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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We'll get through this together

We'll get through this together translate French

61 parallel translation
We'll get through this together.
Nous devons surmonter cette épreuve tous ensemble.
- We'll get through this together.
- On va se battre ensemble.
We'll get through this together.
- Ensemble, nous y arriverons.
Just tell them the truth, and we'll get through this together.
Dis la vérité et on s'en sortira ensemble. Juré.
We'll get through this together.
nous allons faire route ensemble jusqu'en Corée MING va chercher la princesse dans chaque recoin
We'll get through this together. Hi, Alice?
Alors, Nathan, dis-moi, quel genre de travail tu fais?
- We'll get through this together.
- On va s'en sortir. - Non.
We'll get through this together, all right?
On s'en sortira ensemble.
We'll get through this thing. Together.
On va s'en sortir tous ensemble.
- We " ll get through this together.
- On traversera cette épreuve ensemble.
We'll get through this thing together. human being.
Nous nous en sortirons, tous ensemble. Je suis Wes antooth, journaliste, ami... être humain.
We'll get through this together.
Je vais tout vous expliquer.
We'll get through this Countess thing together.
On va traverser ce truc de comtesse ensemble.
We'll get through this together.
On va se sortir de ça ensemble.
We'll get through this together.
Ensemble, on va s'en sortir.
We've been through worse together, I guess, And we'll get through this, too.
On a traversé pire ensemble, je suppose, et on traversera ça aussi.
whatever comes, we'll get through this together.
Quoiqu'il arrive, on traversera ça ensemble.
We'll get through this together.
On traversera ça ensemble.
- We'll get through this together.
- On traversera cette épreuve ensemble.
We'll get through this together.
On va traverser ça ensemble.
I'll give you one more day to calm yourself down, work through your anger, angst, whatever it is you're all hot and bothered about, and then we're gonna get together and discuss this like grown adults.
Je te laisse une journée pour te calmer, ne plus être en colère contre ce qui te dérange, après, on pourra se retrouver et en parler entre adultes.
We'll get through this together as a group... the three of us, the three amigos.
On va le faire ensemble, en groupe. Tous les trois, comme les trois amigos.
We'll get through this together.
On va y arriver ensemble.
We'll get through this together, just like we always have.
Nous surmonterons ça ensemble, comme toujours.
We'll stick together and get through this.
On va rester soudées et on va s'en sortir. Quoi qu'il arrive.
I'll stay and we'll get through this together.
Je vais rester. Et on va affronter ça ensemble.
We'll get through this together, okay? Just breathe!
On s'en sortira, ensemble, respire, respire!
Ah, it's all right, J-Bird. We'll get through this together.
Ça va aller, on surmontera ça ensemble.
We'll get through this together, Alex.
Je vais t'aider, Alex.
We'll get through this together, with the help of the teachers, parents, and our psychologist, Julie Latendresse.
On va passer à travers de ça ensemble, avec vos professeurs, avec vos parents, avec la psychologue ici, Julie Latendresse.
Oh... okay, okay, it wasn't my finest moment, but we'll get through this together.
C'est pas une réussite, mais on s'en remettra.
We'll get through this, as long as we stick together.
On s'en sortira, tant que nous resterons ensemble
Look, just help me get through this vote tonight, and I will look into clemency, we'll discuss Bressler, and then together, we'll start to build this new government.
Aide-moi juste à avoir ces votes ce soir, et je ferai preuve de clémence, nous parlerons de Bressler, et ensuite, ensemble, nous commencerons à construire ce nouveau gouvernement.
- We'll get through this together.
- Je suis avec toi. - Non!
Hey... We'll get through this together, okay?
On traversera ça ensemble, ok?
We'll get through this together.
On va traverser ça tous ensemble.
If we keep our heads and we stick together, we'll get through this.
Si nous gardons la tête froide et que nous restons ensemble, nous passerons cette épreuve.
We'll get through this together.
On s'en sortira ensemble.
Just hold on tight we'll get through this together.
Tenons simplement sur serré, nous allons passer à travers cela ensemble.
Get some food in your system, and we'll get through this together.
Mangez, et on va traverser ça ensemble.
Try to have faith that we'll get through this together.
Essaie d'avoir la foi que nous traverserons ça ensemble.
Stay by my side and we'll get through this together.
Restez près de moi et on va traverser ça ensemble.
We'll get through this together.
Nous allons traverser ça ensemble.
We'll get through this together, pal.
On va régler ça ensemble.
Well we'll get through this together.
On surmontera ça ensemble.
So this will be a big endeavor, but together we'll be able to get them through this joyous but difficult time.
Donc, ça demande un grand effort, mais ensemble, nous serons en mesure de traverser ce joyeux mais difficile moment.
But we'll get through this together, Margaux.
Mais nous allons surmonter ça ensemble Margaux.
Hey. We'll get through this together.
We're not through this storm just yet, but together we'll get there.
Nous ne sommes pas à travers cette tempête seulement cependant, mais ensemble nous arriverons là.
I have a crammed lockup today, so let's all work together, and we'll get through this with some alacrity.
Journée chargée pour moi, alors faisons un effort, et on fera tout ça avec empressement.
- We had a very full lockup here today, so let's all work together and we'll get through this with some alacrity.
- Nous avons une cellule bien pleine aujourd'hui, nous allons travailler ensemble et passer outre cet empressement.

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