We can't go back translate French
676 parallel translation
If your husband hasn't come back yet, we can go to the exhibition "
Si votre mari n'est pas encore rentré, je vous invite d'aller voir une exposition
we can't go back working together being enemies.
On ne peut pas retourner travailler ensemble en étant des ennemis.
We can't go forward and we can't go back.
Nous ne pouvons ni continuer, ni rebrousser chemin.
I know we both try to be loyal to Geoffrey by hiding our real feelings but now he's coming back and we can't go on pretending.
Nous ne voulions pas le faire souffrir, mais nous ne pouvons plus continuer ainsi.
Can't we go back there someday?
Et si on y retournait?
Kay, why can't we go back?
Si on retournait là-bas?
Why can't we go back?
Pourquoi, impossible?
We can't go back there ever.
Nous ne pourrons jamais retourner là-bas.
We can't go back the way we came.
Impossible de rebrousser chemin.
We can't go back to the hotel. There'll have a million police there by now.
Nous ne pouvons pas retourner à l'hôtel.
We go back a long time, can't we be candid?
Nous sommes de vieux amis, non? Nous pouvons parler de tout.
We can't go back to France.
- On ne peut pas retourner en France.
We can't go back.
On ne peut plus revenir en arrière.
In this situation we can't go back to where we were!
Ne revenons pas à nos anciennes positions.
You can go back. We don't need you any more.
Vous pouvez rentrer, nous n'avons plus besoin de vous.
Julie Ann, we can't go right back home. You know that.
Nous ne pouvons pas rentrer, tu le sais.
Now, let's get back to why we can't go away.
Pourquoi ne peut-on partir?
We can't go back empty-handed.
On ne peut pas rentrer bredouilles! Va lui demander à nouveau!
Well, we can't go back.
Nous ne pouvons pas faire demi-tour.
We can't go back to the city so we must join you.
On reste avec vous. On peut pas rentrer en ville.
We can't go back to the shack.
On peut pas y retourner.
We can't go back to Tokyo in humiliation.
Comment repartir couverte de honte?
We can't go... We can't go back.
On ne peut pas revenir en arrière!
Unless we go out, the whole town, every man, every boat, to bring Francesca back to show these people they can't do that to us.
Sauf si toute la ville se mobilise, chaque homme, chaque bateau, pour ramener Francesca, pour leur rabattre le caquet.
We can't go back to Koichi's again and trouble them anymore.
Impossible de retourner chez Koichi et de les déranger encore.
Can't we go back to Honolulu?
On peut retourner à Honolulu?
Let's go back and get him. We can't leave him.
Il faut retourner le chercher.
We can't go back South, or the Rebs will slap... us in jail for taking money they need.
Le Sud nous est interdit, ils nous mettraient... en prison pour avoir pris leur argent.
We can't neither turn back nor go ahead.
Nous ne pouvons ni faire demi-tour ni poursuivre.
Now you two can go back to the mill or to Hades as far as we're concerned but don't follow us.
Vous deux, allez au moulin ou au diable si vous voulez! Mais ne nous suivez pas.
We can't go back, not now.
Nous ne pouvons plus reculer, plus maintenant.
We can't go back?
Plus reculer?
What do you mean, we can't go back?
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? Et pourquoi?
You can't go back on your word. I understand. So we must see that the Tsar's word is respected and wipe out the traitors too.
Il faut faire en sorte de respecter la parole du tsar, mais de faire périr les traîtres.
No, Jake, you can't go back. - We're safe now.
- N'y retourne pas, on est sauvés.
We can't go forwards and going back seems to be out of the question.
On ne peut pas avancer, c'est sûr. Encore moins rebrousser chemin.
- Can we go back to Rome?
- Quand pourra-t-on rentrer à Rome?
But we can't go back.
Mais on ne peut pas rentrer les mains vides.
- We can't go back right now.
- Nous ne pouvons pas repartir maintenant.
But first things first, we must find Chesterton, and we can't go back that way.
Mais chaque chose en son temps : nous devons trouver Chesterton, et nous ne pouvons pas repartir par là, nous devons rebrousser chemin.
We'll cut the lizard loose so that he can go back to his bushes. Because God won't do it and we are playing God here tonight.
Nous allons libérer ce sacré lézard, puisque Dieu a oublié de le faire.
And we can't go back.
Et nous ne pouvons pas repartir.
We can't go forwards, we can't go back.
On ne peut rien faire.
We can't go back now.
Nous ne pouvons retourner maintenant.
Lan... we can't go back the way we came.
Ian... Nous ne pouvons pas repartir par où nous sommes arrivés.
Oh, can't we go back?
Ne pouvons-nous pas rebrousser chemin?
We can't go back to Earth, we've left it.
KATARINA : On ne peut pas retourner sur Terre, on en vient.
Why don't you go out here to the ladies'room and get cleaned up and then come back, and then we can have dinner, dear.
Tu vas aller au toilettes des dames, te nettoyer Tu reviens ensuite, je t'emmenerais dîner!
Look we can come back in the daytime, let's go home now, please!
Rentrons, je t'en prie!
We can't go back for Vicki in the TARDIS but we can in the Daleks own time machine.
Nous ne pouvons pas retourner chercher Vicki avec le TARDIS, mais nous le pouvons avec la machine temporelle des Daleks.
We can't go back.
Restons ici!
we can't leave 63
we can't 1514
we can't give up 27
we can't do it 50
we can't wait 112
we can't stop 49
we can't do anything 50
we can't have that 76
we can't afford it 60
we can't get out 36
we can't 1514
we can't give up 27
we can't do it 50
we can't wait 112
we can't stop 49
we can't do anything 50
we can't have that 76
we can't afford it 60
we can't get out 36