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There's something wrong with him translate French

130 parallel translation
But, Robert, I'm sure there's something wrong with him.
Mais tu sais, il n'est pas normal.
There's something wrong with him, we both know it.
Quelque chose ne va pas chez lui, nous le savons tous deux.
- There's something wrong with him.
- Il ne tourne pas rond.
- There's something wrong with him.
Il a un problème.
All I know is that organically there's nothing wrong with him. That he's physically normal... and yet there is something wrong with him.
Je sais en tout cas qu'il ne souffre d'aucun problème organique, qu'il est physiquement normal, et pourtant quelque chose en lui s'est déréglé.
I think there's something wrong with him.
J'crois qu'il ne va pas bien.
There's something wrong with him.
Il est atteint. Il peut plus parler.
If he's interested in me, there's something wrong with him.
Non. Si je lui plais, c'est qu'il a un problème.
Of course there's something wrong with him.
Bien sûr qu'il a un problème.
I think there's something seriously wrong with him.
Je crois qu'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas chez lui.
Can't you see there's something wrong with him?
Vous ne voyez pas qu'il y a quelque chose de mal sur lui?
- There's always something goin'wrong with him.
Avez-vous ma montre?
There's gotta be something wrong with him.
Il doit y avoir quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond.
There's gotta be something wrong with him.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
There's something wrong with him.
Il y a une chose qui cloche.
There's gotta be something wrong with him.
Il doit bien avoir un défaut.
There's certainly something wrong with him... even though he said this morning that there wasn't.
"Il y a certainement quelque chose qui ne va pas chez lui... " même si, ce matin, il disait qu'il n'y avait rien.
I'm following him in. There's something wrong with his ship. It looks like his attitude stabilizers have failed.
Les stabilisateurs de ce vaisseau sont défectueux.
This is all about David. There's something wrong with him.
- Quelque chose cloche chez lui.
There's something is really wrong with him. It's not ring!
Ils parleront, tu parleras et on en aura fini.
There's something wrong with him.
Il a un problème.
There's something wrong with him.
II est détraqué.
There's something wrong with him.
Quelque chose ne va pas.
I can always tell when there's something wrong with him but it doesn't seem like he wants my help right now.
Je sais toujours quand quelque chose ne va pas. Mais il n'a pas l'air de vouloir mon aide.
If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian.
Si un mec de plus de 30 ans est célibataire, il a un problème.
There's something fucking desperately wrong with him and he needs fucking help.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond chez lui. Il a besoin d'aide.
There's something wrong with him send for an ambulance
Y a un problème avec lui, demande une ambulance.
There's really something wrong with him, send for an ambulance
Y a vraiment un problème avec lui, appelle une ambulance.
There's obviously something wrong with him.
Il vient d'ôter ses chaussures, ainsi qu'une de ses chaussettes.
Any guy can't make it work with you, there's something wrong with him.
Si ça n'a pas marché, c'est que quelque chose cloche chez lui.
Any guy can't make it work with you, there's something wrong with him.
L'autre soir, au restaurant, il a essayé de dire
Harald, there's something wrong with him.
- Harald, il a un truc qui cloche. T'as pas remarqué?
But there's something seriously wrong with him.
Mais il y a vraiment quelque chose d'anormal.
What do you want me to say, Paul? That there's something seriously wrong with him?
Je devrais noircir les faits?
There's something wrong with him.
Quelque chose cloche avec lui.
There`s something wrong with him.
Il n'est pas bien.
- Yes, but what if there's something wrong with him.
Oui, mais ça me fait penser que peut-etre il a un probleme.
Guy's beating off on the bus, means there's something wrong with him.
Un type qui se branle dans le bus, il a quelque chose qui cloche.
There's something wrong with him.
Y a quelque chose qui cloche.
There's something either very wrong with you or something very wrong with him.
Soit c'est toi qui a un gros problème, soit c'est lui.
I don't want him to think there's something wrong with him. You know?
Je ne veux pas qu'il croie que quelque chose ne va pas chez lui.
There's gotta be something wrong with him.
Allons, il a forcément un défaut.
If he hasn't slept with you yet, there must be something wrong with him!
S'il n'a pas encore couché avec toi, il doit y avoir une raison.
Which means there's something else wrong with him.
Et donc, il a autre chose.
I mean... You can't handle that my kid is better at building blocks, so you tell me there's something wrong with him?
Tu ne supportes pas que Nathan soit meilleur aux briques que Jack, alors tu me dis qu'il va mal?
There's something wrong with him, you just don't wanna see it.
Quelque chose cloche chez lui. Vous vous voilez la face.
Don't you understand there's something wrong with him?
Vous voyez pas qu'il est louche?
But he's a whore, there must be something wrong with him
Mais c'est une pute, il y a forcément un truc qui cloche chez lui.
I think there's something really wrong with him.
Je crois que ça tourne pas rond du tout chez lui.
There's something wrong with him. You just don't want to see it.
Il a un problème, mais vous l'ignorez.
She said there's something wrong with him.
Elle a dit qu'il avait attrapé quelque chose.

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