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There's something about him translate French

265 parallel translation
They say there " s something remarkable about him.
Il a quelque chose de spécial, dit-on.
There's something awful funny about him, something very mysterious.
Y a un truc très bizarre chez lui, très mystérieux.
There's something familiar about him.
Even if I didn't love him, there's something about you that...
Même si je ne l'aimais pas, il y a quelque chose en vous qui...
You know, I feel that there's something wrong about him.
Comment dire... Il y a quelque chose qui me gêne chez lui.
There's something, well, repulsive about him.
Il a quelque chose de repoussant.
There's something about him I don't like.
Il a quelque chose qui me déplaît.
And there's something so dynamic about him.
Et il y a quelque chose d'énergique chez lui.
- There's something about him that...
Mais quelque chose en lui... Elle est folle de lui.
Because there's something to be said about him before he dies.
Il y a quelque chose à dire sur lui avant qu'il ne meure.
But there's something about him one likes.
Mais il y a quelque chose chez lui qu'on aime bien. Quoi donc?
What do you mean there's something funny about him? Yeah? Well, all right.
Comment ça, "bizarre"?
There's something subhuman about him.
Il n'est même pas vraiment humain!
Well, there's something about him, there's something about him.
Pourtant, il y a quelque chose, il y a quelque chose
I can't help feeling there's something odd about him.
Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser qu'il a quelque chose de bizarre.
There's Dolan, giving me guff about something, and all of a sudden I hated him!
Dolan m'a agacé, et soudain, je l'ai détesté.
Yes. And there's something nasty about him
Oui, et il n'a pas l'air commode.
I'm sorry. I'm going to the dean's for supper. There's something I want to talk to him about.
Je dîne avec le doyen.
But there's something sort of... I don't know, funny about him.
Mais il y a quelque chose qui cloche chez lui.
They say there's something remarkable about him.
Il a quelque chose de spécial, dit-on.
Something about me amuses him. There's nothing I can do about it.
Quelque chose en moi l'amuse.
If something happens to him out there... nobody will ever know about it.
S'il lui arrive quelque chose là-bas... personne n'en saura jamais rien.
There's something odd about him that I can't pinpoint.
Cet homme a quelque chose d'étrange. Je ne sais pas quoi.
Haven't seen him in years, yet I always feel he's out there doing something I'd rather not know about.
Je ne l'ai pas vu depuis un bail, mais je sens qu'il concocte quelque chose que je préfère ignorer.
There's a man down there and there's been an announcement about him, the Brain or something, he holds his head like this.
Cet homme, là! Ils ont parlé de lui, le Cerveau, avec la tête sur le côté.
There's something about him...
- Il a quelque chose de...
There's something, something cold about him.
Mais, dans un sens,
You know, there's something about him that's very strange.
Il y a quelque chose à ce propos de trés étrange.
There's something gnawing about him, like of a rodent.
Ça me rappelle un rongeur.
- There's something extraordinary about him.
Il a quelque chose d'extraordinaire. - Dans quel sens?
There's something about him that makes me nervous.
Et puis, il a quelque chose qui m'inquiète.
It's funny, there was something about him, very private, very intense, a little menacing.
C'est drôle, il y avait en lui quelque chose... de très secret, très intense, un peu menaçant.
You know there's something about him that I trust.
Robert... il y a quelque chose en lui en quoi j'ai foi.
Yeah, but there's something fishy about him.
Oui, mais il me paraît louche.
I don't know, there's something about him.
Pourquoi? Il y a quelque chose que je n'aime pas chez lui.
Sometimes there's something so female about him... especially when he does one of those sweet, silly gestures.
Des fois il a tout d'une femelle... surtout quand il a ces gestes indolents et idiots.
There's something different about him.
Il est différent des autres.
There's something refreshing about him, no?
Il est tonique, ce bonhomme, vous trouvez pas?
There's just something about him that makes me quiver.
Il me donne des frissons.
There's something dangerous about him.
Il est dangereux.
There's something about him.
J'ai pas confiance, Mike.
There's something about him I don't trust at all.
- Je ne lui fais pas confiance.
He's nice, he's courteous, he's never thrown a teacher through a window, but still, there's something I like about him.
Il n'a jamais lancé de prof par la fenêtre. Malgré ça, j'aime une chose en lui.
Yeah, but there's something strange about him.
Oui, mais il y a quelquechose d'étrange à propos de ça.
There's just something about him.
- Mais quelque chose en lui...
There's something about him, Micki.
Il a quelque chose, Micki.
There's something about him, Jack, I feel it.
Il y a quelque chose avec lui, Jack, je le sens.
There's something weird about him.
Il y a quelque chose de bizarre chez lui.
There's something about him. I can't put my finger on it.
Ce type m'intrigue...
There's something about him.
Il a quelque chose de spécial.
There's something about him I've never felt before.
Il y a quelque chose chez lui que je n'avais jamais ressenti auparavant.

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