Pickering translate French
88 parallel translation
At an altitude of approx. 1000 km H.32 flies over the moon-crater Eratosthenes - - in its depths the astronomer W. H. Pickering, director of Mandeville Observatory, Jamaica, believes to have observed swarms of insects.
H-32 survole à environ 1 000 km d'altitude le cratère lunaire Ératosthène... dans les profondeurs duquel l'astronome Pickering, directeur de l'observatoire Mandeville, pense avoir vu des essaims d'insectes.
Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of Spoken Sanskrit?
Pickering, auteur du "Parler sanscrit"?
lam Colonel Pickering.
Je suis le colonel Pickering.
Do you know, Pickering, if you think of a shilling... not as a simple shilling, but as a percentage of this girl's income... it works out as fully equivalent of... 60 or 70 pounds from a millionaire.
Pickering, si nous considérons 1 shilling proportionnellement au gain quotidien de cette fille... cela équivaut facilement a... 60 ou 70 livres pour un millionnaire.
My dear Mrs Pearce, my dear Pickering, I had no intention of walking over anyone.
Chére Mme Pearce... mon cher Pickering, je n'ai jamais eu cette intention.
Now are you satisfied, Pickering?
Satisfait, Pickering?
Well, after all, Pickering- - l'm an ordinary man
Aprés tout, Pickering : " Je suis un homme trés banal
Oh, nonsense. O'course he's a blackguard, Pickering.
Mais si, c'est sürement une crapule.
You know, Pickering, this chap's got a certain natural gift of rhetoric.
Ce gaillard a un don inné pour la rhétorique.
You know, Pickering, if we took this man in hand for three months... he could choose between a seat in the Cabinet and a popular pulpit in Wales
Savez-vous que si je le prenais en mains pour 3 mois... j'en ferais un député ou un prédicateur.
Pickering, this is going to be ghastly.
Attendons-nous au pire!
Yes, that's a charming one. Pickering, I can't hear a word the girl is saying!
Taisez-vous, je n'entends rien de ce qu'elle dit.
We're making fine progress, Pickering. Ithink the time has come to try her out
Pickering, le moment est venu de la produire en public.
I didn't hear any pounding. Did you, Pickering?
Et vous, Pickering?
Colonel Pickering, you're just in time for tea
C'est l'heure du thé, colonel.
Pickering and I are at it from morning till night It fills our whole lives
Pickering et moi travaillons jour et nuit. Elle emplit notre vie.
There'll be no horses at the ball, Pickering.
Il n'y aura pas de chevaux au bal.
Rubbish, Pickering. Of course she matters
Bien sür qu'elle compte.
Miss Eliza Doolittle, Colonel Pickering.
Mlle Eliza Doolittle, colonel Pickering.
The young lady with Colonel Pickering...
L'amie de Pickering...
Colonel Pickering, Mrs Pearce?
Pickering ou Mme Pearce?
You see, Eliza, all men are not confirmed old bachelors like me and the Colonel.
Il n'y a pas que des célibataires endurcis comme Pickering et moi.
I'm sure Pickering'd set you up in one. He's got lots of money.
Pickering pourrait vous commanditer...
Do my clothes belong to me or to Colonel Pickering?
Mes vêtements sont a moi ou au colonel Pickering?
What the devil use would they be to Pickering?
Qu'en ferait-il?
Oh, Pickering, for God's sake, stop being dashed and do something!
Pickering, quittez cet air ahuri, et faites quelque chose.
I beg your pardon, yes This is, this is Colonel Pickering speaking.
Pardon... Oui, ici, le colonel Pickering.
Pickering, why can't a woman be more like a man?
Pourquoi les femmes sont-elles différentes des hommes?
I do hope you find her, Colonel Pickering.
Il faut la retrouver.
It was very dificult I should never have known how ladies... and gentlemen behave if it hadn't been for Colonel Pickering.
Je n'ai découvert les bonnes maniéres que gräce au colonel.
I know I'll always be a lady to Colonel Pickering... because he always treats me as a lady and always will.
Je suis toujours une dame pour le colonel qui m'a toujours traitée comme telle.
I can't change my nature or my manners My manners are exactly the same as Colonel Pickering's
Je ne peux pas changer vos manières, qui sont celles de Pickering, d'ailleurs.
Yes, or sell flowers Would you rather marry Pickering?
Ou vendre des fleurs ou épouser Pickering.
And how Pickering feels Eliza, you're a fool!
Et Pickering aussi... Vous ëtes une petite folle.
Rick Avery called. He's tired of waiting for Pickering to approve a girl for the Jewel of the East campaign.
Rick Avery ne veut plus attendre que Pickering trouve une fille pour la campagne.
The only trick is to find a girl that Pickering will approve.
Mais il faut une fille que Pickering approuve.
There isn't a girl in this city Pickering will approve as the Jewel of the East.
Pickering n'a trouvé aucune fille pour le Bijou de l'Orient.
Are you willing to give Wally a shot at the Pickering campaign?
Donnerais-tu sa chance à Wally pour la campagne Pickering?
What makes you think there'll be a campaign?
Quelle campagne Pickering?
Larry, why don't you see Pickering, get him all steamed up.
Larry, va voir Pickering et prépare-le.
In fact, don't wait for Pickering's okay.
N'attends même pas sa réponse.
- If they sell the Pickering people we've got a great campaign started.
- Si Pickering approuve, c'est le début d'une grande campagne.
Pickering was crazy about that picture you took.
Pickering a adoré ta photo.
No, it's the Pickering account.
Et on a eu la campagne Pickering.
I wish Pickering could hear that.
Si Pickering entendait.
Liz Pickering?
Avec Liz Pickering?
If I may suggest, Miss Pickering, the punch is pale.
Permettez, Mlle Pickering, le punch est léger.
Miss Pickering will be down in a minute, sir.
Mlle Pickering descend dans une minute.
I'm Liz Pickering.
Je suis Liz Pickering.
Pickering Avenue and Center Street.
Au coin de Pickering Avenue.
Thank you, Colonel Pickering. Don't you think so, Higgins
N'est-ce pas, Higgins?