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Translate.vc / English → French / [ O ] / Opossum

Opossum translate French

340 parallel translation
Oh, a beautiful fur coat, lined with opossum.
Três beau, doublé à l'opossum.
I was just fixing to go possum hunting.
- Je vais chasser l'opossum.
Breathing reveal lady imitate possum.
Respiration révéler que femme imite opossum.
Or a possum?
Ou un opossum?
I heard he could charm a possum out of a tree.
II pouvait descendre un opossum d'un arbre!
Naw! When a possum saw Davy Crockett, he just knew that was the end.
Quand un opossum voyait Davy Crockett, iI savait que c'etait Ia fin.
That's the kinda shooting'makes the ol'possum squeal.
C'est un tir à faire couiner un opossum!
You stinking opossum!
Opossum puant!
You double opossum!
Double opossum!
What do y'all think about having fried possum and chitterlings for supper, tonight?
Que diriez-vous d'une friture d'opossum, et des tripes comme souper, demain.
- We got a mixed bag, owl and'possum.
- On a une chouette et un opossum.
- Opossum. An American marsupial.
- On dit "opossum", c'est un marsupial.
Possuming, probably.
Il est parti chasser l'opossum probablement.
Possuming Mister Blacksmith?
Vous chassez l'opossum Monsieur Blacksmith?
You get off in the bush, and catch a possum to your house, alright?
Vous faîtes un tour dans le bush, et vous ramenez un opossum à la maison, d'accord?
- Un opossum!
Now, this opossum.
Cet opossum.
He said I was the only fellow that knew what to do with an opossum.
Il a dit que j'étais le seul à savoir quoi en faire.
That's a great price for an opossum, don't you know?
Un bon prix pour un opossum, non?
You'll always have a pretty face... a pretty fur coat... and a pretty blue car.
Vous aurez toujours une bien jolie tête. Un joli manteau d'opossum, une jolie CX bleue.
Grinning like a possum eating a sweet potato.
Il se marre comme un opossum qui se tape une igname!
I don't imagine that they have any... kangaroo steak or possum grits!
Je doute qu'ils aient des... steaks de kangourou ou des côtes d'opossum!
Sweet dreams, Mommy's little possum.
Fais de beaux rêves, petit opossum à Maman!
I swear, Gus. You'd argue with a possum.
Bon sang, Gus, tu te disputerais avec un opossum.
You having possum for your supper, are you?
Vous allez manger de l'opossum au dîner?
Go on. Cook that possum, like I said.
Allez, va faire cuire cet opossum!
Catch something in his traps, whatever it was- - turtle, gator, possum.
Quoi qu'il prenne dans ses pièges... tortue, alligator, opossum.
BABS : The scary possum kid plucking the banjo.
L'effrayant opossum qui joue du banjo...
C'est certainement un vieil opossum, chérie.
Un jour, on faisait une randonnée, lorsqu'il a vu un opossum mort.
Hey, Harold, tell her about the possum case.
Raconte-lui l'affaire de l'opossum.
LESNlAK : Possum case? MEDAVO Y :
L'affaire de l'opossum?
We put money in bag, hide it in the woods like kidnapper tell us. Possum smell barbecue, eat the money. $ 1 0,000!
On met l'argent dans le sac, on le cache dans les bois... un opossum sent le barbecue... et bouffe la rançon. 10 000 $!
Ever run an old possum up a tree, Mr. President?
Avez-vous déjà poursuivi un opossum dans un arbre?
I think this old possum has bought the farm.
Je crois que ce vieil opossum a passé l'arme à gauche.
Them, uh... There's possum in these beans, and spices too. - I tried hard.
Benmont, il y a de l'opossum dans ces fayots, et des épices.
- A possum?
- Un opossum?
Who's your favourite possum?
Qui est votre opossum préféré?
Who's your favourite possum?
Qui est ton opossum préféré?
Hello, Mr. Possum.
Monsieur l'Opossum!
So I thought, "lt's a mouse or a possum."
J'ai cru à une souris ou un opossum.
No. A possum drowned in the pool.
Un opossum noyé.
- How's he know how to find a possum? - Sh.
Comment il a appris à trouver un opossum?
- You're off your rocker. Junuh couldn't whip a dead possum in a gunnysack.
Junuh ne balaierait même pas un opossum mort.
And that's where the really big possum crawled under the house.
Et là, un énorme opossum s'est glissé sous la maison.
- You don't remember the possum?
Tu te rappelles pas l'opossum?
Hey, I don't remember the possum, okay?
Je ne me souviens pas de l'opossum!
And When I emerged from retrieving a dead possum, I Was the only one left.
Après avoir repêché un opossum, j'ai réalisé qu'il ne restait que moi.
On the possum and the woodchuck and the cuddly old bear.
Sur l " opossum, la marmotte, et le vieil ours si câlin.
Some kind of possum maybe.
une sorte d'opossum.
and guess what he did today?
Il a bouffé un opossum, tout cru.

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