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That's what i want to do translate French

444 parallel translation
That's what I want to do, laugh and play.
- C'est justement ce dont j'ai envie.
You just keep right on lying, that's what I want you to do.
Alors, continue. C'est ce que je veux entendre.
- That's just what I want her to do.
- C'est justement ce que je veux.
That's what I want you to do.
Voilà ce que je veux.
- There's only one thing I want you to do. - What's that?
Faites une chose pour moi.
- That's just what I want to do, beat it.
- Je crois surtout qu'on ne partira jamais.
That's what gives me the chance to do what I want.
J'en ai un peu, ça me permet de faire ce que je veux.
- That's just what I want you to do.
- C'est ce que vous devez faire.
I know what you want! You want to hang me! That's what you wanna do.
Vous voulez ma tête?
Maybe it isn't, but that's what I want to do.
- C'est ce que je veux.
That's what I want. ─ We'll go back to State. Oh Pete, I can do it.
On retournera dans l'Illinois.
That's what i would want you to do if i were donna.
Je le souhaiterais, si j'étais Donna.
But what I want to say is that there's nothing you can do that you ever have to feel guilty about.
Quoi que tu fasses, ne culpabilise pas.
- That's what I want to do.
C'est ce que je souhaite.
I didn't want it to happen but... there's nothing a guy can do about the real McCoy, and that's what this is. We're in love.
Je n'ai rien fait pour cela, mais je me suis mis à l'aimer.
All that, because I want you to do what I say even if it's picking up my hat when I tell you to
Tout ça pour que vous fassiez ce que je dis, même s'il s'agit de ramasser mon chapeau.
That's exactly what I want to do.
C'est exactement ce que je veux faire.
And that's what I want to do music.
Et c'est ce que je veux faire, de la musique.
I don't know yet just how I can do this... but that's what I want to do.
Je ne le connais pas, mais je veux l'aider.
- That's what I want to do.
- Moi aussi.
That's what I want to do...
Voilà ce que je veux faire...
It isn't important what he said on the phone, is it? He was supposed to come back here and talk to us after he talked to the mother, and he didn't. That's what I want you to do something about.
Mais ce qui est important... c'est qu'il devait revenir après avoir vu la mère... et il n'a pas reparu.
You write a piece of music, I listen to it, and that's what it says. Ram Bowen, all by itself. Now, what more than that do you want?
Tu composes un air et je le note.
What do you want? Well, I'm on my way out and I asked to see you this morning because that's the first I heard that you were on your way out, too.
Je vais sortir et j'ai demandé à vous voir ce matin... parce qu'il paraît que vous partez aussi.
That's why I want to find out what happened to him. I don't blame you, so do I. Now I got a theory...
C'est pourquoi je veux savoir ce qui lui est arrivé.
That's all I want, a chance to show what I can do.
Je rêve de montrer ce que je peux faire.
That's what I want you to do.
C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
Jeannie, I became an astronaut because that's what I want to do.
Je suis astronaute parce que c'est ce que je veux.
What did I do? I just want to know what this picture is about, that's all.
Je voulais juste en savoir davantage sur ce film.
Aye, but it takes a great deal to turn loose of the past... and that's exactly what I want her to do.
Oui, mais il faut l'être pour se libérer du passé et c'est exactement ce que je veux qu'elle fasse.
I can't stop you if that's what you want to do.
Je ne peux pas vous en empêcher, si c'est ce que vous voulez.
That's exactly what I want you to do
Ah oui? On ne demande que ça.
It's not so much what we do it's having a choice being able to decide what it is I want not just to be forced into a thing because that's the way it is.
C'est pas tellement ce qu'on fait, c'est d'avoir le choix. Pouvoir décider ce que je veux. Ne pas être obligé de faire quelque chose.
What happens if he doesn't pay? I gotta collect from you? - I don't want to do that.
Donc, s'il ne paie pas, je me rabats sur toi et ça m'ennuie.
Who's paying you to do that, Mulwray? That's what I want to know!
À qui êtes-vous vendu, Mulwray?
Lieutenant, I want you to see what Tommy Brown's like. I want you to talk to him. Would you do that for me, please, as a personal favor?
Allez le voir, parlez-lui, pouvez-vous le faire pour moi aujourd'hui?
That ´ s not what I want to do.
- C'est pas ça que je veux faire.
Because that's exactly what I want you to do.
C'est ce que j'allais vous demander.
What do you think I came up here for, the fun of it? And you want me to take you to this party that knows Eddie Shoebridge's wife?
Vous voulez que je vous conduise chez des amis... de la femme de Shoebridge?
I'd rather for'em to leave before that I finish this... because I do want to know... if we're gonna have these people here or if we can depend on'em or what.
Parce que je veux vraiment savoir s'il y aura les gens présents, si on peut compter sur eux ou pas.
I believe you could kill me right now, and if that's what you want to do... then, uh, go ahead... but you've got enough heat on you already, and we can help you.
Tu pourrais me tuer. Si tu veux le faire... vas-y, mais t'as les flics au cul, et on peut t'aider.
That's exactly what I want you to do.
C'est ce que je veux que tu fasses.
I want you to look away while I do, and that's what I came to see you for.
J'aimerais que vous me laissiez faire, c'est pourquoi je suis ici.
Hey, I want his job. Now, whatever he do, that's what I want to do.
Je veux son boulot, peu importe ce qu'il fait, c'est ça que je veux.
and I didn't want to do it, but they said that was what was expected of me, that that's what people wanted to see.
Et moi je voulais pas. Mais ils disaient que c'était ça qu'on me demandait. Ce que les gens voulaient voir.
That's exactly what I want to do.
C'est exactement ça.
That's what I want you to do
- Si, justement!
Yeah. That's it. That's exactly what I want to do, stand on my own two feet, and do something to earn a fast buck.
Oui, c'est bien ça que je veux faire, être indépendant et gagner rapidement.
That's what I want you to do, ya moron!
C'est justement ce que je veux.
I couldn't get the fish to bite, that's all. What do you want me to do?
Le poisson ne mordait pas, c'est tout.
I do want to belong, That's what I wanted to tell you before, but didn't know how to explain it to you,
Je veux en faire partie, a est ce que je voulais te dire avant et je ne savais comment t'expliquer,

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