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What did you think it was translate French

112 parallel translation
- Well, what did you think it was?
Ça ressemble à la 1?
- What did you think it was?
- Que croyais-tu?
What did you think it was going to be?
Vous vous attendiez à quoi?
Yes. What did you think it was?
Qu'est-ce que tu croyais?
- What did you think it was?
- A quoi avez-vous pensé?
Why, what did you think it was?
Tu croyais que c'etait quoi?
What did you think it was, a large diamond duck ring?
Tu as cru que c'étaient des diamants en forme de canard?
What did you think it was?
Tu pensais que c'était quoi?
Your stone hand. What did you think it was made for?
Ta main de pierre... t'es-tu demandé à quoi elle servait?
What did you think it was... a fucking summer camp you were at?
Qu'on était en vacances? !
What did you think it was?
Qu'est-ce que tu croyais?
You saw what it did to her to think it was you, and somebody might as well get something out of this.
Tu as vu ce que ça lui a fait de te croire coupable. Autant que quelqu'un en retire quelque chose.
What did he think it was to you?
Pourquoi l'a-t-il pensé?
But even if I did think you werert the worst-looking guy in the world, supposing even I told you you looked like someone I was once dumb enough to go for, what would it get me?
Même si je trouvais que vous n'êtes pas l'homme le plus laid du monde, même si je vous disais que vous ressemblez à quelqu'un dont j'ai bêtement été amoureuse, qu'est-ce que ça m'apporterait?
What did you think? It was good.
- Qu'en avez-vous pensé?
You say that was the man that robbed you a while back, wasn't it? I'm almost sure it was him. What did you think?
C'était l'homme qui vous a volée il y a quelque temps?
What did you think I was gonna do? Nothing? Let you get away with it?
Tu croyais que je te laisserais faire?
What did you think was in it? - I don't wanna hear it.
- Je ne veux pas entendre ça
What I would like to know if you think it is he was right to ask? Reuben leaving the class as he did.
Ce que j'aimerais savoir c'est si vous pensez qu'il a eu raison de demander à Reuben de quitter la classe comme il l'a fait.
What did you think I was going to do? Take a bath in it?
Vous pensiez que c'était pour prendre un bain?
What did you think of it? - It was a wonderful opening.
Mais tu as tout gâché.
What did you think it was, sulphuric acid?
Vous pensiez que c'était quoi, de l'acide sulfurique?
- What was that for? Did you think it was loaded?
Qu'est-ce que t'as?
I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it. But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments.
Ce qui me gêne, dans le travail que tu faisais avec ces ateliers de comédiens, si on regarde les choses en face, c'est que ça visait à permettre aux participants et à toi-même... d'éliminer toute utilité positive de votre travail... afin d'expérimenter une sorte d'apesanteur de l'être.
What did you think was melodramatic about it?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous trouvé mélodramatique?
What, did you think it was for Vogue?
Tu croyais que c'était pour Vogue?
So, what did you guys think? - Well, it was OK.
- Alors, votre avis?
I was gonna save it for graduation... but after what you did, I think I'll give it to you now.
Je le gardais pour la remise des diplômes, mais vu ce que tu as fait, je te le donne maintenant.
To begin with, one might be nervous, but because he took his time, you felt there was a whole world around him and what he did technically, so you gained confidence and began to think it was natural to make suggestions.
Il pouvait travailler des jours sur des détails techniques comme les rails, la lumière, etc. Nous, nous arrivions l'après-midi pour faire une répétition. Nous le faisions tous les jours, et c'était long, ce qui est rare dans le cinéma.
( Man ) The Thursday's newspaper which addressed you testifying on Wednesday, was real good, it talked about that you did well, but Friday's, regarding your thurday testimony wasn't as good, what do you think?
Le journal de jeudi qui parlait de ton témoignage de mercredi, était très positif. Il disait que tu t'en étais bien sorti. Mais celui de vendredi sur ton témoignage de jeudi était moins bon.
Mother, what did you think of his research? It's a shame, but your father was strange -
C'est honteux, * * * mais ton père était étrange.
I mean, what did you feel? What did you think? It was so cool.
.. dis, Suzie, toi, qu'as tu pensé, ressenti?
That way, you don't even need to think... about how tough it was for you when you were growing up. It's probably a good thing, too,'cause if you did... you'd realize what a lousy... goddamn, shitty-ass parent you are.
Ça t'évitera de penser à combien ton enfance a été dure et c'est tant mieux, sinon tu te rendrais compte combien tu es odieuse et chiante!
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Do you think it was easy for me to do what I did in front of a whole church full of people?
Parce que c'était facile pour moi devant ce monde?
Well, it's not gonna happen What did you think Congress was gonna do?
Qu'allait faire le Congrès selon toi?
It was like, "Did you or didn't you?" I let him think what he wanted to.
"Ça a marché ou pas?" Je l'ai laissé croire ce qu'il voulait.
You know what I think, Mr. Bretas? Was it worth it, all the suffering of Antônio Francisco? He worked so hard, he did so many beautiful things... and soon everything will be ruined.
Je me demande, M. Bretas... si ça vaut la peine, la souffrance d'Antônio Francisco... son effort, ses belles oeuvres.
I think it was really nice what you did.
C'est très gentil, ce que tu as fait.
And did he just say what I think he said? If you think it was Apophis and that he said the original gliders..... contained a device designed to return this glider to his home world... then yes.
T'as entendu la même chose que moi? Si tu penses à Apophis et si tu as entendu que le planeur était programmé pour retourner d'où il vient, alors oui.
You think if I knew that, I'd be standing here? But what I wanna know is... how did he find out where it was? [Frohike] Yeah.
Vous croyez que je serais restée plantée là si je le savais?
He was like, "What did you think?" I said, "It was quite bad."
Et lui : "C'est ironique?" Moi : " Non, mauvais.
- What, did you think it was... the virgin birth?
Mon enfanta un père. Vous pensiez â une immaculée conception?
Yeah, people think it's a- - What did you say it was?
- Oui, les gens croient que c'est... Qu'est-ce que tu as dit déjà?
What did you think it was?
Tu pensais à quoi?
At what point did you think it was going to get really classy?
Qu'est-ce t'a fait croire que ce serait classe?
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Et je me demandais, s'il devait arriver quelque chose, et Dieu nous en garde, à mon neveu Wyatt, que ferait la police pour découvrir le responsable?
and that is in me, you undertand you didn't think it was important I had to go tidying up after you and you didn't notice that I was exhausted from working instead of helping, what you did was insult me.
c'est en moi comme tu étais sale, je te courrais toujours après pour te nettoyer tu ne remarquais pas que j'étais éreintée de travailler et au lieu de m'aider tu m'insultais.
I was here. You leaned in and you tried to kiss me. And you didn't think about it, you just did what you wanted to do.
J'étais juste là et tu as essayé de m'embrasser, sans même y penser, tu as fait ce que tu voulais.
- Dad, what do you think? I flew out of the cart, and all you did was laugh about it
Je suis éjectée de la voiturette et toi, tu te marres.
Oh, what-what the hell did you think it was about?
Qu'est-ce que tu croyais?
That was time off so you could think about what you did. And so I could think about what to do about it.
C'était un congé pour que tu réfléchisses à ce que tu avais fait et que je réfléchisse à ce que j'allais décider pour toi.

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