Or whatever his name is translate French
78 parallel translation
I don't like Mr. Pigslow, or whatever his name is.
Je n'aime pas M. Pigslow, j'ignore son nom.
Put those 2 bucks on Buffalo Bill, or whatever his name is.
C'est dans vos moyens? Misez ces 2 dollars sur Buffalo Bill!
Go to Mandlebaum or whatever his name is.
Va donc retrouver ton Mandlebaum!
And now I suppose you're copying Utrillo or whatever his name is?
Et maintenant que tu copies Utri... Comment il s'appelle?
Look Brenner, it seems to me that Smith or whatever his name is supposed to be... knew right where to look for that letter or they planted there to avert suspicion.
Avez-vous remarqué que ce Smith savait très bien où aller chercher cette lettre? Etrange...
Has Horton or Stewart or whatever his name is... actually found Judge Drake in there?
Horton, Stewart ou quel que soit son nom a-t-il vu le juge Drake?
Saying "You mustn't see that vulgar Lampton boy again or whatever his name is, the one with the bulging shirt and the chromium cufflinks."
"Ne vois plus ce garçon vulgaire, " avec son plastron à ressort. " Et vous!
I said to this inspector fellow, Haddock, or whatever his name is...
J'ai dit à cet inspecteur, Haddock je crois...
But you can't go. What about Nestor, or whatever his name is?
Mais vous ne pouvez partir.
Little does she realise that in a moment she and the audience will have totally forgotten that dull clod Maurice, or Philippe or whatever his name is.
Elle est loin d'imaginer que dans un instant, elle, et le public avec elle, auront complètement oublié ce balourd de Maurice, ou Philippe, qu'importe son prénom.
If Steven, or whatever his name is, recovers, you'll be forgiven.
Si Steven, ou peu importe son nom, se rétablit, tu seras pardonnée.
Turtle, or whatever his name is.
Tortue, quel que soit son nom.
Old St. Bernard, or whatever his name is.
Machin chose, ce saint-bernard.
Henderson, or whatever his name is, lives in that building, just there.
Henderson, si c'est son nom, habite dans cet immeuble-là.
You tell Kafu Selim or whatever his name is... Peachy and me don't go anywhere without the army goes with us.
Qu'il dise à Kafu Salim que Peachy et moi, on va nulle part sans l'armée.
Every once in a while, they'll lose a giraffe at the zoo... or they'll lose Big Bertha, or Joe Bear or whatever his name is.
Parfois, une girafe meurt au zoo, ou la Grosse Bertha, ou Joe l'Ours, peu importe son nom.
Tell that Eddie Ark, or whatever his name is, to forget it!
Dis à cet Eddie Ark qu'il peut toujours courir!
As soon as the dinner's over... we'll get Baird, or whatever his name is... we'll take him outside, we'll grab the briefcase... with the cash.
Dès le dîner terminé, nous le ferons sortir. Nous reprendrons la mallette avec le liquide.
Now, I voted for Mayor McCheese, or whatever his name is and I will wait no longer.
J'ai voté pour le maire McCheese ou quel que soit son nom et je n'attendrai pas plus.
What if this toad, Zwieback, or whatever his name is, is right and the missiles are offloaded before the SEAL team gets there?
Et si ce clampin, Z wyback ou je sais pas quoi, a raison... et qu'ils déchargent les missiles avant l'arrivée des SEAL?
Bob, escort Mr. Brayker, or whatever his name is, out to the car.
Conduis M. Brayker ou je ne sais qui à la voiture.
I can identify this guy Nassau or whatever his name is. "
Nassau ou je ne sais qui.
Anyhow, that's how she met this Rod person, or whatever his name is.
C'est comme ça qu'elle a rencontré ce type, Rod.
Shouldn't you be pulling a sword out of Al Franken or whatever his name is?
Tu devais pas t'occuper d'Attila ou de je sais pas qui?
He's still better than Terry or Jerry or whatever his name is and this stupid club.
Mais il est quand même mieux que Terry ou Jerry ou je sais plus quoi et que cette boîte débile!
You and that Tino guy, or whatever his name is.
Oui, toi et ce type. Oui, bon, Tino, comme tu veux.
Falwell, the Reverend somebody, says that Twinky Dink, or whatever his name is... is a butt pirate.
J'ai entendu le télé-évangéliste Falwell dire que Twinky Dink ou je sais plus quoi, est une tantouse.
Sloane found out last night that Hassan, or whatever his name is now, is in Cuba.
Sloane a appris hier soir que Hassan, ou quel que soit son nouveau nom, se trouve à Cuba.
Mr. Carver, this man Dupont, or whatever his name is, has had us chasing our tails for the last couple of weeks.
M. Carver, ce Dupont, quel que soit son vrai nom, nous fait tourner en bourrique depuis 2 semaines.
If Mr. Wanton Maddox, or whatever his name is, really wants to help why doesn't he give the $ 2500 per plate to the inner-city schools?
Si ce monsieur Je-ne-sais-qui veut faire le bien... qu'il donne les 2 500 $ par couvert aux écoles.
You've got to find out what you can about your enthusiastic new friend Peters, or Dyle, or whatever his name is.
Découvrez le maximum sur votre nouvel ami Peters, ou Dyle, quel que soit son nom.
Because if they don't pull it together, little Wade or whatever his name is he'll walk away with this money again for sure.
S'ils ne se ressaisissent pas, le petit Wade, comment il s'appelle... remportera la mise à nouveau, c'est sûr.
You kids don't want to get married by Spock or whatever his name is in there.
Les jeunes, vous ne voulez pas vous faire marier par Spock ou n'importe qui dont le nom est ici?
What about Max, or Johnny or whatever his name is?
Et Max, ou Johnny ou peu importe son nom?
Webber or ansem weems or whatever his name is - -
Webber ou Ansem Weems ou quelque soit son nom...
They caught him - - Derek, or whatever his name is.
Ou quel que soit son nom. Il est en prison. C'est terminé.
What about Festus, or whatever his name is jumping across the floor? You bet on that.
Ce Festus qui traversait la salle en sautant, tu as parié sur lui.
Who does this Dr Eagleman or Eaglefoot, whatever his name is, think he is, with such...
Pour qui se prend cet Egelmachin?
Turnkiss or Hotchbill, whatever his name is.
Turnkiss ou Hotchbill, peu importe son nom.
Mr. Finch and this Algernon, whatever his name is. The limey. They're about five or six miles behind in an Avis Chevrolet they rented in Canyon City.
M. Finch et cet Algernon quelque chose, le rosbif, les suivent à huit ou neuf kilomètres dans une Chevrolet Avis louée à Canyon City.
Right, yet, this Count Yorga, or whatever the hell his name is, was able to do it with Donna screaming her head off, and she did everything he suggested to her.
Alors que ce comte Iorga, ou je ne sais comment, a pu le faire avec Donna qui hurlait. Exact. Elle a fait tout ce qu'il a suggéré.
It's not John Deach or Senator Whatever-His-Name-Is.
ne sont ni John Deach ni le Sénateur machin.
Brocker or Brower or Flowers, whatever his name is.
Brocker ou Brower ou Flowers, je ne sais plus son nom.
Or a total idiot like this Kyle Toy, or Troy, or whatever the hell his name is.
Ou des idiots finis comme Kyle Trou, Troy ou je ne sais quoi.
Because of Fritz, or Werner, whatever the hell his name is.
Grâce à Fritz! Ou à Werner, ou je ne sais plus qui
Or GQ, or whatever the fuck his name is.
Ou GQ, quelque soit son nom.
My civil rights are being violated'cause some jig drug dealer named Overkill or Oreo or whatever the fuck his name is mentioned a guy named Hollywood Jack?
Mes droits sont bafoués à cause d'un dealer bamboula, Overkill or Oreo ou quoique soit son nom a évoqué un Hollywood Jack?
For Danken Shane or whatever his secretary's name is, so Denny you can go ahead and build your... damn subdivision back there...
Pour sa blondasse, Dieu sait comment elle s'appelle. Vas-y, tu peux construire ton foutu lotissement.
The problem is, if we look into it, we risk taking a burn that could tip farik, or whatever the hell his fuckin'name is.
Le problème, si nous regardons plus près, on risque d'alerter Farik, ou quelque soit son putain de nom.
I was at Harry's apartment when Cox or Redmond, whatever his name is, shot him.
J'étais chez Harry quand Cox ou Redmond, peu importe, l'a abattu.
His wedding to Jules, that is, or Emily or whatever the hell her name was.
Son mariage avec Jules, ou Emily, peu importe quel était son nom.