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We had a good run translate French

62 parallel translation
- Oh, what the hell. We had a good run.
- Après tout, on en a bien profité!
Yeah, we had a good run.
A coeur joie...
Listen, we had a good run.
On a fait un bon bout de route.
So we had a good run.
On s'en est payé!
We had a good run.
- On a eu de bons moments.
Listen, we had a good run.
Bon, voilà... C'était sympa.
Well, we had a good run.
On s'entendait bien.
I figured we had a good run, he and I.
J'ai pensé qu'on ferait du chemin ensemble.
Well, we had a good run.
On a eu une belle vie.
We had a good run.
On s'est bien amusé.
- Well, we had a good run.
C'était pas mal.
You know what, this is fine, because we had a good run.
C'est pas grave. On a passé de bons moments.
We had a good run, but the lone wolf has to run free.
On était bien, mais un loup solitaire, ça se fixe pas.
Oh, we had a good run, didn't we?
On a fait une belle saison, hein?
We had a good run, didn't we?
On a été heureux tous les deux, non?
We had a good run though.
On en a bien profité, quand même.
Han, we had a good run.
Han, on a bien travaillé ensemble.
We had a good run.
On a vécu plein de choses. Mais tout est allé si vite.
We had a good run.
On a bien couru.
We had a good run. We really did.
On a fait notre bout de chemin.
We had a good run.
On a vécu une belle aventure.
Look, Jules, we had a good run, all right?
Écoute, Jules... C'était cool.
- We had a good run.
- On a eu notre heure de gloire.
We had a good run, Sarah.
On a passé de bon moments, Sarah.
We had a good run.
ce fut une belle course.
We had a good run.
On a fait une belle escapade
Well, we had a good run.
C'était un joli point.
We had a good run, man.
On a bien roulé, mec.
We had a good run, people - - four seasons of "Airwolf"!
Quatre saisons de "Supercopter", ce fut une belle aventure, les amis!
We had a good run.
On s'est bien battu.
Well, you know we had a good run freshman year.
On a eu une belle défonce en première année.
Rachel's friends are coming over. Well, we had a good run.
On aura suffisamment de temps.
We've had a good run and this is it.
Tas d'incapables, tous tant que vous êtes!
Well, 10 years and 30 albums later, we disbanded, but we'd had a good run.
10 ans et 30 albums plus tard, on a arrêté... mais on avait eu du bon temps.
( Stabler ) Look, we had a good run.
On a bien bossé.
We had a good run, though, didn't we?
On a fait un bon bout ensemble, pas vrai?
Come on, we've had a good run.
Allez, on a passé du bon temps ensemble.
Twenty-two, so nobody can say I didn't try. We've had a good run.
Vingt-deux, alors on ne pourra pas dire que je n'ai pas essayé.
- We've had a good run. - Aye, yeah, we have.
- On a fait un bon bout de chemin.
Look, Tabby, we've had a good run, but there's a new problem every week.
Écoute, Tabby, on a passé de bons moments, mais tu as un problème toutes les semaines.
We've had a good run, Randy.
On s'est bien marrés, Randy.
Well, actually, we've had a pretty good run of it lately.
Il s'est passé pas mal de choses.
We had a pretty good run.
On s'est bien amusé.
- Well, we had a good run.
- On a passé de bons moments.
We had a good run, you and I.
On a fait un bout de chemin, toi et moi.
Joe and I have been growing apart for a long time. Besides, we've had a good run. - We've been married for 80 years.
Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu oublies toutes ces années avec Joe juste pour te faire des jeunes.
I'm just saying, as the thin blue line who separates innovation from annihilation, I think we've had a pretty good run.
je dis juste que la frontière qui sépare l'innovation de l'annihilation, est très mince.
We had a good run, didn't we?
C'était sympa.
Look, I think we've had a very good run.
On a fait un beau chemin ensemble.
But we had a pretty good run, right?
On va exploser. Mais on a eu des bons moments.
But we had a pretty good run, right?
Mais c'était une bonne cavale, n'est-ce pas?

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