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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We'll be right back

We'll be right back translate French

845 parallel translation
We'll be right back.
Nous allons revenir.
We'll be right back, Josephine.
Nous ne serons pas longues!
But it isn't all right. When we get back from this trip, I'll teach him how a girl like you ought to be treated.
À notre retour, je lui parlerai.
My friend wishes to speak to me in private. - Go right ahead. - We'll be right back.
Vous nous excuserez, mon ami veut me parler en tête-à-tête.
We'll be right back, Alice.
On revient tout de suite, Alice.
- We'll be right back.
- On revient tout de suite.
- We'll be right back.
- Nous ne serons pas long.
It was thoughtless of me, we'll be right back.
C'est de ma faute.
We'll be right back.
On revient tout de suite.
Before you know we'll be right back to where we were.
En un rien de temps, nous serons de nouveau... ce que nous étions.
In a month, we'll be back on schedule again. - Sure. - That's right.
Dans un mois, nous serons à nouveau à jour.
- We'll be right back.
- Nous revenons a l'instant.
Hang on, Steve, we'll be right back!
Tiens bon, Steve, on arrive!
- Well, we'll be right back.
- On revient.
Écoute, tu restes longtemps en ville?
Birmingham, we'll be right back.
Birmingham, on arrive.
We'll be right back.
Nous revenons tout de suite.
We'll be right back, Wilbur.
On revient tout de suite, Wilbur.
Money's getting shorter every day... and soon we'll be right back where we were, on the bum again... pushing guys for dimes, sleeping around in freight cars.
L'argent file et bientôt on sera aussi fauchés qu'avant... obligés de mendier et de coucher dans des wagons.
- We'll be right back.
- On revient.
- Excuse us, girls. We'll be right back.
Excusez-nous, on revient.
We'll be right back.
On arrive.
I'll be right back. I thought we decided that you weren't coming until tomorrow.
Tu devais ne venir que demain.
Any trouble we have with Indians from here on out I'll bet a month's pay can be traced right back to Bridger.
Je parie mon solde que M. Bridger n'est pas étranger à tous nos ennuis avec les Indiens.
All right. Get him out of here. Then you can go back and tell your friends we'll be waiting right here for any more of them that comes in looking for trouble.
Emporte-le... et dis à tes copains que le premier qui se présentera sera bien reçu.
But she'll be all right, and we'll probably be back in a few minutes.
Ça va aller. Nous allons revenir.
We'll be right back.
Nous venons tout de suite.
We'll be right back
Nous revenons tout de suite.
We'll be right back, Aunt Mathilde!
Oui, tante Mathilde. On vient tout de suite.
Miss Cesira, come with me. I want to pay you back. We'll be right back.
Rome devient impossible.
Wait at the bar, we'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
- On revient.
We'll be back right after supper. We can go to the bonfire.
Nous irons à la fête après.
- We'll be right back.
On revient. - D'accord.
Another couple of drinks and you're liable to forget about the divorce and we'll be right back where we started from.
Quelques verres de plus, et tu oublierais le divorce. On reviendrait au point de départ.
We'll be right back and then you'll see.
On reviendra et tu verras.
Right, we'll be back for you.
Bien, nous reviendrons vous chercher.
- â ™ ª We'll be in back of you, boy â ™ ª - â ™ ª Right â ™ ª
Nous te soutiendrons, mon gars
We'll be right back.
On revient.
When I'm done we'll throw her back. Then it'll be her own business again. That'll be all right, won't it
Eh bien, on la rejette au ruisseau, et cela redevient son affaire, voila.
We'll be right back, then.
Nous reviendrons plus tard.
We'll be right back.
On revient!
Allison, take care of Annie. We'll be right back.
On ne sera pas longs.
Wait here. We'll pick some flowers and be right back.
Attends ici, nous allons te cueillir des fleurs.
We have people all over the countryside looking for it so I'll be right back with you as soon as we can find it.
Mais des tas de gens la cherchent. Je reviendrai dès qu'on l'aura retrouvée.
Ach, Schrödi, we'll be right back.
Mais oui, Schrödi, on revient tout de suite.
We'll be back if things work out right.
Nous reviendrons si tout se passe bien.
if we could just have a little smothing... out on the tall grass there - of cours, I'll be right back
Mais bien sûr. Je reviens tout de suite.
When we get back, they'll be right there, right in the palm of my hand.
À notre retour, ils seront à notre dévotion.
We'll be right back.
On en a pas pour longtemps.
I guess we're through, so I'll take these prints, run over to my studio, develop these, and be right back.
Bien, je crois qu'on a fini. Je vais prendre ces tirages, filer à mon studio, les développer, et je reviens.

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