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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We want to talk to you

We want to talk to you translate French

762 parallel translation
We want to talk to you about the murder of Cat's most recent boyfriend.
On voudrait vous parler du meurtre du dernier petit ami de Cat.
Yeah, we want to talk to you about a big deal.
Oui, on a une grosse affaire qui nous chiffonne.
- We want to talk to you.
- On veut vous parler.
- We want to talk to you.
- Nous devons vous parler.
- We want to talk to you a minute.
- On doit te parler. - Lâchez-moi.
- We want to talk to you.
On doit parler.
Besides, there's something we want to talk to you about.
D'ailleurs, il y a une chose dont nous voulons te parler.
We want to talk to you on business.
Nous voulons vous parler travail.
We will, but we want to talk to you, too.
On va le faire Mais on veut te parler aussi.
We want to talk to you about the killing of Lt. Parks.
On veut vous parler de l'assassinat du lieutenant Parcs.
Larry, we want to talk to you about something.
Larry, nous souhaitons te parler de quelque chose.
- We... We want to talk to you, Jim.
- On aimerait vous parler, Jim.
- We want to talk to you, Zeb.
- On veut te parler.
Mrs. Garth, we've come here we want to talk to you as one human being to another.
Nous voulons vous parler comme on parle... à un être humain.
- We want to talk to you outside.
- On voudrait vous parler dehors.
We want to talk to you.
- Nous voulons vous parler.
We want to talk to you.
Nous voudrions vous parler.
- Sheriff, we want to talk to you.
- On voudrait vous parler.
- We want to talk to you.
- Te parler.
We want to talk to you about Barney Benesch.
On veut juste te parler de Barney Benesch.
All we want to do is talk to you.
On veut juste vous parler.
And the fact is, we want you to talk to two people.
Et puis d'ailleurs, nous voulions que vous leur parliez.
And we'll talk about it more tomorrow if you want to.
Nous en parlerons davantage demain, si tu veux.
We want to talk to you.
On veut vous parler.
We don't want to shoot unless you make us, so come on out and talk it over.
On ne veut pas tirer à moins que vous nous y forciez... alors sortez et discutons.
We don't have to talk at all unless you want to.
On peut se taire, si vous voulez.
If you want to talk, go in and we'll talk things over.
Si tu veux me parler, viens, entre... Là?
Toad, we want to have a talk with you.
Crapaud, il faut qu'on parle.
You remember what we arranged. - Oh. - They want you to talk on the Crisis of Faith.
Sur "le roman moderne" et aussi "la crise de la foi".
If you want to talk seriously, we'll talk seriously, if you want to joke...
Vous parlez sérieusement?
We want you to talk to him, but first we've got to be sure that you understand.
Nous voulons que vous lui parliez, mais d'abord, nous devons être certains que vous saisissez la situation.
If you want to talk to her we must hurry.
- Il faut faire vite si tu veux lui parler.
But if you want to come down to Joe's after dinner, we can talk about this thing a little more, and my time is my own.
Venez chez Joe aprés dîner et on en reparlera en dehors des heures de bureau.
Tell him we'll come to the city tomorrow, and that you want to talk to him for a couple of minutes.
Dis-lui qu'on va en ville demain et que tu veux lui parler. J'aimerais mieux pas, Carl.
If you want to come, we could talk then we could have breakfast, like my dad used to.
Viens, on déjeunera ensemble demain matin, comme avec papa.
We won't even talk about it, if you don't want to.
On n'en parlera même pas, si tu ne veux pas.
We won't talk about anything you don't want to.
Bien sûr, nous ne parlerons pas de ce que tu ne veux pas parler
We'll talk about what you want to be.
On parlera de ce que tu veux être.
Can't you understand? We want to talk things over.
Tu ne vois pas qu'ils veulent discuter?
- We want to have a little talk with you.
- On veut parler avec toi.
Excuse us, but we both want to talk to you.
On voudrait te parler tous les deux.
We want to talk to Mr. Teddy Bear, you understand.
Et maintenant?
I want you to listen to something, then we'll talk
Je veux que tu écoutes quelque chose. On parle après.
( Waldner on recording ) Now, when are we gonna discuss the merger? ( Reniston on recording ) I want to talk to you about that. ( phone ringing on recording )
Le tonnage en construction en 1962 a baissé de 20 % par rapport à l'exercice précédent.
- If you want to see him, we can talk later.
- Si vous voulez le voir, nous parlerons après.
Why couldn't we sit down in the hotel dining room and talk about whatever it is you want to talk about?
Ne pouvait-on pas s'asseoir en bas à une table pour parler de ce dont tu veux parler?
All right, Marnie. We won't talk about it until you want to.
Nous n'en reparlerons que quand vous le jugerez bon.
You want to go and there's no time... and I need you to sit down... so we can talk a bit. There's no use.
Ce n'est pas la peine.
When we get back to Cape Kennedy I want you to have a long talk with Dr. Bellows.
Quand on rentrera à Cap Kennedy, il faut que tu voies le Dr Bellows.
Now, Kirby, I want to talk about the next scene. We should play this with plenty of pace, you know.
Kirby, à propos de la scène suivante, j'aimerais que chacun la joue avec ses tripes.
Then we agree because I want to talk to you about love.
Quel co.i.ncidence! C'est à propos de ce sujet lequel je veux vous parler.

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