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Looting translate French

368 parallel translation
And they shot poor Georgie for looting
George est exécuté Pour s'être mutiné
Trace looting of Acme Surgical Supply House direct to young hoodlums.
L'enquête sur le vol de la prothèse mène aux jeunes voyous.
Mobs quickly turn to looting.
Les pillards sont partout.
" convicted of looting his own bank and killing a watchman,
" condamné pour vol de sa banque et meurtre d'un gardien,
- There will be looting and destruction. - Oh...
Il y aura des pillages et des destructions.
You may go, but remember anyone caught looting will be shot!
Vous pouvez partir. Mais tout pilleur sera abattu.
Some African savages accused Mr. Bellacrest of looting their temple.
Des sauvages africains ont accusé M. Bellacrest de piller leur temple.
I have removed all my effects. The premises are at your disposal for looting or burning.
J'ai ôté mes affaires, le palais est vôtre, pillez ou brûlez-le!
Then came barbarians who envied their happiness, driving them from their homes, looting their treasures of art and science, despoiling them of everything.
Vinrent des barbares envieux de leur bonheur. Ils les chassèrent de chez eux, pillant arts et sciences, les dépouillant de tout.
No looting. - Yes, friends. No disorganised looting, please.
Pas de pillage désorganisé.
From where I was hiding I could watch them, I could see'em looting, burning, murdering...
J'étais caché, je les ai vus saccager, piller, tuer.
First, in return for the surrender of your city... my lord duke engages to restrain his soldiers from looting... and take no vengeance on the people.
Premièrement, en retour de la capitulation de votre ville... mon seigneur le duc s'engage à empêcher ses soldats de piller... et de se venger contre votre peuple.
I feel it's my duty to stop... looting.
C'est mon devoir.
Then came the wars and looting and we were robbed of everything.
Mais les guerres et les pillages nous ont ruinés.
We ought to be tending to the business of looting ships.
On devrait piller des bateaux.
The Yankees ruined the South. Now they're looting it.
Les Yankees pillent le Sud, après l'avoir ruiné.
So you're doing some looting on your own.
Alors, vous prenez votre part.
We started out to get a few of my personal things, we ended up looting the joint.
On a commencé petit, et on a tout pillé.
- Looting and pillaging.
- Oui. - Oui.
- Yeah. And sacking. Looting and pillaging and sacking.
Pillé et mis à sac.
Ask him to meet me at the hindu temple. Fire and looting. Over.
Plus de fil avec Govindaswami.
Looting, burning!
Pillages, incendies.
- But the looting and the burning...
- Mais le pillage, l'incendie...
Looting, robbing, burning everything... while they make their camp in the escarpments of Vesuvius.
Pillant, saccageant, brûlant tout... puis, ils se sont barricadés sur le Vésuve.
Deceitful kills and looting ;
Ces fourbes ont tué et pillé.
This looting has got to stop!
Ce pillage doit cesser!
Another thing, there'll be looting and worse.
Et ils se livreront au pillage, voire pire.
There are reports of looting.
On parle de pillages.
Continued reports of looting are coming in.
Les pillages continuent.
Patrick McColman, three days ago a sergeant, two days ago 800 lashes for looting, today a private.
Patrick MacColeman, sergent il y a trois jours. Avant-hier, 800 coups de fouet pour vol, aujourd'hui, simple soldat.
All the looting we wanted.
Nous pouvions piller tout à loisir.
Looting is their trade. It's how they live.
Ils gagnent leur vie en pillant.
Him and his rat pack, they think they own the earth... riding around in their white chariots raping and looting... and wearing cuffs on their sleeves.
Lui et les siens, ils se croient tout permis. Ils croient pouvoir violer et piller sur leur passage... et porter des boutons de manchettes.
In Germany during the last war, it was noticed that, with people who'd suffered personal loss or deprivation, even amongst the so-called decent middle class, there was a tendency to develop indifference towards the law and to indulge in looting, black market and petty theft.
En Allemagne, pendant la dernière guerre, on a remarqué que ceux qui avaient tout perdu, même au sein de la soi-disant classe moyenne honnête, développaient une attitude d'indifférence face à la loi et s'adonnaient au pillage, au marché noir, au vol.
Suppose they start burning and looting.
Et s'ils se mettaient à tout brûler et piller.
Made in Japan by Japanese actors... It is an great film. Beautiful color, and there's raping, and looting, and killing in it...
Un film aux couleurs superbes, plein de pillages, de tueries, de viols... j'ai fait sauter toutes les voix et j'ai refait la bande sonore.
In where there were formerly raping and looting. The result is a movie where people are running around killing one another... doing all those James Bondian things.
Le résultat c'est un film où les gens se tuent et font des trucs à la James Bond.
There were demonstrations and looting.
Il y a eu des manifestations et des pillages.
Poison spurting from your hiding place poisoning the people, arousing them to looting and murder.
Un poison qui jaillit de ta cachette, qui contamine le peuple, le mène au pillage et au meurtre.
If this continues to go on unabated, Dunkirk dark days of the war, backs to the wall, Alvar Liddell Berlin air lift, moral upheaval of Profumo case young hippies roaming the streets, raping, looting and killing.
"Si ça continue sans changement" "Dunkerque, les jours sombres de la guerre, soutiens au mur" "Alvar Liddell, vol pour Berlin, bouleversement moral de cas de profumo"
Looting, pillaging and sacking a major city.
Piraterie, pillage et saccage d'une grande ville.
Looting, pillaging, sacking a major city - and I'd like 9,000 other charges - to be taken into consideration, please.
Je vous demande pardon? Piraterie, pillage et saccage d'une grande ville, et 9000 autres chefs d'accusation à prendre en considération.
Don't forget, the penalty for looting is death!
Et les pillards seront punis de mort.
No more looting, Captain?
Plus de pillage, capitaine?
And for looting?
Et pour le pillage?
We have to search where they hide their looting, ammassed with your blood!
Fouillons leurs banques où ils cachent leur butin, leur profit amassés grâce à votre sang!
Any looting or stealing... will be dealt with by a firing s quad.
- Tout vol ou pillage... - Se finira devant un peloton d'exécution.
They're rampaging through the streets, looting the shops.
C'est l'émeute dans la rue. Ils saccagent statues et boutiques.
Any person found looting will be shot.
Les pillards seront abattus sans avertissement.
Officer, please, for God's sake, they're looting the Food King!
Police, s'il vous plaît, pour l'amour de Dieu, ils sont en train de piller Food King!
Rioting, looting, wanton destruction.
Les émeutes, le pillage, la destruction injustifiée.

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