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Philip philipovich translate French

43 parallel translation
Good evening, Philip Philipovich.
- Mes respects, Philip Philipovich.
Philip Philipovich, there're new residents just been put into Flat Three.
Philip Philipovich, un nouveau résident s'est installé au troisième.
They're going make partitions, Philip Philipovich.
Ils montent des cloisons.
Where on earth did you get that from, Philip Philipovich?
Où l'avez-vous ramassé?
- Oh, I can't Philip Philipovich!
However did you managed to lure such a nervous dog, Philip Philipovich.
Comment avez-vous réussi à l'amadouer?
I wouldn't say that, Philip Philipovich everybody says that the new vodka is quite good, 30 proof.
Une bonne vodka se doit de titrer 30 degrés.
You paint too grim a picture, Philip Philipovich.
Vous êtes trop pessimiste.
- But the proletarians don't have any galoshes at all, Philip Philipovich.
- Il n'en a même pas.
- lt's Disruption, Philip Philipovich.
- C'est la décadence
You sound like a counterrevolutionary, Philip Philipovich.
Vos propos sont contre-révolutionnaires.
Do you need me this evening, Philip Philipovich?
Avez-vous besoin de moi ce soir?
- How do you find time for everything, Philip Philipovich?
- Comment trouvez-vous le temps?
Don't worry, Philip Philipovich, the pathologists have promised me.
Les pathologistes m'ont donné leur parole.
He needs at least one good hiding, Philip Philipovich, or he'll become completely spoiled.
Il faut le punir sinon il finira en enfant gâté.
Just look what he's done to your galoshes, Philip Philipovich.
Regardez vos caoutchoucs.
May I leave now, Philip Philipovich?
Puis-je me retirer?
He understands, Philip Philipovich, he understands.
Il comprend, Philip Philipovich. Il comprend.
Are you OK, Philip Philipovich?
Qu'y-a-t-il, Philip Philipovich?
Philip Philipovich, that's enough, isn't it.
Philip Philipovich, cela suffit.
- Philip Philipovich! Professor!
Philip Philipovich!
I need some papers, Philip Philipovich. Papers?
Chaque fois que je le rencontre, il me demande de venir m'enregistrer.
Don't bother, Philip Philipovich, I'm all right.
- Sauvage! - Moi, sauvage?
Philip Philipovich. I'm sorry, I wouldn't like to mention it but the windowpane in Number even...
Payer un rouble à ce saligaud! Assez! Laissez-moi faire!
- Do you think so, Philip Philipovich?
Hoqueter à table coupe l'appétit des autres convives.
What's that for? - l mean for the cat and the tap! - Philip Philipovich.
Tu n'es qu'un être en voie de formation, intellectuellement démuni.
- Philip Philipovich...
- Comment je vais faire? - Comporte-toi correctement!
Philip Philipovich, naturally, it's not for me to offer you advice...
Et si nous nous faisions prendre?
upposing the brain had been pinoza's, Philip Philipovich?
- Une crapule.
For God's sake, Philip Philipovich if that damned hvonder sets to work at him, what is going to become of him?
Que quelqu'un le retourne contre lui, Il ne restera rien de Shvonder.
You've come back to Philip Philipovich's flat.
Des redingotes.
I've come, hm, about another matter, Philip Philipovich. "also threatening to kill of the House Committee chairman, Comrade hvonder"
Zinaida Prokofievna Bounina... propos mencheviques tenus par lui et son assistant...
What d'you say to that, comrade? My name is Philip Philipovich.
Utilise tes doigts!
But Philip Philipovich, People keep coming in all day long!
Je vais ouvrir la porte.
Philip Philipovich, we'll have to open the door. We must let the water run out.
Tu vas me battre, papa?
I don't grudge you the vodka of course, all the more so since it's not mine but belongs to Philip Philipovich.
"Je vous remercie"...
Here's one guy who spreads himself out in seven rooms and has forty pairs of pants,... and there's another who hangs around garbage cans looking for something to eat.
Pourquoi? - Pour le chat et le robinet! - Philip Philipovich!
Believe me, Philip Philipovich, you are much more to me than a professor, a teacher. Thank you.
Je n'ai pas à vous donner de conseils...
Damn it all. Philip Philipovich, you are a world-famous scientist.
Je suis un universitaire, pas un Sharikov.
Philip Philipovich - what a question!
- Une entreprise exceptionnelle.
- l, Philip Philipovich, have taken up an official post.
Pas la peine de demander qui t'a trouvé ce travail. Oui, c'est Shvonder.
Don't worry, Philip Philipovich, I shan't do anything violent. Zina and Darya Petrovna!
Retiens bien ceci.
Repeat after me :
Tu habites chez Philip Philipovich. - Oui?

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