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Kobi translate French

21 parallel translation
There might be something at Kobi, but I doubt it.
Il pourrait y avoir quelque chose à Kobe, mais j'en doute.
You're getting off at Kobi, the next stop. - Then I can stay?
Eh bien, descendez à Kobe, la prochaine escale.
We're gonna be in Kobi in just a few minutes now.
On arrive à Kobe dans quelques minutes.
What do you want to see?
- On joue quoi? - Une pièce de Kobi Sato.
Man, that show is always awesome!
Monsieur, Kobi est toujours excellent.
Sato Kobi and Igarashi Kimiko are here in my hands.
Je détiens Kobi Sato et Kimiko Igarashi.
So, did you change your mind?
Alors, Kobi?
And the Kobi.
Et le Kobi.
Kobi, Lt. Kobi, co-pilot,
Kobi, lieutenant Kobi, co-pilote,
Editing by Kobi Netanel and Monica Coleman
Au montage Kobi Netanel et Monica Coleman
Sorry for the noise, but... now you know that Kobi and Moshe Peretz aren't the same singer.
Désolé pour le boucan, mais... au moins maintenant tu sais que Kobi et Moshe Peretz sont deux chanteurs différents.
- Kobi.
- Kobi.
Good man, Kobi.
Tu es un mec bien, Kobi.
So, what brings you out here tonight, Kobi?
Pourquoi es-tu là ce soir, Kobi?
I am reporting for Kobi Kihara.
En duplex pour Kobi Kihara.
So, my boss, Kobi Kihara, was wondering if we could do a follow-up story on you.
Mon patron, Kobi Kihara, aimerait faire un reportage sur vous.
Very kind of you to say, and "Kobi" is just fine.
C'est gentil à vous. Appelez-moi "Kobi".
What do you pay for a liter of water that is packed to your home, Miss Kobi?
Combien payez-vous un litre d'eau chez vous, Mlle Kobi?
- When do we get to Kobi?
- Quand arrive-t-on à Kobe?
We're gonna be in Kobi in 15 minutes.
Allez, debout.

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