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We have to get going translate French

535 parallel translation
We have to get going.
Allez. Il faut se préparer.
I'm afraid we have to get going.
Il va falloir y aller.
We have to get going!
Il faut le faire tout de suite!
We have to get going.
Nous devons partir.
- We have to get going.
On doit partir.
- No, we have to get going.
- Non, nous devons partir.
What's the difference? We're late, and we have to get going.
D'ailleurs, il se fait tard, il faut partir!
Come on, honey, we have to get going.
Chérie, il est temps de partir.
We have to get going on this.
On doit aller voir.
Are you going to pay and get out peacefully or are we going to have to throw you out?
AIIez-vous payer, ou devons-nous vous expulser?
We have to respect each other if we're going to like each other... and living here together as we all do... we have to like each other if we're going to get along.
Nous devons respecter les autres pour les apprécier. Et en vivant ici de la sorte, nous devons nous apprécier pour pouvoir nous entendre.
I have a feeling we're going to get on very well.
J'ai comme l'impression qu'on va très bien s'entendre.
So you see we have gone through quite something to get this far, Captain, and nobody is going to make us turn back now, if only for the little old man who didn't get to come with us.
On s'est donné du mal pour en arriver là. À présent, on ira jusqu'au bout, ne serait-ce que pour Grand-Père.
But we have plans, and we want to get going.
Mais on a des projets et on est en retard.
You can have the dough we get from selling the car but you're not going to keep me a prisoner.
Tu as pris son argent. Va pour la voiture. Mais je ne serai pas ton prisonnier.
But I'm not going to get one, so we'll have to forget about Jackie's Hot Spot and the Blue Devil and all the rest.
Mais ça n'en prend pas le chemin, alors il va falloir tirer un trait sur Jackie, le Diable Bleu et le reste.
We're going to have dinner in a few minutes, and you'd better get ready.
On va déjeuner. Prépare-toi.
If we're going to have a high tariff, I might as well get a little high myself.
Si les prix montent, je dois me remonter aussi.
They went upstairs to get some sleep... because at dawn, we have a business going on...
Il sont montés pour prendre un peu de repos... parce que, à l'aube, nous avons quelque chose à faire.
We just have to pick out the flat silver if we're going to get it marked in time.
Nous choisirons leur service de table.
- Get going. - We can't have those men shot, Captain. They're no good to us dead.
Non, il nous les faut vivants.
Don't go out alone, we'll have the parties.. We're going to get that spring Beaver.
Nous ne reprendrons la chasse qu'une fois le printemps venu.
How can we be sure that one day some wretch might not say to himself : "I'm going to kill my father, or my mother, or my daughter and all I have to do is get Aubanel as my lawyer"?
Comment être sûr qu'un misérable ne se dise pas qu'il va tuer son père, sa mère ou sa fille et vous prendra comme avocat?
We'll have to wait until dark if we're going to get out of here.
Attendons la nuit pour partir.
But at the moment, if we're going to get you to Metaluna alive, there's a little procedure you'll have to go through.
Mais si nous voulons vous amener sur Métaluna vivants, il y a une petite procédure que vous devrez passer.
Ron, we're going to have to wait to get married.
Il va falloir attendre pour nous marier.
There's no true charts aboard, the compass is on the fritz... and we're running out of fuel... but this ship is going to Hong Kong if I have to get out and push.
Il n'y a pas de vraies cartes à bord, le compas ne marche pas et nous manquons de carburant, mais ce bateau va à Hong Kong même si je dois le pousser moi-même.
I wasn't even impatient to get to Maurice, for we were, at last, going to have an undisturbed time together.
Je n'étais même pas impatiente d'aller chez Maurice, car nous allions pouvoir passer du temps ensemble.
It's something that I have to tell you... because I know now that this is the only way... we're going to get our lives straightened out.
Une chose que je dois te dire. C'est le seul moyen pour nous de vivre en toute clarté.
We may have to close down if we don't get Sara's column going again.
Nous risquons de plier boutique, si Sara ne revient pas.
Easy, sailor. I think we're going to have to get him back to the boat.
Il faut que nous le ramenions à bord.
Inuk when we get back i'm going to have to arrest you.
Inuk. Quand on rentrera... je devrai t'arrêter.
If he can handle the dames like he can get the liquor we're going to have a ball.
S'il est aussi doué que pour nous trouver à boire, on va s'amuser.
Listen, Matt, you're going to see my show... and then we're going to have supper together... and then I think I'II bed you down at the Savoy... and after that, we'II get your tape recorder tomorrow... that he promised you... and a couple of other things, maybe.
Tu assisteras à mon spectacle... puis on ira souper ensemble... et tu dormiras à mon hôtel... et demain je t'achèterai Ie tourne-disques... qu'iI t'a promis... et quelques autres objets.
He'll drive there and get the money and we're going to have it.
Il ira chercher l'argent et on l'aura. Voilà comment!
You're going to have to cut your hair differently when we get married.
Tu devras changer de coupe de cheveux quand on se mariera.
If we get away... we're going to have a child.
Si nous en réchappons... nous aurons un enfant pour unir nos vies.
As soon as I get the other council men, we're going to have a meeting.
- Je vais réunir le conseil municipal.
We'll get us a drink'cause we're going to have a raffle.
On va l'avoir notre verre grâce à une loterie!
The Civil Defence report have said that we were going to get stuff to shore up our windows and barricade ourselves in with.
La brochure dit qu'il faut calfeutrer les fenêtres et se barricader à l'intérieur de la maison.
Look, do you think we're going to have enough drive-force to lift off here and get us back to Earth?
Vous pensez qu'on aura assez de puissance pour décoller et retourner sur Terre?
If we're going to have visitors, we better get out of here.
Si on va avoir de la visite, on ferait bien de partir d'ici.
We aren't going to have the chance, unless we can get out of here.
Pour ça, il faut déjà qu'on sorte d'ici.
And I feel that I couldn't afford to get married... if it meant that I would have to take on any special problems... in addition to those we're obviously going to have.
Et j'ai le sentiment que je ne pourrais pas me permettre d'être marié... si a signifiait devoir faire face à des problèmes spéciaux... en plus de ceux, que de toute évidence, on va avoir.
Meanwhile, if we don't wanna get eaten up, we're going to have to grow bigger and faster than nature intended.
En attendant, si on ne veut pas se faire engloutir, on a intérêt à s'agrandir rapidement.
For 3 months now, in Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington, people have been standing in line, waitin'and waitin for a chance to get on board black beauty. 'Cause, Brothers, we are going home.
Depuis trois mois... à Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington... les gens font la queue... attendent et attendent... pour monter à bord de Beauté noire... parce que, mes frores, nous rentrons chez nous.
I have an awful feeling we're not going to get our fees on this job.
J'ai l'impression qu'on ne va pas récupérer nos billes dans cette affaire.
We're going to have to sell some stuff to get money to live on.
On va devoir vendre des affaires pour nous en sortir.
Get yourselves ready. We're going to the Fort to see if any packages have come for us.
Préparez-vous, nous allons voir au fort s'il y a des colis pour nous.
If anything happens to me, if I get hurt, we're going to have to live with the fact that we had one chance, one chance in a million, to humiliate those bastards, and we blew it.
S'il m'arrive quoi que ce soit, si je suis blessé, on n'aura que nos yeux pour pleurer sur le fait que... nous avions une chance sur mille d'humilier ces salauds, et qu'on a échoué.
So I figure we going to have to get out in the street... and keep our ears and eyes open until we pick up some clues.
Il faut donc aller dans la rue, ouvrir grands les yeux et les oreilles jusqu'à ce qu'on ait des indices.

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