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There's something here translate French

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OK, there are no fine restaurants, or the intoxicating rush of the city, but... but there's something here that is... that's extraordinarily true.
le tourbillon enivrant de la ville, mais... mais il y a quelque chose ici qui est... qui est extraordinairement vrai.
Someone's here to buy something what are you doing back there?
Il y a des clients! Qu'est-ce que tu fous là derrière? Sors de là!
There's been something hanging between us since you started here.
Il se passe quelque chose entre nous depuis que tu es arrivée.
Barely anything here. There's something...
Il n'y a rien dans cette zone.
I still think there's something fishy going on here.
Il se passe des choses louches la-dedans.
There's something I need to show you. Not here.
Il y a quelque chose que je dois te montrer, mais pas ici.
There's something here.
Il y a quelque chose, là.
- Then there's something else here at Wolfram Hart.
Alors il y a quelque chose d'autre ici.
Yeah, there's definitely something here, Miss Halliwell.
Il y a définitivement quelque chose ici, Mlle Halliwell.
Well, there's gotta be something rattling around in here.
Si mon cerveau pouvait fonctionner aussi vite que le reste!
There's gotta be something we can work out here.
On devrait pouvoir s'arranger.
Here, there's something I want you to see.
Je veux vous montrer quelque chose.
There's something here from 2001.
Il y a un truc datant de 2001.
There's got to be something here to lead us to who hired Jezic.
Il doit y avoir un truc qui nous mène à son commanditaire.
There's something wrong here.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
Well, there's something I've been meaning to say. Here it goes.
Dis, Lexus, voilà, faut absolument que je te dise.
There's something under here.
Il y a quelque chose sous cette dalle.
With this little toy here, there's something else we can do.
Avec ce joli petit joujou, on peut aussi faire autre chose.
You know what? There's nothing that you can do about those Christmases. But the one that you can do something about, the one that's here and now, you just spent that destroying my family.
Tu sais, tu ne peux rien changer aux Noëls passés, mais tu peux changer celui-ci, là, maintenant... au lieu de le passer à détruire ma famille.
No, there's seriously something down here. - What?
- Il y a quelque chose sous l'eau.
There's something down here.
Il y a quelque chose ici.
There's something's wrong here.
Quelque chose cloche ici.
There's something really wrong here.
Il ya vraiment quelque chose qui cloche!
There's gotta be something here.
Je suis sûre qu'on va trouver.
- Yes, yes. In case we die here today, there's something that you should know.
Si on doit mourir, il faut que tu saches quelque chose.
There's something in here!
Y a un truc là-dedans!
There's something in here.
Il ya quelquechose ici.
There's something wrong here.
Ça ne colle pas.
- There's something here, Holmes.
quelque chose dedans Holmes. on dirait une pièce.
Well, I'm not exactly quaking in my stylish yet affordable boots, but there's definitely something unnatural going on here.
J'ai remonté le moral des troupes. C'est important.
There's something here, it looks like a cell phone wrapped in fiber optics.
Il y a quelque chose là. On dirait un téléphone portable entouré de fibres optiques.
I don't know, coming here there's always something interesting going on.
Il y a toujours quelque chose d'intéressant en cours.
There's something... gooey here.
Il y a un truc gluant, là. "Gluant"?
There's something I don't get, here. I mean, if your time's limited and you want to get out with everything you can, why wouldn'tyou pop all the safe deposit boxes in the same row or column? Well, it's true.
Mais pourquoi, si leur temps était compté, n'ont-ils pas fait sauter les coffres dans l'ordre? C'est vrai.
Listen, since you're here, there's something I've always wondered about.
Puisque vous êtes là, il y a une question que je me suis toujours posée.
There's something you need, so I'm gonna leave this here.
Je vais laisser ca ici. Pour quoi?
Well, there's something here. Some kind of surveillance recorder.
Il y a quelque chose, une sorte de caméra de surveillance.
I wanted to see you to see... if I was going crazy or if there was something here.
Je voulais te voir pour savoir... si je devenais folle ou s'il se passait vraiment quelque chose.
- I thought I was going home to bed but I'm sensing there's something less fun for me to do here.
Je rentrais me coucher, mais je sens qu'une galère va me retenir ici.
Now, you gotta think. 'Cause if there's something here that belongs to Garnett...
S'il y a quoi que ce soit qui appartient à Garnett ici...
There's something else here.
Il y a quelque chose d'autre ici.
Do you really think there's something here worth killing for? Oh, yes.
Tu crois vraiment qu'il y a quelque chose ici qui vaille le coup de tuer?
There's something in here.
Il y a quelque chose.
Okay, there's something here, something I'm missing.
Il y a quelque chose ici, quelque chose qui m'échappe.
Maybe there's something hidden in here.
Il peut y avoir un truc caché ici.
There's still something here somebody doesn't want me to see.
Il y a encore quelque chose qu'on ne veut pas que je voie ici.
Let's see, my house is on fire, I have to go to the theatre tonight and there's two people here doing something they both know they shouldn't be doing.
Ma compagnie a pris feu, je vais au théâtre ce soir et il y a deux personnes qui font quelque chose qu'elles ne devraient pas faire.
There's something in here for you!
Maybe there's something here about how to...
Il y a peut-être quelque chose à...
Look, maybe it's Candace, or maybe it's just being back here... but I can tell there's something on your mind... and I just want to say that even though you've graduated... my office door is still always open to you.
C'est peut-être Candace ou le fait d'être ici, mais quelque chose te tracasse Tu es diplômée mais mon bureau est toujours ouvert
There's something in these mountains. Of course there are things living here.
Bien sûr, il y a des trucs qui vivent par ici, et alors?

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