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Vinny translate French

561 parallel translation
Ask to speak to Joe Boniface, tell him that Vinny St. Terence sent you.
Demande Joe Boniface. Dis-lui que Vinny Sintera t'envoie. Et que tu es de Cleveland.
I'm a friend of Vinny St. Terence. He asked me to say hello.
Je suis un copain de Vinny Sintera.
Vinny was there at the dockside.
Vinny était sur les quais.
Vinny's arrested, Frank's arrested, Salerto.
Vinny a été arrêté et Frank aussi, Salerto.
I'm curious. Doesn't it bother you to only see Vinny once a week?
C'est pas frustrant de le voir une fois par semaine?
Hey, Vinny. Most of your grandfather's time here was spent cleaning up bird shit.
La vérité c'est que ton grand-pêre passait son temps à nettoyer la merde de pigeon.
Hey, Vinny. Tell your old man to listen.
Vinny, dis à ton père de m'écouter.
- What's the matter, Vinny?
- Alors Vinny, t'as peur du noir?
What you doing up there, Vinny?
Que fais-tu ici, Vinny?
The guy's name was Vinny.
Le type s'appelait Vinny.
- Thanks, Vinny.
- Merci, Vinny.
My name isn't Alphabet. lt's Languilly, Vinny.
Je ne m'appelle pas Alphabet mais Languilli.
Hey! Gimme some ammo!
Vinny, passe-moi une bande!
- I'm to go out with Vinny. What'd you get us here for?
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'important?
Don't take too long, Vinny.
Ne sois pas trop long, Vinny!
And we waltzed to the music of Vinny Scavelli and his Paesanos.
On a valsé sur la musique de Scavelli et de ses Paisanos.
- Who's up? - Vinny's up.
- Qui donne?
My cousin Vinny.
Mon cousin Vinny.
- Vinny.
Hey, Vinny. - Vinny?
C'est Vinny!
- Vinny Bag o'Donuts. How are you?
Vinny, sac à vent!
- This is Vinny?
C'est Vinny?
Vinny's first case.
La première affaire de Vinny!
What the fuck is goin'on here, Vinny? You fuckin'up this case or what?
Tu veux bousiller cette affaire?
Listen, Vin... I'm going with the public defender, too.
Écoute, Vinny, je l'ai choisi aussi.
If he doesn't ask the right questions, your lawyer will.
Si Vinny se trompe, ton avocat sera là.
Right. He did his act, and every time he made something disappear, Vinny jumped on him.
Dès qu'il escamotait quelque chose, Vinny le démasquait.
But he was just being Vinny.
Mais Vinny était lui-même.
- Oh, Vinny. I'm watchin'you go down in flames, bringin'me with you, and I can't do anything about it.
Tu descends en flammes, tu m'entraînes et je peux rien faire.
Vinny, I'm sorry to have ever doubted you at any time, and for this I apologise.
Désolé d'avoir douté de vous.
- Vinny, you did a terrific job.
Vous avez bien travaillé!
Deloris, Vinny wants to talk!
Il veut simplement parler.
- Now, as you can see, its doors are open... - Vinny, get over here.
Vinny viens voir.
- Joey. - Vinny.
Go, Vinny. Goodnight, Eddy-darling.
Roule, Billy!
Vinny, could you sew him up?
Vous pouvez me le recoudre?
That's okay, Vinny. " But it's always.
C'est toujours comme ça!
- He don't cancel with me. - Vinny doesn't cancel either.
Vinnie n'annule pas non plus.
Vinny's not... Don't gimme your shit.
Arrête tes conneries!
Hiya, Vinny.
Ca va, Vinnie? Jackie?
I was the man that changed America, Vinny.
Je suis le mec qui a changé l'Amérique.
I died when I was 53 years old, Vinny.
Je suis mort à 53 ans, Vinnie.
That's where it counts, Vinny.
C'est ça qui compte. La victoire de l'esprit sur la matière.
Say, Vinny, they don't still make those Belgian waffles, do they?
Dis-moi, Vinnie... Ils font toujours des gaufres belges?
- Vinny?
I mean, maybe Vinny really did see a ghost.
Vinnie a peut-être vraiment vu un fantôme.
What I do know is that the day after Vinny and Dot left for Las Vegas... the temperature in Brooklyn dropped below 90 for the first time in two weeks.
En tout cas, le lendemain du départ de Dot et Vinnie, Ia température est tombée en dessous de 32 après 15 jours de canicule.
I was in the joint with Vinny Passo.
J'étais en taule avec Vinny Passo.
- What's going on?
Je dois sortir avec Vinny.
Goddamn it, I'm so fucking pissed off at Vinny.
Je suis en rage contre Vinnie!
Dollars and cents, Vinny.
Pour des dollars et des cents.

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