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Translate.vc / English → French / [ N ] / Nino

Nino translate French

890 parallel translation
"Nino, let me introduce you to my friend Bielecki, whose great talent you have already discovered"
Nina, je vous présente mon ami, M Bielecki, vous avez déjà eu l'occasion d'apprécier son immense talent
"Nino, I'm shuddering with fear you might leave me"
Nino, je redoute l'idée que vous puissiez me quitter
It's not that Nino Zachetti again, is it?
Ce n'est pas Nino Zachetti?
Nino's not what my father says at all. He's just had bad luck.
Nino est un type bien, mais il n'a pas eu de veine.
This is Mr. Neff, Nino.
- Je te présente M. Neff.
We don't have to worry about Mr. Neff, Nino.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Well, what's the matter with you, Nino?
Qu'est-ce que tu as?
It's about Nino. Zachetti?
C'est à cause de Nino.
We have succeeded in identifying him as one Nino Zachetti... former medical student, age of 28... residing at Lilac Court Apartments... 12281 / 2 North La Brea Avenue.
Nous l'avons identifié : un certain Nino Zachetti. Ancien étudiant en médecine, 28 ans, demeurant Lilac Court, 1228 avenue La Brea Nord.
And if it was you, they'd charge that up to Zachetti, too, wouldn't they?
Et si ça t'arrivait, on arrêterait ton Nino.
You got me to take care of your husband for you... and then you got Zachetti to take care of Lola, maybe take care of me, too.
Tu as eu besoin de moi pour ton mari, de Nino pour Lola, et peut-être pour moi aussi.
Then somebody else would have come along to take care of Zachetti for you.
Et maintenant un autre va descendre Nino.
- Calm down, Nino.
- Calme-toi, Nino.
You're right, of course... but I'm the oldest here, and wiser than the rest of you. Calm down, Nino.
- Calm down, Nino.
- Calme-toi.
Right, Nino?
Pas vrai, Nino? Allons-nous-en.
Nino, who is it?
Nino, qui c'est?
Danetta Nino is not fearful.
Nino Danetta n'est pas peureux.
They are asking too much, Nino.
Ils en demandent trop, Nino.
The police are arresting The Butcher.
Nino le Boucher va être capturé!
Now, you're The Butcher's girlfriend.
Vous êtes la fiancée de Nino le Boucher?
Geronimo, Nana, Victoria, Cochise, the whole lot.
Gérónimo, Nino, Vitorio, Cochise, tous...
Kid Nino.
C'est Kid Nino.
Nino... give us three glasses of champagne.
- J'en veux. - Mets-nous trois verres de champagne.
Nino, you remember? Nadia was crazy about him.
Tu te souviens de Nino que Nadia quittait pas?
- Nino Trabucci.
- Nino Trabucci.
- Nino!
- Nino!
- He'll explain to you.
- Nino t'expliquera.
It's all out of house percentages, of course.
Bonsoir Nino, un gin tonic.
Good evening, Nino.
- Mieux que quiconque.
Nino! Nino!
Nino, are you going senile? Don't you know love knows no limits?
Calme-toi, tu ne sais donc pas que l'amour ne connaît pas de limites?
Nino's here!
Nino est arrivé!
Papa! Nino's here!
Nino est arrivé!
If it isn't Nino Badalamenti!
Mais c'est Nino Badalamenti!
Isn't that Nino?
Mais c'est Nino!
You're a lucky guy, Nino.
Toujours autant de chance, Nino Badalamenti.
Nino Badalamenti to see Don Vincenzo.
Nino Badalamenti de Milan désire voir Don Vincenzo.
Nino Badalamenti brought it.
C'est Nino Badalamenti qui l'a apporté.
Go get Nino.
Va chercher Nino.
Juanillo, niño mío... what's wrong with your hand?
Mon enfant, ta main? Qu'est-ce qu'elle a?
It's Nino Zachetti.
C'est Nino Zachetti.
I can't give Nino up.
J'ai besoin de Nino.
Over here, Nino.
Je suis là, Nino.
Hello, Nino.
- Salut, Nino.
Nino, please.
Je t'en prie!
Take good care of niño and the baby.
Prends bien soin du petit et de la petite.
Santo Niño de Atocha!
Santo Niño de Atocha!
First time I have a little niño, I'm gonna name him Primo, after you.
Quand j'aurai un niño, je l'appellerai Primo, comme toi.
If only he didn't have quite so much...
Nino, mon chou!

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