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Udall translate French

23 parallel translation
He's pulling way ahead of Wallace, Jackson and Udall with the delegates.
Il est en train de devancer Wallace, Jackson et Udall.
Artie Parker couche avec la femme de Bert Udall depuis 2 ans.
Mr. Udall?
M. Udall?
Melvin Udall.
Melvin Udall.
Frank shows my work, Mr. Udall.
Frank expose mes oeuvres, M. Udall.
- You don't love anything.
- Vous n'aimez rien, M. Udall.
- Mr. Udall!
- M. Udall!
Mr. Udall, I'd like to speak to you.
M. Udall, je voudrais vous parler.
I found Verdell, Mr. Udall.
J'ai trouvé Verdell, M. Udall.
- Mr. Udall... taking care of him.
- M. Udall... s'occupe de lui.
Mr. Udall.
M. Udall.
Could you take it just a little easy, Mr. Udall?
Vous pourriez y aller doucement, M. Udall?
My wife is Melvin Udall's publisher.
Ma femme est l'éditrice de Melvin Udall.
But Mr. Udall wants to be billed.
Mais M. Udall veut payer les factures.
Mr. Udall!
M. Udall!
If you can't feel good about this break and step out a little, then you ought to have Mr. Udall send you over a psychiatrist.
Si tu ne peux pas profiter de cette chance et sortir un peu, alors c'est un psychiatre que M. Udall devrait t'envoyer.
- Jane, call Mike Udall.
- Appelle Mike Udall.
The thing is, I was asking him for his contact info and he wouldn't give it to me.
Dr. Udall! C'est une urgence!
Do you have any idea what it would take to replace every one of these paintings with a forgery?
Ça dépend de nous. Udall est intelligent. Il voudra libérer le virus dans un endroit public.
I now know your new base of operations.
Udall est toujours dans le wagon. Prochain arrêt, station principale.
Place is empty. Too much death.
Piqure anti-tétanos, docteur Udall?
No, I'm quoting my cinema hero, the character of Melvin Udall, expertly portrayed by Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets.
Non, je cite mon héro cinématographique, le personnage de Melvin Udall, incarné de manière experte par Jack Nicholson dans Pour le meilleur et pour le pire.
I was thinking I'd like to hire them the next time the London art museum loans something out.
Dr. Udall?

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