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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / What were we talking about

What were we talking about translate French

451 parallel translation
What were we talking about?
De quoi parlions-nous?
Now, Mr. Barr, what were we talking about? ( DOOR SLAMMING )
M. Barr, que disions-nous?
What were we talking about, Mr. Shane, eh?
De quoi parlions-nous, M. Shane?
- Well, what were we talking about?
- De quoi parlions-nous?
- what were we talking about?
De quoi parlions-nous, au juste?
What were we talking about?
Que disions-nous?
What were we talking about?
- De quoi parlions-nous?
What were we talking about? Oh, yes.
De quoi parlait-on?
- What were we talking about?
De quoi parlions-nous?
Now, what were we talking about?
De quoi parlions-nous?
Now, what were we talking about? Disneyland? Oh, yeah, that's a great idea.
Ensuite, Disneyland, c'est une super idée...
What were we talking about?
De quoi parlait-on?
What were we talking about?
- Bon... On causait de quoi?
Major Phipps, what were we talking about?
Major Phipps, de quoi parlions-nous?
- Now what were we talking about?
- De quoi parlions - nous? - Du projet de l'hôpital.
- Now, what were we talking about?
Alors de quoi parlions-nous? - Des filles.
Mr. Hobbs, do you remember what we were talking about yesterday morning?
Bonjour Ceddie, qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Vous rappelez-vous ce dont nous parlions hier matin?
If they wanna know what we were talking about, say I was asking you if you were going to identify that shiv.
Si on vous interroge, dites que je vous demandais si vous identifieriez le surin.
- You know, what we were talking about...
- Dit quoi?
What were we talking about?
- Tu sais, ce dont on a parlé.
Is that right? Well, we were talking about what you saw.
Nous parlions de ce que vous aviez vu.
You know, just the other day I was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what it became of you.
Tiens, encore hier, je me causais tranquillement et nous nous demandions ce que tu étais devenu.
Charlie, when we were eating tonight and talking about our folks, and what we'd done and how we felt, we were like two ordinary people, weren't we?
Quand nous avons parlé en dînant de la famille, de ce que nous avions... fait et de ce que nous ressentions, nous étions des gens ordinaires.
Andreas, did you hear what we were talking about?
Andreas, as-tu entendu de quoi nous parlions?
I hope you're not worried over what we were talking about.
Notre discussion ne doit pas vous inquiéter.
Do you remember what we were talking about?
Vous vous rappelez de quoi on parlait?
Well, what do you know? We were just talking about him!
Nous parlions de lui.
Let's get back to what we were talking about.
Revenons à notre problème.
- What we were talking about.
De choses et d'autres.
Yukiko, we were just talking about it but what was it that the two of them liked?
Setsuko et son mari se sont arrêtés à notre auberge. Qu'est-ce qu'ils y ont trouvé de si délicieux?
- What were we talking about?
- Où en était-on?
It's what we were talking about : a noose
- Ce qu'on disait... La corde pour se pendre.
- What were we just talking about then?
- On parlait de quoi, alors?
I don't even know what we were talking about.
Je ne sais même pas de quoi.
So what we were talking about?
On en était où?
What is it we were talking about?
De quoi parlions-nous?
You know what we were talking about before?
Vous savez, ce dont on parlait tout à l'heure?
You remember what we were talking about, about wanting someone to do something and then wondering what it would be like if he did it?
Vous savez, quand on parlait de vouloir que quelqu'un fasse une chose et de se demander comment ce serait qu'il le fasse?
He asked what we were talking about.
Il voulait savoir de quoi on a parlé.
We were talking about you and what you do when you are away
On parle de toi et de ce que tu fais quand tu es dehors
One night, after we'd camped we sat around the fire talking husband and wife talk about how many children we were going to have and what a wonderful life we were going to have together.
Un soir, alors que nous campions... nous étions assis autour du feu, à parler... une conversation de jeunes époux... combien d'enfants nous aurions... à quel point notre vie ensemble serait merveilleuse...
The army questioned him for a week after it happened. So did I. He didn't even know what we were talking about.
L'armée et moi l'avons déja questionné, mais il n'y a rien a en tirer!
I don't know what we were talking about.
Je ne sais pas de quoi on parlait.
Have you thought about what we were talking last night?
As tu réfléchis à notre conversation de la nuit dernière?
What we were talking about last night, about staying over in England.
Ce dont nous parlions. Nos vacances en Angleterre.
What the hell has that got to do with what we were talking about?
Mais quel est le rapport? - Où est Dude?
We'd have a much better track if you'd paid more attention to the recording and less attention to what they were talking about.
On aurait un son bien meilleur, si tu prêtais plus attention à tes enregistrements, et moins à ce qu'ils racontent.
You had me really worried earlier. I didn't know what we were talking about.
C'est que vous commenciez à m'inquiéter, tout à l'heure.
That's exactly what we were talking about.
C'est ce qu'on faisait.
Do you remember what we were talking about the other day?
Tu te rappelles ce dont on avait parlé?
What has this got to do with what we were talking about?
Quel rapport avec notre sujet de conversation?

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