien, jamais su que tu étais si petit, Chevauchorreur.
No-one outwits the Knightmare.
Personne ne surpasse le Chevauchorreur.
- Please, Knightmare, I don't want to die.
- S'il te plait, je ne veux pas mourir.
Sam Swift has been captured and he swore the Knightmare was heading in this direction.
Sam Swift a été capturé. et il a juré que le Chevauchorreur venait vers ici.
I have not seen the Knightmare.
Je n'ai pas vu le Chevauchorreur.
All I want is to bring the Knightmare to justice.
Je veux amener le Chevauchorreur à la justice.
It's the Knightmare, cloaked and in disguise, bound for Tyburn.
C'est le Chevauchorreur, déguisé et masqué, allant vers Tyburn.
Tachitsukusu jibun wo mitsume { \ cH00FF00 } With undisguised frustration feeling anguished deciding what to do
Knightmare design : Akira Yasuda Eiji Nakada - Junichi Akutsu ( Bee craft )
kowaresouna hitomi de mitsumeru { \ cH00FF00 } With fragile eyes osaekirenai chikara dake { \ cH00FF00 } Only my unchecked power hanasazu ni tobitatsu { \ cH00FF00 } Flies out without separating from me meguriai ga ugokidasu { \ cH00FF00 } Chance encounters hasten... unmei wo hayamete { \ cH00FF00 } Destiny as it starts to move
Knightmare design : Akira Yasuda Eiji Nakada - Junichi Akutsu ( Bee craft )
sekai ga kuchihatetemo { \ cH00FF00 } Even if the world crumbles apart kawaru koto no nai mono ga aru { \ cH00FF00 } There are things which will never change namida wo koraete demo { \ cH00FF00 } Even as we bear tears in our eyes
Knightmare design : Akira Yasuda Eiji Nakada - Junichi Akutsu ( Bee Craft )

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