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Priscilla translate French

532 parallel translation
Where's Priscilla?
Où est Priscilla?
Well, Priscilla and I had a big battle.
Nous nous sommes disputés.
Are you a friend of Priscilla's, miss, uh...
Vous êtes une amie de Priscilla, Mlle...?
It's miss Priscilla, sir.
- C'est Mlle Priscilla, monsieur.
We didn't hear about it. Priscilla.
It's Priscilla.
- Priscilla.
Well, the only one I feel any obligation to is Priscilla. She's had the rotten end of all this.
La seule envers qui je me sens redevable, c'est Priscilla.
Oh, you think of Priscilla as an obligation, huh?
Tu penses devoir quelque chose à Priscilla?
C'est Priscilla.
I wanted to tell you that Priscilla is coming back.
Je voulais vous dire que Priscilla rentrait...
Well, I know my Priscilla.
Et je connais ma Priscilla.
Sweet Priscilla going strong.
Sweet Priscilla court bien.
And at the turn, it's still Sweet Priscilla.
Et au tournant, c'est encore Sweet Priscilla.
Sweet Priscilla with Hot Toddy second and Condiment third.
Sweet Priscilla suivie de Hot Toddy et de Condiment.
In the stretch, it's Sweet Priscilla all by herself.
Au dernier tournant, Sweet Priscilla mène le bal.
At the finish, it's Sweet Priscilla.
À l'arrivée, c'est Sweet Priscilla.
There is Sweet Priscilla, the winner, Condiment to place, Hot Toddy to show.
Voici Sweet Priscilla suivie de Condiment et de Hot Toddy.
Well, it seems there was a man in love with a girl. Priscilla, her name was.
Un homme aimait une certaine Priscilla.
Anyway, right after John Alden finished proposing Priscilla looked at him and said, "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?"
Quand Alden l'eut fait, Priscilla lui dit : Si vous parliez en votre nom?
This is Priscilla.
Voilà Priscilla.
He said, " "John Alden, Will you go ask Priscilla to do it?" "
Il a dit : "John Alden, va dire à Priscilla que je veux l'épouser"
Yeah, but somebody's broke into the cleaning room. I don't c... They what?
"Lady Priscilla Price rit d'une plaisanterie"...
No, but there were pictures in the paper when they put Priscilla Rochester away.
Il y avait des photos dans le journal quand Priscilla Rochester a été bouclée.
Captain wanted his privacy the same as old Priscilla.
Le capitaine aimait autant son intimité que la vieille Priscilla.
You don't have a picture of Priscilla Rochester, do you?
Vous n'avez pas une photo de Priscilla Rochester, n'est-ce pas?
As far as I know, there are no pictures of Priscilla Rochester.
Pour autant que je sache, il n'y a pas de photo de Priscilla Rochester.
And what about the old lady, Priscilla Rochester?
Et la vieille dame, Priscilla Rochester?
For a starter, I'd like to call the sanitarium... and see if our Priscilla Rochester is present and accounted for.
Pour commencer, j'aimerais appeler le sanatorium pour voir si notre Priscilla Rochester est bien présente là-bas.
Stephanie's smashing, Priscilla a treat
Stéphanie casse tout, Priscilla m'enivre
Naturally, my real name, Priscilla, is so much more dignified.
Mon vrai prénom, Priscilla, a plus de classe.
I'd try to say Priscilla, but it would come out Pleasure.
J'essayais de dire Priscilla, mais je prononçais Plaisir.
The real name is Miss Priscilla O'Riley.
En réalité, c'est Mlle Priscilla O'Riley. - C'est votre nom?
Actually, Priscilla, you'll be feeding the child the cereal when she gets here.
Priscilla, tu donneras les flocons d'avoine à l'enfant, quand elle sera là...
Oh, Rosemary, you come here. Come, come in to Priscilla.
Rosemary, avances-toi
All right, now... - Priscilla, dear. - Yes, Julie, love.
- A nous, Priscilla chérie...
If you'd make... Priscilla, you don't mind. Would you mind standing over there?
Priscilla s'il te plaît, recule toi un peu...
Miles Standish Priscilla John Alden Boston Blackie.
Miles Standish, Priscilla, John Alden,
Welcome to the Priscilla.
Bienvenue au Priscilla.
Priscilla just died.
Priscilla vient de mourir.
- Priscilla?
- Priscilla?
With what adventures, Priscilla the Christian?
Avec cette aventurière, Priscilla la chrétienne?
Do you know a lady named Priscilla that lives around here? Yeah.
Tu connais une fille qui s'appelle Priscilla et qui vit par ici?
- Hello, Priscilla. - Do I know you from somewhere? Yeah.
On se connaît?
Nine years since I've been in front of the people, Priscilla.
Neuf ans depuis mon dernier concert, Priscilla.
I'd like you to meet my friend Priscilla Beaulieu.
Je te présente mon amie, Priscilla Beaulieu.
I see the game.
Le match, la soirée chez Anthony, la dispute avec Priscilla, et quelle dispute...
The dance in Anthony's, Priscilla and I had a battle - sensational battle - then driving back, then the girl without a - you!
Puis le retour et la fille sans... Vous!
Sweet Priscilla!
Sweet Priscilla!
Priscilla said, " " Now that Miles is gone
Priscilla a dit :

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