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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We're gonna get through this

We're gonna get through this translate French

279 parallel translation
And the rules are we're gonna get through this fucking high school! We're gonna pay back Jay and get jobs and a bunch of shit like that!
On va finir ce foutu lycée, on va travailler et rembourser Jay.
Let's promise we're gonna help each other get through this mess.
Aidons-nous à nous sortir de cette galère.
We're gonna get through this.
On va s'en sortir.
We're gonna get through this, OK?
On va s'en sortir, d'accord?
Et ils vont fouiller le train de fond en comble avant qu'on arrive à Chicago.
You can count on me. We're gonna get through this together.
- Je vous donne un coup de main.
We're gonna get through this, Eric.
On va s'en sortir, Éric.
Hey, we're gonna get through this.
On va sortir de ce guêpier.
We're gonna get through this. Yes, we will, son.
Nous allons nous en sortir, fiston.
We're gonna get through this. That sounds pretty nasty.
On y arrivera ensemble. a a l'air dégoutant.
No, but we're gonna get through this, Robin, okay?
Non, mais on va y arriver, Robin.
We're gonna get you through this.
Promis, on va vous aider.
I promise you, we're gonna get you through this.
Promis. On va vous aider.
- You know, we're gonna get through this.
On s'en sortira, tu le sais bien. Je le sais.
If we're going through this preposterous exercise we're gonna get the Commandments right!
C'est faux. Si on poursuit cet exercice grotesque... citons correctement les Commandements!
We're gonna get through this, OK?
On va s'en tirer, O.K.
Carl is a very important member of this community, and when we get through... suing the police and the district attorney and the D.E.A., they're gonna be renaming the public parks after your husband.
Carl est un membre très important de cette communauté. Et quand on en aura fini de poursuivre la police, le procureur... et les Stups, ils donneront le nom de ton mari aux parcs publics.
I can't even begin to tell him where you are... and when you're coming home, if you're ever coming home. Helena... we're gonna get through this.
Je ne peux même pas lui dire où tu es... et quand tu rentreras à la maison, si tu rentres un jour.
We're gonna get through this this time, right?
On y arrivera, cette fois.
We're gonna get through this.
On s'en sortira.
I promise you, we're gonna get through this, OK?
Je te promets que ça va s'arranger.
You're gonna be okay. We'll get through this.
Tout va bien se passer.
And I think we're gonna get through this.
Je crois qu'on va s'en sortir.
We're gonna get through this, you know.
On va s'en sortir.
We're gonna get you through this, Lorcan.
On va te sortir de là, Lorcan.
Now, if we're gonna get through this, I need to know what the hell's going on.
Et, pour survivre, j'ai besoin de savoir ce qui se passe.
We're gonna get through this, whatever happens.
On va s'en sortir, quoi qu'il arrive.
We're gonna get through this by being mature and grown-up. M'kay?
Faites preuve d'un peu de maturité, m'voyez.
Look, the only way we're gonna get through this is if we support each other, all right?
Ecoute, la seule façon de s'en sortir c'est de se soutenir, d'accord?
We're gonna get through this like a family.
On doit affronter ça ensemble.
Whatever's happening to you right now, we're gonna get through this together.
Quoi qu'il t'arrive maintenant... on va le surmonter ensemble.
Hey. This is the part where you're supposed to say that Logan and me have been through worse, and we're gonna get through this.
Là, normalement, tu dis que Logan et moi, on a déjà vécu pire et qu'on survivra à cette épreuve.
I mean, they were tattered and torn, but we're gonna get through this.
Eux, ils sont usés et fatigués. Mais nous, on va s'en sortir.
We're gonna get through this, all right?
On va s'en sortir, ok?
And we're gonna get through this, just like all the rest.
Nous surmonterons ça, comme le reste.
We're gonna get through this together.
On va tous t'aider a t'en sortir.
Look, we have to make our memories real, and everything around them real, or we're never gonna get through this.
Il faut rendre nos souvenirs réels, ainsi que tout ce qui les entoure, ou on ne s'en sortira pas.
Come on, honey, we're gonna get through this.
Voyons, chérie, on va s'en sortir.
We're gonna get through all this, you hear me?
On va s'en sortir, t'entends?
We're gonna get you through this.
On va te remettre sur pied.
I think I said, "If we're gonna get him through this, we have to start now."
J'ai dit : "Si nous voulons nous sortir de là, commençons vite."
Can't be thinking on revenge if we're gonna get through this.
On ne peut pas penser à se venger si on veut survivre.
I would advise you to calm down, sir, if we're gonna get through this day.
Il faudrait que vous vous calmiez si nous voulons nous en sortir.
We're gonna get them through this, aren't we?
On va les aider à s'en sortir, d'accord?
We're gonna get through this, all right?
On va surmonter tout ça, d'accord?
We're gonna get through this just fine.
On va s'en sortir et tout se passera bien.
You're with family, and we are gonna help you get through this, right, Gina?
Tu es avec ta famille, et on va t'aider à surmonter ça, pas vrai, Gina?
Sarah, we're gonna get through this together.
On s'en sortira ensemble.
But we're gonna get through this together.
Mais on va s'en sortir ensemble.
I know you're scared to give up the smokes, but so am I. We're gonna get through this together.
Je sais que vous avez peur d'arrêter la clope, mais moi aussi. On va s'en sortir ensemble.
We're gonna get through all of this together.
On va traverser tout ça ensemble.

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