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There's something wrong with me translate French

248 parallel translation
There's something wrong with me
Quelque chose cloche avec moi
If there's something wrong with you let me help you.
Je suis ton frère. Si quelque chose ne va pas, laisse-moi t'aider.
I'm beginning to feel that there's something definitely wrong with me.
Je commence à croire que le problème vient de moi.
I don't know, maybe there's something wrong with me, maybe I ought to be psyched or something.
J'ai peut-être un truc qui cloche et je devrais me faire enfermer.
There's something gravely wrong... or Captain Lewis would have communicated with me sometime during the day.
Quelque chose ne va pas sinon... le capitaine Lewis aurait communiqué avec moi durant la journée.
When I watch you I get a feeling that there's something wrong with me.
Je n'y comprends rien. J'ai parfois l'impression d'être anormal.
Bill, there's something wrong with me.
Bill, il se passe une chose étrange en moi.
There's something wrong with me.
Quelque chose doit clocher en moi.
There's something wrong with me.
Quelque chose cloche chez moi.
It's too big, there's something wrong with it.
Toute cette histoire ne me plaît pas.
There's something wrong with me?
Je ne suis pas assez bien?
There's something wrong with me.
Je ne vais pas bien.
There's something wrong with me, I suppose.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas, on dirait.
And there's something very wrong with you for thinking you can talk to me this way.
Et il y a un gros problème avec toi, si tu crois pouvoir me parler ainsi.
You can leave it there. It's okay. So what's the matter, something wrong with it?
Je dois me reposer, et il y a aussi l'aspect financier.
Excuse me. There's something wrong with the line to the camp.
Pardon, le camp a un problème de ligne.
There's something physically wrong with me!
Je suis malade.
There's something wrong with me.
Quelque chose en moi ne va pas.
Does there look like there's something wrong with me?
Est-ce qu'il semble y avoir quelque chose qui va pas avec moi?
Sweetheart, I don't wanna alarm you, but there's something wrong with me.
Chéri, je ne veux pas t'alarmer, mais j'ai un problème.
- There is, there's something terribly... There's nothing wrong with it. I just don't want to be touched.
Mais je ne veux pas qu'on me touche!
It will carry my name. " There's something wrong with me.
" Je n'arrive pas à avoir des rapports normaux
I wonder if there's something wrong with me, I never feel like that.
Je ne dois pas être normal. Je n'ai pas ce genre de fantaisies.
Think there's something wrong with me or something?
Tu ne me trouves pas bien?
Oh, yes, sir, it did occur to me, but there's something wrong with your thinking.
J'y ai pensé mais votre théorie ne tient pas.
Stop acting as if there's something wrong with me or the way I'm thinking!
- Le labo attendra. Mark, veux-tu arrêter de me prendre pour une cinglée?
I was thinking there must be something wrong with me because I've never had a relationship that's lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.
Je me disais que je ne dois pas tourner rond parce que je n'ai jamais vécu une histoire qui ait duré plus longtemps que celle de Hitler et Eva Braun.
There's something wrong with this. There's something wrong with the way you try to keep men off me.
C'est pas normal d'éloigner les hommes de moi.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
J'ai peut-être un problème.
Just look at me and say if there's something wrong with me. No!
Regarde-moi, et dis-moi si j'ai l'air bizarre!
- Hey! But there must be something wrong with me, because it's always that perfect moment... when a little voice tells me disaster's about to strike.
Et c'est à ce moment parfait qu'une petite voix m'annonce un désastre imminent.
Now, I don't know why, but there's something wrong with it. It stinks.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ce livre me chiffonne...
I've sometimes wondered if there wasn't something very wrong with my feelings.
Je me suis parfois demandé s'il n'y avait pas quelque chose de mauvais dans mes sentiments.
There's something wrong with me.
J'ai un sérieux problème.
If he's interested in me, there's something wrong with him.
Non. Si je lui plais, c'est qu'il a un problème.
Seems to me there's something wrong with you this morning and not just this morning, when I think about it.
Selon moi, c'est toi qui ne tourne pas rond ce matin... et pas seulement ce matin maintenant que j'y pense!
Do you think there's something wrong with me?
Tu ne me trouves pas bien?
Your father says there's something wrong with you. He wants me to bring you out of your shell ;
Ton père est inquiet, il voudrait que tu sortes de ton cocon.
Billy, I think there's something wrong with me.
Il y a un truc qui cloche chez moi.
Billy, I don't care what these doctors say. There's something wrong with me.
Je m'en fiche de ce que dit le médecin, je sais qu'il y a un truc qui cloche.
I've tried not to think about this, but... there's something very wrong with you.
J'ai essayé de ne pas me torture pour cela. Mais, il a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond chez toi
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
J'ai peut-être un truc qui cloche.
Are you trying to tell me there's something wrong with drinking beer?
Qu'y a-t-il de mal à boire de la bière?
You go back there and tell them there's something wrong with their judge rather you laughed I bet no, they do it to me anyways and they go soft on sweet Tanaka
{ \ 3cH00718E } Endo { \ 3cH0000AD } Matsumoto { \ 3cH026A00 } Yamasaki { \ 3cH900074 } Tanaka { \ 3cH0000AD } Tu leurs diras aux juges qu'ils sont injuste envers moi je parie ils me punissaient quoiqu'il arrive { \ 3cH0000AD } et ils sont plutôt cléments envers Tanaka
Between us I think maybe there's something wrong with me.
Entre nous, quelque chose ne tourne pas rond en moi.
- There's something wrong with me.
- Je crois que j'ai quelque chose - Urgence absolue
Tell them they've got to operate. There's something wrong with me.
Dites-leur d'opérer, je crois que j'ai quelque chose
He laughs at me as he says, "There's something wrong with the works".
Il dit en riant : "Ll y a un problème avec les travaux."
I mean, if there's something wrong with that, I want you to tell me. You can... No.
S'il y a du mal à ça, Je veux que tu me le dises.
The truth is, there ´ s surely something wrong with me.
Mais quelque chose en moi ne tourne pas rond, c'est évident...
There's something wrong with me, Aubrey.
Quelque chose ne va pas chez moi, Aubrey.

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