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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We should do it again

We should do it again translate French

106 parallel translation
I always intended we should do it again some day, but we never got anywhere much after our honeymoon, did we?
J'ai toujours voulu y retourner. Mais nous ne sommes allés nulle part après.
We should do it again sometime.
On devrait recommencer un soir.
Okay. It's really nice. Maybe we should do it again.
Il faudrait remettre ça.
We should do it again.
On devrait recommencer.
We should do it again some time.
On devrait recommencer.
We should do it again sometime, Ben.
On devrait se refaire ça, Ben!
I'll give you a call. We should do it again!
Je te rappelle, on se refera ca!
I'll give you a call. We should do it again sometime!
C'était super, je t'appelle, on se refera ca!
We should do it again sometime.
On devrait recommencer.
We should do it again.
Faudrait qu'on refasse ça.
I had a really good time. we should do it again.
Faudra qu'on recommence.
Well, I guess that means we should do it again.
ça veut dire qu'il faut recommencer.
We should do it again.
Il faudra recommencer.
It was fun, and we should do it again.
C'était génial et on devrait recommencer.
We should do it again.
On devrait le refaire.
We should do it again, maybe.
On devrait remettre ça, peut-être.
We should do it again and try to understand...
Il faudrait qu'on recommence pour comprendre.
We should do it again sometime.
Nous devrions le refaire quelquefois.
- We should do it again.
- On devrait se refaire ça
He said we should do it again but, just before vacation,
Il voulait recommencer.
We should do it again.
On pourrait le refaire.
We should do it again, maybe.
On devrait peut-être recommencer.
We should do it again some time.
Il faudra qu'on le refasse à nouveau.
That was fun. We should do it again.
C'était sympa de te rencontrer.
Maybe we should do it again sometime?
Peut-être devrions nous recommencer un de ces jours.
I think we should do it again tomorrow.
On devrait recommencer demain.
I had so much fun the other night, I thought maybe we should do it again.
Je me suis tant amusé l'autre soir, on pourrait recommencer.
Yeah well, we should do it again some time.
Oui. En tout cas, il faudra qu'on refasse ça.
- We should do it again.
- On devrait remettre ça.
Do you think we should do it again?
Tu pense qu'on devrait le refaire?
You know, we should do it again.
On devrait le refaire.
We should do it again some time.
On pourrait remettre ça.
We should do it again.
On devrait se refaire ça.
We should do it again. Go across country again.
Faudrait remettre ça.
- We should do it again.
- On devrait le refaire!
We should do it again any day.
Hey. On devrait refaire ça bientôt.
We should do it again sometime. We're having a party this weekend at Weeping Wall.
Nous organisons une fête ce week-end au Weeping Wall.
Maybe we should do it again, I don't have any chalk
On devrait recommencer.
I think we should all do it again sometime.
Nous devrions recommencer, à l'occasion...
Well... if that's the way you feel about it, maybe we should never do it again.
Dans ce cas, autant ne pas recommencer.
You know, lloyd, uh, I think it's good that we did this,'cause now we know that we should never really do this ever again.
Qu'est devenu ton énorme cerveau, Ron? Ok, Lloyd, Tais toi. Ok, on dépose les armes?
"We should see each other again and do it another time."
'On devrait le refaire et bientôt.'
We-We-We-We- - You know, we should do this again... because it's gonna be a while before I get a chance to-to- -
On devrait remettre ça d'ailleurs... parce qu'il peut se passer du temps avec qu'il y ait une autre occasion...
Well, the point is, we think you should do that again- - that is, go away and do whatever it is you do, and again, please don't elaborate.
Mais le fait est, que nous pensons que vous devriez recommencer... Partir et faire ce que vous voulez, et une fois de plus, s'il vous plait, pas de détails.
But do you think that if we're never gonna be here again, then maybe we should make it mean something, too?
Mais tu ne crois pas que si on ne doit plus jamais vivre ça, peut-être qu'on devrait lui donner une signification?
We really should, um, do it again sometime.
On devrait vraiment... remettre ça une autre fois.
Je pense qu'on devrait recommencer un de ces jours.
Break break one nine contact eye ball ten ten, should we do it again?
Break break 1-9 contact à l'oeil 10-10, je réitère?
Maybe we should go back, do it again.
On devrait y retourner, le refaire.
- And we should never do it again.
Et pas quelque chose qu'on devrait recommencer.
we should do it again sometime.
Avec plaisir.

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