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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Lara

Lara translate French

1,130 parallel translation
Lara, I want you to be free...
Lara, je veux que tu sois libre...
Is Lara still at your place? Is she all right?
Lara est toujours chez toi?
- Home, Lara.
- On rentre, Lara.
All I can tell you, Lara, is that if he persists in predicting the end of the world, it'll be the end, all right.
Lara, s'il persiste... à prédire la fin du monde, ce sera effectivement la fin.
- Lara, he's lying.
- Lara, il ment.
Please, Lara.
Je t'en prie, Lara.
Lara, please, this is madness!
Lara, je t'en prie, c'est de la folie!
Lara, I could send you with him.
Lara, tu peux l'accompagner.
- And I am Lara.
- Et, moi, Lara.
Some are afraid of me like Jor-El and Lara warned.
Certains me craignent... comme l'avait dit Jor-El.
The hearing is in recess and Admiral T'Lara has retired to her quarters to begin deliberations.
L'audience a été suspendue. L'amirale T'Lara s'est retirée pour commencer les délibérations.
We have faith in Admiral T'Lara's judgment.
Nous avons foi en le jugement de l'amirale T'Lara.
We must know about Frank Sinatra and Agustin Lara.
On doit connaitre Frank Sinatra et Agustin Lara.
If I had to guess, sir, - I'd say Lara.
Si je devais deviner, capitaine, je dirais Lara.
- Lara?
Can you send for Lara Means?
Tu peux faire venir Lara Means?
- Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas, Lara.
Joyeux noël.
Lara, I think Jordan sees the way you do.
Lara, je crois que Jordan a le même genre de visions que vous.
- Lara Means. Forensic psychologist.
- Lara Means, expert psychiatre.
Here's my thing, Lara.
Je vais vous dire.
Whoo, look at the time. Gotta go, Lara. Gotta go.
Eh, t'as vu l'heure?
Gotta get the show on the road.
On part, Lara. Faut y aller.
Come on, Ivar.
Allez Ivar. Lara.
Lara. Let's get the show on the road.
Commençons le spectacle.
Jodie, Daria. I'd like you to meet Lara, Graham and Cassidy.
Je vous présente Lara, Graham et Cassidy.
Lara, why don't you fill Jodie and Daria in on the many advantages of a Grove Hills education?
Lara, explique à Jodie et Daria tous les avantages qu'apporte l'école de Grove Hills.
My name is Catherine Black, and this is Lara Means.
Je m'appelle Catherine Black, et voici Lara Means.
Lara, you're just seeing what you want to see.
Vous voyez ce que vous voulez voir.
- Lara? - I have to find him.
Je dois le trouver.
- It's Lara.
C'est Lara.
The Millennium Group doesn't uncover truths, Lara.
Le Groupe Millennium ne dévoile pas la vérité.
You have to be there before you can answer that question, Lara.
On doit le vivre avant de pouvoir répondre à cette question, Lara.
My name is Lara Means.
Je m'appelle Lara Means.
Frank Black. Lara Means. They're ready.
Frank Black et Lara Means sont prêts.
It's all right, Lara.
C'est normal, Lara.
The earth will change, Lara.
Le monde changera.
There will be an event, Lara.
Il se produira un événement.
Think about it, Lara.
Pensez-y, Lara.
Work with us, Lara.
Travaillez avec nous, Lara.
Lara Means has already agreed to join me, even though the others disagree.
Lara Means est d'accord pour se joindre à moi même si les autres sont contre.
Johnston tried to recruit Lara Means to your cause.
- Johnston tentait de convaincre Lara Means.
Not you, Frank, or you, Lara.
Ni toi, Frank.
No, Lara, it wasn't Gorbachev or Reagan who brought down the Wall. It was the involvement of ODESSA and Axmann that defeated their greatest enemy.
Ce ne sont ni Gorbatchev ni Reagan qui ont fait tomber le mur de Berlin, mais Odessa avec Axmann à sa tête, abattant son plus terrible ennemi.
Through the Group's database, Lara and I were able to track it way back to the Reichsbank and the SS Melmer account.
Nous avons trouvé des fonds communs à la Reichsbank et au compte Melmer.
They'll use any means, Lara. Go to any lengths to get here.
Ces gens sont prêts à tout pour venir ici.
Lara, this is Frank Black, here's my thing. I've been trying to reach you.
Lara, ici Frank Black, j'ai tenté de vous joindre.
Lara Bischoff.
Lara Bischoff.
Ni toi, Lara.
- This is Lara Means.
- Lara Means.

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