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There's something you don't know translate French

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There's something else you don't know.
Il y a quelque chose d'autre que vous ne savez pas.
There's something you don't know.
Il y a une chose grave que vous ignorez.
Elsa, there's something I must know. - You do love me, don't you?
Je dois savoir si tu m'aimes vraiment.
I don't want to worry you, but there's something you ought to know.
Je ne veux pas vous inquiéter, mais vous devez savoir une chose.
- There's something you don't know.
- Il y a une chose que vous ignorez.
There's something you don't know about me...
Vous me connaissez mal.
- I know all that, chief. I don't like it any better than you. But there's something else.
Je sais, chef, je regrette cela autant que vous, mais ce n'est pas tout...
Why, you conceited ape! Maybe there's something about you I could like, I don't know.
Il y a peut-être quelque chose en vous que je pourrais aimer.
Look, there's something I've got to tell you and I don't quite know how to do it.
Je dois te dire quelque chose, mais je ne sais pas comment le faire.
I really don't like discussing another man's affairs. But there is something you should know about General Bonaparte.
Je n'apprécie guère les commérages, mais vous devez savoir quelque chose sur Bonaparte.
There's something out there. You know that, don't you?
Il y a quelque chose dehors.
You know, Kathy... there's something going on that I don't understand.
Tu sais, il se passe quelque chose que je ne comprends pas.
There's something... I don't know... marvellous about you.
Tu as quelque chose... de merveilleux.
There's something in you, and you don't know anything about it because you don't know it's there.
On a quelque chose en soi, on ne sait pas ce que c'est parce qu'on ne sait pas que c'est là.
There's something else i know that you don't know - that you don't know that i know that you know jesse james.
Moi aussi. Je sais aussi que vous ne savez pas que je sais que vous connaissez Jesse James.
You know, my dear, there's something very satisfying about destroying something that's evil. Don't you think?
Vous savez, ma chère, il est très satisfaisant de détruire quelque chose de diabolique.
If there's something you know that we don't I think you'd better tell us what it is.
Si vous savez quelque chose de plus que nous, dites-le.
I've not given myself away. There's something in your heart, but you don't know it.
Ça concerne le coeur et tu ne le sais pas.
Mama... there's something you don't know
Maman... il y a quelque chose que tu ne sais pas
Do you ever get the feeling there's something going on we don't know about?
T'as jamais l'impression que tout arrive dans ton dos?
I know you don't have the capability of repairing the tiles but if something happens to the tile, is there anything you can do?
Je sais que vous ne pouvez pas réparer les tuiles mais s'il leur arrive quelque chose, que pouvez-vous faire?
But there's something else you don't know.
Il y a autre chose que tu ignores.
We don't know much about world affairs, but I'll tell you, there's something we're pretty darned sharp about.
Ni en monde des affaires. Mais il y a un domaine où on est vraiment calé.
There's something going on in this building. I don't know what it is... but I think you can help me find out.
Il se passe quelque chose d'étrange dans cet immeuble.
Over there, follow him. Don't go. There's something you don't know.
Là, poursuivez-le.
I don't know what it is, but there's something about you.
Il y a un je ne sais quoi en vous, Cow-boy.
Rico, there's something else that you don't know about.
- Il y a autre chose...
I know you don't know what I'm talking about. But there's something I've gotta take care of, and I can't do it by vegetating here in this store. Sorry about that.
Tu n'y comprends rien mais moi, j'en ai assez de végéter dans cette boutique.
There's something you don't know... about me.
Tu ignores une chose.. .. sur moi.
You see, "I don't know anything" means there's something to know.
Ne rien savoir signifie qu'il y a quelque chose.
I mean, I don't know who you are, but there's something about you.
J'ignore qui vous êtes, c'est seulement une impression.
There's something you don't know about Jessica, something that you should know.
Il y a une chose qu'il faut que tu saches sur Jessica.
There's something you don't know, Steven.
I don't know. You know, there's something about this guy that just makes you want to like him.
Je ne sais pas, mais il y a quelque chose chez ce gars... qui fait qu'on l'aime bien.
You just think you're not gonna be so scared, and you're sitting there, you don't know what's gonna happen, and then all of a sudden something happens inside you, right?
On croit qu'on n'aura pas peur et on se retrouve là... Et, soudain, quelque chose se passe à l'intérieur de soi.
You don't know me but there's something I must tell you.
Vous ne me connaissez pas, mais j'ai à vous parler.
There's something that you don't know.
Il faut que vous sachiez une chose.
There's something you don't know about the bombing in Dallas.
Il y a quelque chose que vous ignorez à propos de l'explosion de Dallas.
There's something you don't know...
II y a quelque chose que tu ne sais pas encore...
You know, there's something I still don't understand.
Il y a une chose qui m'échappe. Vous pourrez peut-être m'aider.
There's something I need to tell you. Something you don't know about.
Je dois te parler de quelque chose que tu ignores.
You don't show for Chicago, everyone will know there's something going on
Chacun saura qu'il se passe quelque chose. - Je m'en moque.
I don't know it you can hear me, but there's something I want you to know.
- Je sais pas si tu m'entends, mais il y a une chose que je tiens à te dire.
Because there's something you don't know about me.
Parce qu'il y a une chose que vous ne savez pas.
There's something going on that you don't want us to know about.
Tu nous caches quelque chose.
No, there's something you don't know about this whole Elizabeth business.
Je ne vous ai pas tout raconté sur Elizabeth.
There's something you don't know.
Il y a quelque chose que tu ne sais pas.
There's something about her that you don't know.
- Tu dois savoir une chose.
Danny, there's something you don't know.
Danny, tu ignores quelque chose.
There's something I should tell you, but I don't know exactly how.
J'ai quelque chose à vous dire mais je ne sais pas comment.
I guess I thought that maybe you'd come here, I don't know, to give me something, information - - something that would help make sense of what I was afraid you'd become, but there's nothing you could say.
Je me disais que peut-être tu venais ici, je ne sais pas, pour m'apporter quelque chose, une information... quelque chose qui m'aiderait à comprendre ce dont j'avais peur que tu sois devenu mais tu es incapable de dire quoi que ce soit.

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