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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Wendice

Wendice translate French

38 parallel translation
Tony Wendice.
Tony Wendice!
- Mrs. Wendice?
Mme Wendice?
I gather the sergeant only saw you for a few moments, Mrs. Wendice?
L'inspecteur ne vous a vue que brièvement.
Did you notice, Mrs. Wendice?
Vous vous souvenez de l'heure?
Mrs. Wendice, would you show me exactly what happened last night?
Montrez-moi ce qui s'est passé hier soir.
Mrs. Wendice why didn't you call the police immediately this happened?
Pourquoi ne pas avoir prévenu la police immédiatement?
Halliday. As you were with Mr. Wendice last night, you may help us.
Vous pourrez peut-être nous aider.
Mr. Wendice's watch had stopped. Some of us compared times.
Sa montre s'était arrêtée et on a vérifié l'heure.
See, it was when Mrs. Wendice came in here to answer his call that she was attacked.
Mme Wendice a été attaquée au moment où elle lui répondait.
Mr. Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. Wendice are coming to my office now to make their statements.
M. Et Mme Wendice vont venir faire leur déposition.
Mr. Wendice, there's quite a crowd in front of the house.
Il y a foule dehors.
How much does he know about you and Mrs. Wendice?
II est au courant de vos rapports?
I didn't mention it because I wasn't sure how much Mr. Wendice knew.
Je ne voulais pas en parler devant lui.
Mrs. Wendice, when you lost your handbag... -... did you lose a letter as well?
Il y avait une lettre dans votre sac?
After Mrs. Wendice lost my letter she received these two notes.
Mme Wendice a reçu ça après avoir perdu ma lettre.
Mrs. Wendice when you make your statement there may be other police officers present.
D'autres policiers pourraient assister à votre déposition.
What exactly did you hear, Mr. Wendice?
Qu'avez-vous entendu?
Do you find the prisoner, Margot Mary Wendice guilty or not guilty?
L'accusée est-elle coupable ou non coupable?
Inspector, before you go I think Mr. Wendice has something to tell you.
Attendez! Je crois que M. Wendice a un mot à vous dire.
This money was to have been paid to Swan after he murdered Mrs. Wendice.
II était destiné à payer Swan après l'assassinat de Mme Wendice!
He hid behind the curtains, then Wendice telephoned.
Ensuite, il s'est dissimulé jusqu'au coup de fil.
If Swan had used Mr. Wendice's key, it would have been on him when he died.
Nous n'avons trouvé aucune clé sur Swan.
Besides, how did Mr. Wendice get in when he returned from the hotel?
Et M. Wendice, comment est-il entré?
What matters to me is where Mr. Wendice got this money. That's all I want to know.
Je veux simplement savoir d'où vient l'argent.
By the way, sir, I was asked to tell you there are a few belongings of Mrs. Wendice at the station.
On m'a chargé de vous dire que nous avons encore des objets appartenant à Mme Wendice.
Well, goodbye, Mr. Wendice. I don't suppose we shall meet again.
Nous ne nous reverrons probablement plus.
If you want to save Mrs. Wendice, keep quiet. Let me handle this.
Si vous voulez sauver Mme Wendice, laissez-moi faire.
Give Wendice those books and the handbag and make sure he sees the key.
Remettez les livres et le sac à Wendice. Faites en sorte qu'il remarque la clé.
Where's Mrs. Wendice's key?
Où est la clé de Mme Wendice?
But if it was there, why didn't Wendice use it just now?
Pourquoi Wendice ne s'en est-il pas servi?
And the key Wendice took out of Swan's pocket... -... and returned to her handbag was- -
La clé que Wendice a enlevée à Swan et remise dans le sac était...
- He's standing by for a call now. - And Mrs. Wendice?
- Je préviendrai le Ministère...
Will have nothing else to fear.
Et Mme Wendice? Elle n'aura plus rien à craindre.
That's it. Wendice.
J'y suis!
- You wrote a letter to Mrs. Wendice from New York.
Vous avez écrit à Mme Wendice de New York.
Tony Wendice here.
Une chance que vous soyez là!
Mr. Wendice, I should advise you- -
M. Wendice, je vous conseille...
Mrs. Wendice, what I'm about to tell you may come as a shock. Yes?
Ça va être un choc...

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