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Nottingham translate French

291 parallel translation
Thanks to you and the rest of you Norman cutthroats at Nottingham Castle.
Par votre faute, satanés Normands!
I'll give him that message at the baron's meeting in Nottingham tonight.
Je lui transmettrai le message dès ce soir.
There isn't a poor Saxon in Nottingham shire that doesn't know and bless Sir Robin of Locksley.
Il n'y pas un pauvre Saxon dans la région qui n'admire Robin de Locksley.
Was it worthwhile coming with me from London to see what stout fellows our Nottingham friends are?
N'est-il pas bon d'être venue de Londres voir ces solides gaillards?
And my brave High Sheriff of Nottingham is afraid of him.
Et mon brave shérif de Nottingham a peur de lui.
Sir Guy of Gisbourne is stopping by the way tonight.
Gisbourne revient à Nottingham et fera étape ce soir.
Take six men and guide our loyal host and his nervous friend to the Nottingham Road.
Guidez nos hôtes jusqu'à la route de Nottingham.
You'll return to Nottingham as you are, on foot.
Vous repartez tels quels, à pied.
And I'm sorry I can't be in Nottingham to see what Gisbourne has in store for you.
Je suis désolé de ne pouvoir assister à votre châtiment.
"It is the sentence of this tribunal, on the morrow at high noon you be taken to the square in Nottingham and there hanged by the neck until you are dead."
"Par décision de ce tribunal, demain midi, " sur la place de Nottingham, vous serez pendu "jusqu'à ce que mort s'ensuive."
Return to your abbey and make preparations to proclaim me king here in Nottingham, the day after tomorrow.
Rentrez à l'abbaye et préparez-y mon sacre, ici à Nottingham, après-demain.
Sire, Prince John's calling Bishop of the Black Canons to proclaim him king in Nottingham tomorrow.
Sire, le prince va se faire sacrer par l'évêque de Black Canons.
By attacking Nottingham castle?
En attaquant Nottingham?
- You've come to Nottingham once too often!
Tu es venu ici une fois de trop!
Arise, Robin, Baron of Locksley, Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham and lord of all the lands and manors appertaining thereto.
Debout, baron de Locksley, marquis de Sherwood et Nottingham, avec terres et manoirs.
In grateful return for what you tried to do at Cádiz without thought of self and only for your country's honor I appoint you lord lieutenant, general of all England... Your Majesty.
En récompense de votre conduite à Cadix, de votre dévotion à l'honneur de votre pays, je vous nomme Lieutenant-Général d'Angleterre, vous confie le commandement de l'Armée et de la Flotte et vous confère le titre de Comte de Nottingham.
Do you intend this Earl of Nottingham to take precedence over me?
- Je ne me tairai pas! Voulez-vous qu'il devienne mon supérieur?
Derby, I suppose. And Nottingham and then London.
Derby, j'imagine, Nottingham, et puis Londres.
Several times. I went to the Four Hundred with him twice while you were in Nottingham.
Deux fois, quand tu étais à Nottingham.
Are we on our way to Nottingham, to Brittingham, to Buckingham
Sommes-nous en route pour Nottingham, Brittingham, Buckingham
Because Elwin of Nottingham does not grant the hand... of his daughter to one without money or a noble title. Is that not so?
Car le duc de Nottingham n'offre pas la main de sa fille... à un homme sans titre de noblesse ou sans richesse, c'est ça?
I saw them take him into Nottingham.
- Des soldats l'emmenaient à Nottingham.
Isabella Elwin, Baroness of Nottingham, according to the rites of the Holy Roman Church?
Isabelle Elwin ici-présente, baronne de Nottingham, selon les rites de la sainte église romaine?
Isabella Elwin, Baroness of Nottingham?
Isabelle Elwin, baronne de Nottingham ici-présente?
I would have preferred to lay siege upon Nottingham Castle.
J'aurais préféré l'assiéger au château de Nottingham.
Urgent message for Sir Elwin of Nottingham.
Message urgent pour sire Elwin de Nottingham.
Prince John is approaching with his troops, and is... about 40 miles from Nottingham.
Le prince Jean arrive avec ses troupes. Ils sont à 50 km de Nottingham.
I am the Duke of Nottingham. I am the Duke of Nottingham!
Je suis le duc de Nottingham!
By royal command, you are now the Duke of Nottingham.
Par ma décision royale, je te nomme duc de Nottingham.
I live with my mother in Nottingham.
J'habite Nottingham avec ma mêre.
These troopers from the Duke of Kingston's Light Horse Regiment are later to be commended by Cumberland for their "zeal in the pursuit." Each of them comes from Nottingham. Each of them by trade is a butcher.
Ces dragons des chevaux légers de Kingston, dont Cumberland loua le "zèle dans la poursuite", viennent de Nottingham et sont bouchers de métier.
James Rae himself, who, like the other troopers of Kingston's Light Horse, played his pan in the battle when it was over, is later to return to Nottingham, where his regimental colours are to be laid to rest
James Rae, comme les autres cavaliers de Kingston, a fait son devoir après la bataille. Il retourna à Nottingham où l'on rendra les honneurs au drapeau du régiment.
"Long may the county of Nottingham flourish." "God save our ever august King."
Prospérité pour le comté de Nottingham et que Dieu garde notre auguste Roi.
- 7 : 55 to Nottingham.
- Nottingham.
Well, have a good holiday, and Henderson will meet you.
Bonnes vacances, docteur. Henderson vous attend à Nottingham.
Mu.m is Clarke Governor of Nottingham?
Jim Clarke est le grand shérif de Nottingham?
Ooh! Yes, the next stop is Nottingham, sire.
Le prochain arrêt est Nottingham, Sire.
Notting... ham.
And believe me, it's a good thing he did... because what with taxes and all... the poor folks of Nottingham were starving'to death.
Et bien faisait d'agir de la sorte car avec les taxes, les pauvres habitants de Nottingham mouraient de faim.
Someday, there'll be happiness again in Nottingham.
Un jour, le bonheur reviendra à Nottingham. Vous verrez.
All right, laugh, you two rogues... but there's gonna be a big to-do in Nottingham.
C'est ça, riez, gredins. Mais il va y avoir une grande fête à Nottingham.
Yeah. Old Bushel Britches, the Honourable Sheriff of Nottingham.
Ouais, cet immonde bâtard, l'Honorable Shérif de Nottingham.
The final contestants are : The Honourable Sheriff of Nottingham.
Les finalistes présents sont l'Honorable Shérif de Nottingham.
Why, he taxed the heart and soul out of the poor people of Nottingham.
Il taxait jusqu'au coeur et à l'âme de la population de Nottingham.
Nottingham was in deep trouble.
Nottingham avait bien des ennuis.
But not in Nottingham
Ici à Nottingham
Not in Nottingham
Loin de Nottingham?
Postmarked "Nottingham".
Posté à Nottingham.
Now, look here. One more... One more hiss out of you...
Un seul sifflement de ta langue fourchue, Persifleur, et tu iras à pied à Nottingham.
And you are walking to Nottingham. Snakes don't walk. They slither.
Les serpents ne marchent pas, ils ondulent.
Here comes Old Bad News himself... the Honourable Sheriff of Nottingham.
Le Très Insigne Shérif de Nottingham.

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