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Ricks translate French

81 parallel translation
Did you spot him? Ricks, you see him?
Vous l'avez vu?
The trouble with you, Ricks, is that you're bitter, just bitter. Sure.
Tu es trop amer.
- They must've gotten Ricks, too.
- Ils ont dû avoir Ricks aussi.
Ricks is dead! A boy I never even talked to is dead!
Ricks est mort. un gars à qui j'avais jamais parlé est mort.
T ricks!
Des tours?
His name's Clifford Ricks.
Il s'appelle Clifford Ricks.
Clifford Ricks here, man?
Clifford Ricks est là?
Clifford Ricks!
Clifford Ricks?
Felix, you reckon that little hump Ricks was making 80 Gs a month?
Quand tu penses que Clifford Ricks faisait quoi? 80 000 le mois?
Look, Ricks. Don't start any shit with me.
Commence pas à m'emmerder, Ricks.
- Your saving grace, Colton Ricks.
La grâce qui te sauvera, Colton Ricks!
Where do you hail from, Mr. Ricks?
Originaire d'où, Monsieur X?
You really should get out more, Mr. Ricks.
Faut sortir davantage, Monsieur X.
You have pleasant dreams, Mr. Ricks.
Faites de beaux rêves, Monsieur X.
So Dr. Ricks - I'd still like to introduce you to our patient, Parker.
Dr Ricks, jaimerais vous parler du patient Parker
Spencer Ricks is challenging me with this chauvinistic crap.
Spencer Ricks me défie avec son discours chauvin.
"Spencer Ricks says,'That's fine, as long as she cooks and cleans."'
"Et Ricks :'Bien, à condition qu'elle reste à la cuisine."'
Although you should know that Spencer Ricks will be in the issue.
Mais sachez que Spencer Ricks fera partie du dossier.
You're doing this to blow Spencer Ricks out of the water, honey, and we both know it.
Tu le fais pour provoquer Spencer Ricks, ma chérie et on le sait.
Killer potion for Spencer Ricks.
Potion mortelle pour Spencer Ricks.
- Spencer Ricks, right?
- Spencer Ricks, n'est-ce pas?
I think that's Spencer Ricks.
C'est Spencer Ricks.
Spencer Ricks?
Spencer Ricks?
Oh, if you're talking about Spencer Ricks, not him.
Si tu parles de Spencer Ricks, rien.
Do you remember Spencer Ricks, that slimy advice columnist?
Tu te souviens de Spencer Ricks, le chroniqueur abject?
Mr. Ricks, thank you for your time
M. Ricks,
- Anyway, they were chasing a drug dealer up on the roof... when they found this kid named Andre Ricks. Oh, thank you, Captain Hoopes. - Uh-huh.
- Merci, Capitaine Hoopes.
How far away from Ricks were you?
Ricks était à quelle distance?
Yet, when I asked him about how far he was from Andre Ricks, no pause.
Mais quand je lui ai demandé à quelle distance il était d'André Ricks... pas de pause.
- Did you plant the gun on Andre Ricks?
- Vous avez placé l'arme sur André?
Mr. Ricks?
M. Ricks?
That's why you gotta back off the Ricks case.
C'est pourquoi il faut décrocher de l'affaire Ricks.
- If Andre Ricks recovers-if - he could go to jail for a crime he may not have committed.
- Si André Ricks se remet - si... il peut aller en prison pour un crime qu'il pourrait ne pas avoir commis.
Did Andre Ricks have a gun in his hand...
André Ricks... avait-il une arme à la main...
Well, I'll tell that to Andre Ricks.
Je raconterai ça à André Ricks.
Andre Ricks is conscious, and he's willing to talk.
- Ricks est conscient et prêt à parler.
Ricks was unarmed.
Ricks n'était pas armé.
And how far away from Ricks were you?
Et à quelle distance de Ricks étiez-vous?
A Photoshop picture of Andre Ricks was given to the police.
Une image Photoshop d'André Ricks a été donnée à la police.
And when you shot Andre Ricks, he knew you could get arrested.
Et quand vous avez tiré sur André Ricks, il savait que vous pourriez être arrêté.
Okay, boys, let's get back to it.
- Eh, vous avez vu Ricks? - Non.
I got on the horn, ordered McPhee and Hicks to get out there and return fire.
J'ai pris le téléphone et dit à McPhee et Ricks d'aller là bas et de riposter.
Ricks has probably initiated rescue measures.
Ricks a probablement commencé les mesures de sauvetage.
Get Commander Ricks on the line right now.
Passez-moi le commandant Ricks immédiatement.
You got comms with Ricks?
- Tu as le contact avec Ricks?
Ricks, Case on Delta channel.
Ricks, Case sur la chaîne delta.
- Go for Ricks.
- Ricks à l'écoute.
And Ricks... they got Jay.
Et Ricks... ils ont pris Jay.
Come on, Ricks.
Allons, Ricks.
No, sir.
Now, Andre's in the hospital with two gunshot wounds and a broken back.
Donc, ils poursuivaient un trafiquant de drogue sur le toit... quand ils sont tombés sur ce jeune nommé André Ricks. André est à l'hôpital avec deux blessures par balle et le dos fracturé.

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