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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Lula

Lula translate French

210 parallel translation
She was Lulamae Barnes.
Elle s'appelait Lula Mae Barnes.
When I married Lulamae, she was going on 14.
Quand j'ai épousé Lula Mae, elle allait sur ses 14 ans.
But you take Lulamae.
Mais pas Lula Mae.
Lulamae could just take it easy.
Lula Mae avait la vie facile.
Lulamae's place is with her husband, her children, and her brother.
La place de Lula Mae est avec son mari, ses enfants et son frère.
Sure, Lulamae, if you're still here tomorrow.
Bien sûr, Lula Mae, si vous êtes encore là demain.
Lula Mae.
- Gosh, Lulamae.
- Mon Dieu, Lula Mae.
Come on, Lulamae.
Viens, Lula Mae.
I appreciate you wanna help, but it's between Lulamae and me.
J'apprécie votre aide, mais c'est entre Lula Mae et moi.
I love you, Lulamae.
Je t'aime, Lula Mae.
You're talking crazy, Lulamae.
Tu dis n'importe quoi, Lula Mae.
I'm not Lulamae any more.
Je ne suis plus Lula Mae.
All right, Lulamae.
Très bien, Lula Mae.
I love you, but I'm just not Lulamae any more.
Je t'aime, mais je ne suis plus Lula Mae.
I am still Lulamae.
Je suis toujours Lula Mae.
I'm not Lulamae, either.
Ni Lula Mae.
Here Lula! Double scotch.
Tiens Lula, double scotch..
Lula, would you mind waiting in the dining room?
Voudrais-tu aller m'attendre au salon?
- Stop it, Lula.
- Hush, Lula! I'm coming.
Tais-toi, Loula.
Lula! Lula!
Loula, Loula, Loula!
- Who is it? - Lula.
- Qui est-ce?
Lula, my child, speak to me.
Loula, mon enfant... Parle!
Lula told me that this slave, this shepherd, Thanos Zekos at the school he...
C'est Loula qui m'a dit... Ce valet... Ce berger...
Hey, boys, look at Lula.
Regardez Lula.
Step, shuffle, ball change. Hey, Lula, do you remember the time I bought you a little stuffed pillow?
Lula, tu te souviens de la fois où je t'ai acheté un coussin?
I think you got old T-Dub going, Lula.
- Tu as excité T-Dub.
Don't let it get cold. Lula, come on in. It's on the table.
Lula, viens, c'est prêt.
Come on, Lula, let's get some of that dinner, huh?
Lula, allons manger de ce dîner.
You cook like your sister, Lula?
- Tu cuisines comme ta sœur?
Okay. Let me have one of those, Lula.
Donne-m'en une, Lula.
Yeah, yeah. Only I want to get Lula inside that safe.
Je vais mettre Lula dans la chambre forte.
It's not Lula!
- Entendu!
- I'm so tired of... - God damn it, Lula!
- Je suis si fatiguée de...
Lula, take Bubba in there and wash some of that burned cork off his face.
Lula, enlève les traces de bouchon brûlé du visage de Bobba.
- Lula just vinegar-washed my hair, Bowie. - Wonderful.
- Lula m'a shampooiné au vinaigre.
Come on, Lula. We gonna be late.
Viens, Lula, on va être en retard.
Bowie, if you and Chicamaw go down to Hermanville, I might get down to Biloxi to see if I could get Lula to take a little trip down to Charleston and New Orleans.
Si Chicamaw et toi allez à Hermanville, j'irai peut-être à Biloxi pour voir si Lula se rendrait à Charleston et à La Nouvelle-Orléans.
Yeah, Lula did it for me.
C'est Lula qui me l'a faite.
Hey, Lula, get his hat.
Lula, prends son béret.
But Lula and me had a real fine trip in New Orleans.
Lula et moi, on a fait un beau voyage à la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Looks real nice, Lula.
C'est très joli, Lula.
Lula Jean Woodcock Masefield, that's my new name.
Lula Jean Woodcock Masefield. C'est mon nouveau nom.
Hell, Lula, you got this all over my face.
- Tu m'as badigeonné le visage.
Well, I'm gonna go down and pick up Lula.
Je vais chercher Lula.
Well, Lula and I'll be at the Bourbon Street hotel in New Orleans, May 1st, if anybody wants to see us.
Lula et moi serons au Bourbon Hotel à la Nouvelle-Orléans, le 1er mai, si quelqu'un veut nous voir.
Mrs. Lula Masefield, reputed wife of the slain bandit was...
Mme Lula Masefield, épouse présumée du bandit tombé...
My cuticles feel fine.
Lula, quand Mattie s'endormira ce soir, viens dans ma chambre. Je n'ai pas de petites peaux.
- Hi, Lula.
Salut, Lula.

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