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There's something wrong with it translate French

149 parallel translation
Say, there's something wrong with this watch. I wonder if you'd look at it.
Ma montre ne marche pas, vous pourriez y jeter un oeil?
There's something wrong with him, we both know it.
Quelque chose ne va pas chez lui, nous le savons tous deux.
There's something wrong with it.
Il y a quelque chose qui cloche.
It's too big, there's something wrong with it.
Toute cette histoire ne me plaît pas.
Now, if he don't laugh, if he don't think the show is any good then I know there's something wrong with it something people just ain't a-gonna take to.
S'il ne rit pas, s'il ne trouve pas l'émission amusante, je sais que quelque chose ne va pas. Quelque chose que les gens ne vont pas piger.
You can leave it there. It's okay. So what's the matter, something wrong with it?
Je dois me reposer, et il y a aussi l'aspect financier.
- There's something wrong with it.
- Quelque chose ne va pas.
- There's something wrong with the sandwich. Every time I take a bite, it's whole again. Look.
- Quelque chose cloche avec ce sandwich. ll se reconstitue après chaque bouchée.
There's something wrong with it, a short, I think.
Il a un problème, sans doute un court-circuit.
- There is, there's something terribly... There's nothing wrong with it. I just don't want to be touched.
Mais je ne veux pas qu'on me touche!
It will carry my name. " There's something wrong with me.
" Je n'arrive pas à avoir des rapports normaux
And I have a sneaking suspicion... there's something wrong with it.
Et j'ai l'impression... qu'il y a quelque chose qui cloche.
Oh, yes, sir, it did occur to me, but there's something wrong with your thinking.
J'y ai pensé mais votre théorie ne tient pas.
- Hey! But there must be something wrong with me, because it's always that perfect moment... when a little voice tells me disaster's about to strike.
Et c'est à ce moment parfait qu'une petite voix m'annonce un désastre imminent.
Now, I don't know why, but there's something wrong with it. It stinks.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ce livre me chiffonne...
Seems to me there's something wrong with you this morning and not just this morning, when I think about it.
Selon moi, c'est toi qui ne tourne pas rond ce matin... et pas seulement ce matin maintenant que j'y pense!
They only make money if they tell you there's something wrong with it.
Ils font leur beurre sur les clients.
There's something wrong with the starter, so I hid it here.
alors je l'ai cachée ici.
You go back there and tell them there's something wrong with their judge rather you laughed I bet no, they do it to me anyways and they go soft on sweet Tanaka
{ \ 3cH00718E } Endo { \ 3cH0000AD } Matsumoto { \ 3cH026A00 } Yamasaki { \ 3cH900074 } Tanaka { \ 3cH0000AD } Tu leurs diras aux juges qu'ils sont injuste envers moi je parie ils me punissaient quoiqu'il arrive { \ 3cH0000AD } et ils sont plutôt cléments envers Tanaka
I think there's something wrong with it anyway.
Je pense qu'elle a un problème de toute façon.
There's something wrong with its eyes. It's blind.
Il a un truc aux yeux, il est aveugle ou quoi?
- Yeah, there's something wrong with it.
- Ouais, une grosse.
But It's hard, because there's something wrong with the floor.
Mais c'est dur, à cause du sol.
I'm following him in. There's something wrong with his ship. It looks like his attitude stabilizers have failed.
Les stabilisateurs de ce vaisseau sont défectueux.
It's the lid, I can't open the lid. There's something wrong with it.
En fait, je n'arrive pas à ouvrir le couvercle.
There's something wrong with it! It looks like a dummy.
Ce truc ne marche pas, on voit que c'est un mannequin.
Doctor, there's something wrong with me. What is it?
Docteur, j'ai un problème.
There's something is really wrong with him. It's not ring!
Ils parleront, tu parleras et on en aura fini.
No, there's probably something wrong with it.
Non, il y a probablement quelque chose qui cloche.
Did it ever occur to you that the fact that so many people want to leave might mean that there's something wrong with your society?
S'ils partent, c'est peut-être que votre société a un problème.
There's something wrong with the furnace. It's losing heat.
- Le four perd de la chaleur.
I can always tell when there's something wrong with him but it doesn't seem like he wants my help right now.
Je sais toujours quand quelque chose ne va pas. Mais il n'a pas l'air de vouloir mon aide.
If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian.
Si un mec de plus de 30 ans est célibataire, il a un problème.
Look, like I said, maybe I don't want to admit there's something wrong but if he's got this thing we'll deal with it.
Je refuse peut-être d'admettre le problème, mais... s'il est effectivement malade... on le soignera.
- Listen, I can wrap it up- - l can't do it because there's something wrong with my stomach.
- Je peux vous en apporter... Mais je ne peux pas parce que j'ai mal au ventre.
There's something wrong with it.
Quelque chose cloche.
Any guy can't make it work with you, there's something wrong with him.
Si ça n'a pas marché, c'est que quelque chose cloche chez lui.
Any guy can't make it work with you, there's something wrong with him.
L'autre soir, au restaurant, il a essayé de dire
If there's something wrong with your pipe... the Dan D. Fine will clean it out.
Si ta tuyauterie déconne, Dan D. Fine la débouchera.
There must be something wrong if it's being sold modestly and with no fanfare.
Quelque chose doit clocher pour qu'on le vende pour si peu et sans fanfare.
So either the stock market crashed or there's something wrong with me and no one is willing to talk about it.
Alors, répondez-moi, je vais mourir?
There's something wrong with your story, but I can't put my finger on it.
Votre histoire cloche mais je ne sais pas pourquoi.
Every time there's wars going out of control, or the economy is bad... or something is wrong with the world at large... it's always these moments in history... that Michael Jackson will coincidentally... jerk off a kid.
Chaque fois qu'on est en pleine guerre, que l'économie va mal, ou que quelque chose ne va pas dans le monde, c'est toujours à ce moment-là que Michael Jackson décide justement de tripoter un gamin.
- No, it's nothing There must be something wrong with these tests
- Non, ce n'est rien ll doit y avoir un problème dans ces tests
- There's something wrong with it.
- Il y a une merde avec ce truc! - Quoi?
You know, Al, just'cause you're riding the big fat weenie doesn't mean there's something wrong with the way the rest of us do it, okay?
Tu sais, Alice, le fait que tu enfourches un manche à balai n'implique pas... que les filles entre elles fassent mal l'amour.
It's just that there's something wrong with my left foot.
J'ai un problème sur l'autre pied.
If Clark's right and there's something wrong with you, then take care of it.
Si Clark a raison et qu'un truc cloche chez toi, fais quelque chose.
I mean, there may be something wrong with it, but we can't find it,
Ou s'il y en a une, on ne l'a pas trouvée.
Hi, I've tried this number all morning and I wonder if you can find out if there's something wrong with the line, if it's disconnected, or if I can make an emergency breakthrough.
J'essaie ce numéro depuis ce matin. Il y a un problème avec la ligne? Elle n'a pas été déconnectée, par hasard?
It seems there's something wrong with the brake
On dirait que quelque chose cloche avec les freins.

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