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We have to find him translate French

528 parallel translation
Check if they match Biron's file and we have to find him right now
Vérifie si elles matchent avec le dossier de Biron. Pis lui, il faut le trouver au plus vite.
We have to find him, wherever he is.
Il faut le trouver, où qu'il soit.
We have to find him.
- Quelque chose a dû lui arriver...
We have to find him.
Il faut qu'on le trouve.
First of all, we have to find him.
D'abord, savoir où on l'a amené.
We have to find him.
Nous devons le retrouver.
- We'd like to prosecute him but we have to find him first.
- On aimerait le poursuivre en justice, mais il faut d'abord le trouver.
We have to find him first.
Mais il faut d'abord le trouver.
Larry, we have to find him.
Il faut trouver Darrin.
We have to find him.
Il faut le retrouver.
Now we have to find him.
Maintenant, on doit le retrouver.
We have to find him
Faut le trouver.
We have to find him first.
Il faut le trouver.
We have to find him! Quick, here!
Trouvons-le! Regardez partout!
- We have to find him.
- Allons le trouver.
- We have to find him first.
- Evitons d'etre reperes en premier.
We have to find him today, or I'll have to inform my superiors.
On doit le retrouver avant ce soir, ou je devrai alerter les instances supérieures.
We have to find him.
Il faut le trouver.
Cabeza de Vaca wrote a remarkable account of his adventures and with it we set out to follow him across the Gulf of Mexico, to find out which way wind and tide might have taken him that autumn,
Cabeza de Vaca a écrit un compte-rendu remarquable de ses aventures Et avec cela, nous pouvons le suivre à travers le Golf du Mexique, et découvrir quel vent et marée ils pourraient avoir pris cet automne,
Then we'll have to find him.
- Alors il faut le retrouver.
Well, look, Nayland, if you think he's around here, why do we have to leave the country until we find him?
Écoutez, si vous croyez qu'il est par ici, pourquoi partir du pays avant de le trouver?
We're gonna have to shoot it. We'll never find him like this.
Il va falloir l'abattre si on veut l'avoir.
Now, if we go beyond facts use our imagination as the criminal does, imagine what might have happen to him and act upon it as I have been trying to do in this case... we usually find ourselves justified.
Allons plus loin. Utilisons notre imagination, comme les criminels. Essayons d'en déduire ce qui a pu se passer.
Once he's trapped, we'll have time to find something that will stop him.
Quand elle sera prise au piège, on trouvera autre chose pour l'arrêter.
We'll have to find a doctor who's willing to risk it, we'll have to get Frankie to him within an hour after the execution, and we've got to make sure there's no autopsy performed.
Il faudra un médecin prêt à prendre le risque, il faudra lui amener Frankie dans l'heure suivant l'exécution, et il faudra s'assurer qu'il n'y aura pas d'autopsie.
We'll have to try and find him for you.
On va essayer de te le trouver.
All our efforts to find him have failed and we fear the worst.
Nous n'avons pas pu le retrouver et nous craignons le pire.
We have to find out her secrets for him.
C'est à nous de découvrir le pot aux roses.
Mother, we still have to find Uncle Elwood and lock him up.
Même si on t'a sauté dessus, on doit trouver oncle Elwood. - Il faut l'enfermer.
We " ll have to find him first.
Il faudra d'abord le trouver.
When they find him, we'll have to be able to prove that we were here the day he died.
Il faudra qu'on puisse prouver qu'on était ici le jour de sa mort.
We're going to have to find some way to look after him.
Il faudra que je l'aide à vivre.
We have got to find a way to get him out of this town into a different kind of environment entirely.
S'il te plaît. On doit trouver un moyen de l'éloigner d'ici. Un changement complet d'environnement.
We'll have to find him.
Il faut le trouver.
We have no time to lose. We must find him.
On doit Ie trouver au plus vite.
I have to find him! We are in business together.
Qu'a-t-il à voir avec vous?
We have to find someone to take over for him.
Ah, au fait, faudra pas oublier d'aller le relever
We'll have to see if we can find him.
Voyons si on peut le retrouver.
But, Mother, we have to get him here to find out what the spell was.
Mais, maman, il faut le faire venir ici pour trouver l'incantation.
We don't have to find him.
Pas besoin.
We have to find an excuse to provoke him.
Il faut le provoquer.
We'll have to find him first.
- On va le rejoindre!
And all this time, we have never once tried to understand him, to find out why. Why one human being murders another human being.
Et tout ce temps, sans jamais essayer de comprendre, de comprendre pourquoi... pourquoi un homme en tue un autre!
If we could find some way to discredit him believe me, we would have done it by now.
Si nous pouvions le discréditer, nous l'aurions déjà fait.
If we don't find the gun and tie it to Manson, we have nothing on him except hearsay.
Si on ne trouve pas l'arme, on n'a rien contre Manson... sauf le ouï-dire.
We have to interrogate those who find some hired men for him.
Il faut faire parler ceux qui lui trouvent des gens.
We'll find him if we have to defoliate the entire forest.
Nous le trouverons s'il faut défolier la forêt entière.
We have a duty to it. Perhaps we could find a home for him.
- On peut lui trouver une maison.
Now we just have to find him.
Il ne reste plus qu'à le trouver.
If he's got Control of that oil, then WE have to find a Way to get to him.
S'il contrôle ce pétrole, on doit trouver un moyen de le rencontrer.
I think what we have to do is to find out from the American worker what he wants the most and then we have to translate it back to him in terms of the labor movement as a whole.
Je le seconde! On va constituer un parti révolutionnaire.

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