Their leader translate French
764 parallel translation
Their leader, Panphilo de Narvaez, was arrogant and incompetent,
Leur chef, Panphilo de Narvaez, était arrogant et incompétent,
Their leader was an old conquistador called Francisco Pizarro,
Leur chef était un vieux conquérant appelé Francisco Pizarro,
They acknowledged their leader's authority but he had to pay attention to and respect them.
Ils ont reconnu l'autorité de leur chef mais il a dû prêter attention à les respecter.
This is the second main document they drew up, formally petitioning 0rellana to be their leader, and every single member of the expedition has signed it, with loud protestations of loyalty to the governor, Gonzalo Pizarro.
Ceci est le deuxième document principal qu'ils ont élaboré, formellement pétitionnant 0rellana pour être leur chef, et chaque membre de l ´ expédition l'a signée, Avec de fortes protestations de fidélité au gouverneur, Gonzalo Pizarro.
Infiltrate the insurgency and bring us their leader.
Infiltrez la rébellion et apportez-nous son chef.
He attacked single-handed, a group of the enemy and killed their leader thus demoralizing hostile forces at a moment when the success of our arms at Mogala was in the balance.
Il a attaqué seul une faction ennemie et tué leur chef, affaiblissant ainsi la partie adverse au moment où la victoire de nos forces, à Mogala, était compromise.
I can tell you where to find their leader.
Je peux vous dire où est leur chef.
Their leader hoped that someday that gold would still return to the South where it belonged, to help them rebuild their homes and restore some of their pride.
Leur chef espérait que cet or retournerait un jour dans le sud, auquel il appartient, pour aider à restaurer leurs maisons et un peu de leur fierté.
But you saw how their leader tried to draw us out.
- Oui. Mais leur chef nous a sondés.
You will be their leader.
Vous serez leur chef.
Their leader is a clever, resourceful criminal who seems to have sources of information from everywhere.
Leur chef est un criminel très intelligent qui semble avoir des sources d'information partout.
Even if you arrest their leader, Alexander Sebastian, tomorrow another Farben man takes his place, their work goes on.
Ça ne servirait à rien. Si on arrête leur chef, Sebastian, un autre membre de Farben poursuivra le boulot.
Their leader was a beautiful French girl.
Leur leader était une belle Française.
I think he is their leader, a man called Peter.
- Leur chef, je crois. Un homme nommé Pierre.
Their leader was a sanctimonious, blood-thirsty, so-called preacher named Chivington.
Leur chef était un soi-disant prêtre assoiffé de sang, du nom de Chivington.
I had a hunch that thejumpers... would try to break Rat Face out ofjail or fill him full of lead... so he couldn't tell embarrassing things, like who their leader was.
Quelque chose me disait qu'ils allaient essayer... de sortir Face de rat de prison ou de le cribler de plomb... pour qu'il ne dise pas des choses gênantes, comme le nom de son chef.
- Are you their leader?
- Tu es leur chef?
I am their Leader.
Je suis leur chef.
I take it you regard yourself as their leader.
Tu te prends donc pour le chef.
- And became their leader?
Et s'est fait leur chef?
Their leader insisted they're on a peaceful missión, but Yllana did not believe him.
Le chef affirme que leur missión est pacifique, mais Yllana ne les a pas crus.
And their leader was... The noble Count Artigas.
Et le chef était le Comte Artigas.
Their leader faced me...
Un homme qui semblait être le chef...
Their leader said their hatred of Rome was such... that all they wished was to escape from her rule.
Leur chef a dit que leur haine de Rome est telle... qu'ils ne veulent rien d'autre qu'échapper à son joug.
Their leader, Barabbas, wanted as criminal and killer now baited his traps for the Roman wolves.
Leur chef, Barabbas, un criminel notoire, posait un piège pour capturer la louve romaine.
Yes, but these witches were in the sky... and their leader had three horns on his head.
mais les sorcières étaient dans le ciel... et leur leader avait trois cornes.
Yes, yes, that's the one. But I don't think he's their leader.
Mais ce n'est pas le chef.
And their leader, Hunac Kell, already as cruel as any god, now felt himself as powerful as one.
Leur chef, Hunac Kell, déjà aussi cruel qu'un dieu, se sentait maintenant invincible.
I shall invite their leader to stay with me at the manor house.
J'inviterai leur chef à séjourner chez moi, au manoir.
Two or three times, we thought we had Balimar, their leader, but each time he was able to get away.
Nous avons plusieurs fois failli prendre leur chef, Ballomar. Mais il a toujours réussi à s'en tirer.
It will be especially dangerous for their leader.
Celui qui les conduira sera des plus exposés.
And this is their leader, Major James Lassiter.
Voici leur chef. Le major James Lassiter.
- Is he their leader?
– Il est leur chef?
Inspired by the example of their leader, the soldiers repeeated :
"Enflammés par l'éxemple de leur chef, " les soldats répétaient :
I have to sleep with their leader.
Moi je dors avec leur chef.
Their leader - the one they call Doctor..
Leur chef, celui qu'ils appellent "Docteur".
Then Maaga, their leader, appeared.
Alors Maaga, leur chef, est apparue.
Among those who met their deaths are Nick Brown, powerful East Side gang leader also Rocco, Brown's lieutenant, and Manny Eckert.
Les morts sont : Nick Brown, Rocco, son bras droit, et Manny Eckert.
Their formation leader's calling you on the command set.
Le leader de la formation vous demande.
Their self-appointed leader, Brom Bones, was a burly, roistering blade, always ready for a fight or a frolic.
Brom Bones, qui s'était désigné chef, était un gaillard robuste et fêtard, toujours prêt à se battre.
Victory for the Sioux and their great leader, Red Cloud.
Victoire pour les Sioux et leur grand chef, Nuage Rouge l
Their acknowledged Leader is here in Rome.
Leur chef reconnu est à Rome.
Outwardly Animal Farm appeared prosperous, but the animals themselves were no better off, with the exception of the pigs, and their supreme leader, Napoleon.
Vue de l'extérieur, la Ferme des animaux semblait prospère... mais l'état des animaux n'était pas meilleur, à l'exception des porcs et de leur chef suprême, Napoléon.
Their leader was named Enjolras.
Eh bien, j'en ai une tête!
But if you let them once know that their club leader once fought in the commandos, did all this- -
Si vous leur disiez que vous êtes un ancien commando...
'Their objective - to kill a six-year-old boy'because he is a prince and the future leader of his people.
tuer un enfant de 6 ans parce que c'est un prince et le futur chef de son peuple.
The defendant is accused of claiming to be the leader sent by their god to liberate the Hebrew nation.
Il s'est proclamé le chef, envoyé par leur Dieu pour libérer la nation hébraïque.
It's their duty to stand by the leader in hard times.
Les gens doivent être solidaires.
Their leader was killed.
Leur chef a été tué.
Barlini leads, but Ferrari team leader Sarti, Aron and Rindt, all have the Sicilian in their sights.
Barlini est toujours en tête, mais Sarti sur Ferrari, Aron et Rindt restent dans les roues du Sicilien.
Their actual leader is a good soldier, but he likes wine and money.
Leur commandant est un bon soldat, mais il aime le vin et l'argent.
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leaders 20
leadership 32
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their plan 18
their son 28
their daughter 20
leaders 20
leadership 32
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their plan 18
their son 28
their daughter 20