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We're going to the movies translate French

72 parallel translation
If we're going to the movies, we better hurry.
Si on veut aller au cinéma, il faut se presser.
We're going to the movies.
Nous allons au cinéma.
I could tell Dad we're going to the movies.
Je dirai qu'on va au cinéma.
By the way... first we're going to the movies.
À propos, nous irons d'abord au cinéma.
We're going to shoot movies of those engineers... clearing out those minefields and barricades all the way to the beach.
Des films sur les équipes de démineurs qui nettoient les champs de mines et les barbelés
We're going to the movies!
Allez, on va au cinéma?
We're going to the movies.
On va au cinéma.
Come on, Mr. Hollinger, we're going to the movies.
Venez M.Hollinger, on va au cinéma.
It says we're going to the movies.
Qu'on va au cinéma.
Now, remember, we're going to the movies tonight so come get me at exactly 7 : 00.
Bon anniversaire! N'oublie pas, on va au ciné ce soir. Viens me chercher à 7 h précises.
Honey, Cop Rock's on tonight, so we're going to the movies.
Ils passent Cop Rock's ce soir, alors on va au cinéma.
There's so much rage going around we're lucky we have the movies to help us vent a little.
Je vais te dire : encore heureux que ces films servent de soupape de sûreté.
- We're going to the movies. We're gonna see Prognosis Negative.
On va au cinéma, voir "Mauvais Diagnostic".
- We're going to be in the movies.
- On va faire du cinéma.
We're going to the movies, I want to see the beginning of the movie...
On va au ciné, je vois le début du film...
We're going to the movies.
Nous allons au cinéma!
We're going to the movies.
Non, on va au ciné.
We're going to the movies.
On va aller au cinéma.
- Yeah and then we're going to the movies!
- Après, on va au cinéma.
No, we're just going to the movies.
Non, on va juste au ciné.
We're going to the movies
En fait, on va au cinéma.
We're going to the movies?
On va au cinéma?
We were in there in the beginning, spurring the writers on working closely with them to make these books the bestsellers they are and the great movies they're going to be.
Dès le début, nous avons encouragé les auteurs... nous avons aidé à ce que leurs livres deviennent des best-sellers... et ces films deviennent des classiques.
She will pick me up after school, we're going to the movies and to McDonald's.
- Elle est en RTT., Alors elle reviendra me chercher apès l'école. On ira au cinéma, et apès au McDo.
We're going to be showing the three greatest horror movies ever made.
Nous passerons les trois meilleurs films d'horreur jamais réalisés.
We're going to the movies.
- On va au cinéma.
- We're going to the movies.
- On va aller au cinéma.
We're going to the movies.
On va au ciné.
Sounds like we're going to have to speed to the movies... park illegally, and you hit the bathroom while I grab the popcorn. We'll meet back at the seats all sweaty and aggravated.
On dirait plus qu'il va falloir qu'on file vite au ciné, qu'on se gare n'importe comment, que tu ailles aux toilettes pendant que je prendrais le pop-corn et qu'on se retrouve à nos sièges, tout transpirants et énervés
We're not going to the movies and you're not doing anything until you finish reading that book.
Tu ne fais plus rien tant que tu ne l'as pas lu.
We're just going to the movies with a bunch of friends.
On va voir un film avec des amis.
She said she had a doctor's appointment to go to this morning, and we're going to the movies later.
Elle a dit qu'elle avait un rendez-vous chez le médecin ce matin, et on doit aller au cinéma après.
We're going to the movies.
We're going to the movies tonight.
On devait aller au cinéma ce soir.
We're going to the movies?
On va voir un film?
I thought we're going to the movies. Yeah, right!
Je pensais qu'on irait au cinéma.
I thought we're going to the movies. - And that's cool?
Je pensais qu'on irrait au cinéma.
We're still going to the movies though later, right?
- On va quand même au ciné?
Come on Jake, we're going to the movies.
Viens Jake, on va au cinéma.
Uh - we're going to the movies.
Euh - - On va au ciné.
And we're going to the movies on Saturday.
- Et on va au ciné samedi.
Saturday, we're going to the movies, and we'll be back for the cheerleading thing.
On ira d'abord voir un film, puis les pom-pom girls.
We're going to the movies!
On va au cinéma!
We're going to the movies Saturday.
On va au cinéma samedi.
- No, we're going to the movies.
Non, on va au ciné.
Oh, we're not going to the movies, are we?
Oh, on va pas aller au ciné, n'est-ce pas?
"We're going to the movies."
"On va voir un film."
The night is young! We're going to Lutz's to watch movies.
On va mater des films chez Lutz.
Yeah, we're going to the movies. - Nice.
Oui, nous allons au cinéma.
- Actually, we're going to the movies. Is that so?
Non, demain, on a prévu le cinoche.
When that woman moved in 3 years ago, I told you not to talk to her, and now, we're going to be late for the movies.
À son arrivée, il y a trois ans, je t'avais dit de ne pas lui parler. Résultat, on va être en retard au cinéma.

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