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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / What were you talking about

What were you talking about translate French

705 parallel translation
- What were you talking about, when I came in?
Un livre qu'elle avait oublié. - De quoi parliez-vous quand je suis arrivé?
What were you talking about?
De quoi parliez-vous?
What were you talking about out there?
De quoi parliez-vous?
What were you talking about for such a long time?
De quoi avez-vous parlé si longtemps?
Well, then, what were you talking about last night?
Et ce que vous m'avez dit, hier soir?
Ah, fine. What were you talking about inside?
De quoi vous parliez, vous deux?
What were you talking about?
- De quoi parliez-vous?
- What were you talking about?
- Toi, tu parlais de quoi?
Mr. Hobbs, do you remember what we were talking about yesterday morning?
Bonjour Ceddie, qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Vous rappelez-vous ce dont nous parlions hier matin?
Say, Chip, what's the name of this player you were talking about?
Comment s'appelle ce joueur dont tu parlais?
You couldn't have failed to overhear what Prince John and I were talking about.
Vous avez forcément entendu ce dont nous parlions.
If they wanna know what we were talking about, say I was asking you if you were going to identify that shiv.
Si on vous interroge, dites que je vous demandais si vous identifieriez le surin.
You knew what you were talking about, didn't you?
Vous saviez de quoi vous parliez!
What were you talking about?
C'était de vous à moi Miss Julie. De quoi a-t-on parlé?
- You know, what we were talking about...
- Dit quoi?
Is that right? Well, we were talking about what you saw.
Nous parlions de ce que vous aviez vu.
What was that boat you were talking about?
De quel bateau parliez-vous?
You know, just the other day I was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what it became of you.
Tiens, encore hier, je me causais tranquillement et nous nous demandions ce que tu étais devenu.
Joe, what were you both talking about when I came in?
De quoi parliez-vous quand je suis entrée, Joe?
Andreas, did you hear what we were talking about?
Andreas, as-tu entendu de quoi nous parlions?
I hope you're not worried over what we were talking about.
Notre discussion ne doit pas vous inquiéter.
Do you remember what we were talking about?
Vous vous rappelez de quoi on parlait?
What is that river you were talking about?
Quelle est cette rivière dont vous parliez?
Oh? What were you talking to him about?
De quoi parliez-vous?
Well, what do you know? We were just talking about him!
Nous parlions de lui.
What were those men talking about, as though you were in some kind of plot together.
On dirait que vous complotez.
What were you talking to that fellow about?
De quoi parliez-vous avec votre ami?
Hey, what was that camp you were talking to me about this morning?
De quel camping tu me parlais ce matin?
What were you talking about out there?
Que cela signifie-t-il?
Of the people of Antioch only a few would have known what you were talking about had you told them that a crucifixion in Jerusalem only 20 years before was soon to change the course of the world they knew.
À Antioche, peu auraient su de quoi il s'agissait si on leur avait dit qu'une crucifixion, vieille de 20 ans, allait changer le monde qu'ils connaissaient.
What about that courthouse, school, and church you were talking about?
Et le tribunal, l'école, l'église dont vous parliez?
Genta... you were talking about being true to saké at the inn, what exactly does it mean?
Genta... La fidélité au saké dont tu parlais à l'auberge, c'est quoi?
Fredrik, it means... she knows what you were talking about in your sleep.
Alors, c'est qu'elle a entendu... elle a entendu tes divagations.
What letter were you talking about?
De quelle lettre tu parles?
So you do remember what were talking about.
Tu te souviens donc de votre conversation.
What were you talking to Morgan about?
De quoi parlais-tu avec Morgan?
Al, what if I were to start talking about you tomorrow?
Supposez que je commence à parler de vous...
- What were you two talking about?
De quoi vous parliez tous les deux!
What were you two talking about down there?
De quoi as-tu parlé, avec Grand Daddy?
What were you two talking about?
De quoi parliez-vous tous les deux?
What were you and Dr Chilton talking about?
De quoi avez-vous parle avec le Dr Chilton?
- About what you were talking about.
- Sur ce dont tu parlais.
You've no idea what they were talking about?
Vous savez de quoi ils ont parlé?
Talking about manual labour,.. .. what you were saying is an excellent observation.
Mais pour en revenir au travail manuel, là...
I'm sure that he didn't know what you were talking about.
Tu lui as parlé de moi? D " une façon générale, oui.
You know what we were talking about before?
Vous savez, ce dont on parlait tout à l'heure?
You remember what we were talking about, about wanting someone to do something and then wondering what it would be like if he did it?
Vous savez, quand on parlait de vouloir que quelqu'un fasse une chose et de se demander comment ce serait qu'il le fasse?
It was what you were talking about that just drives me crazy.
Ce sont vos propos qui m'ont rendue folle.
We were talking about you and what you do when you are away
On parle de toi et de ce que tu fais quand tu es dehors
Did you understand what they were talking about last night?
Vous avez compris de quoi ils parlaient hier?
What's the name of the young guy you were talking about?
Quel est le nom du jeune homme dont tu me parlais?

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