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What were you trying to do translate French

173 parallel translation
What were you trying to do, wreck the boat?
Vous vouliez qu'on fasse naufrage?
Well, what were you trying to do, batter your way right into the Tower of London?
Vous vouliez forcer l'entrée de la Tour?
What were you trying to do?
Qu'est-ce que je vous disais, quelle histoire avez-vous inventée?
What were you trying to do out there just now, mow us down?
Qu'essayais-tu de faire? Nous raser les jambes?
What were you trying to do out there, kill yourself?
Qu'essayez-vous de faire dehors, vous faire tuer?
What were you trying to do?
Qu'essayiez-vous de faire?
What were you trying to do here, strangle it?
T'as voulu faire quoi au juste, t'as voulu l'étrangler?
What were you trying to do, anyway?
Qu'est-ce que vous essayé de faire, de toute façon?
What were you trying to do?
- Qu'as-tu voulu faire?
What were you trying to do, set me up?
Tu voulais me piéger?
What were you trying to do, Damien?
Qu'essayais-tu de faire, Damien?
- What were you trying to do?
- Qu'essayais-tu de faire?
what were you trying to do, seduce him into a deal?
Tu le séduisais pour le boulot?
- What were you trying to do?
- Qu'est-ce que vous avez essayé de faire?
- What were you trying to do?
A quoi joues-tu?
What were you trying to do?
C'était quoi?
What Were you trying to do, scare me?
Tu veux me faire peur?
What were you trying to do?
- Vous essayez de faire quoi?
What were you trying to do back there, be a hero?
Vous vouliez jouer au héros?
What were you trying to do?
Que tentiez-vous de faire?
What were you trying to do?
Qu'est-ce que tu voulais faire?
And what were you trying to do?
Qu'essayais-tu de faire?
- What were you trying to do?
Qu'essayais-tu de faire?
Hey, what were you trying to do?
Hé, qu'est-ce que tu voulais faire?
What were you trying to do?
Tu voulais faire quoi?
What were you trying to do back there?
Qu'est ce que tu essayais de faire?
Well, is that what you were trying to do for me?
Que faisais-tu?
Que vouliez-vous faire?
What was it you were trying to do to your friend?
On aimerait savoir ce qu'il a fait de sa journée.
Seeing what those guys were trying to do to you, I'd say that you had considerable justification.
Étant donné leurs intentions, ton acte me paraît pleinement justifié.
- I know what you were trying to do.
- Je sais ce que vous essayez de faire.
Just exactly... what were you guys trying to do? !
Qu'est-ce que tu mijotes?
You know what those monks were trying to do to us last night?
Tu sais ce que les moines voulaient nous faire hier soir?
He knew what you were trying to do. He just wanted to hear you admit it.
Il voulait juste que tu avoues.
What were the two of you trying to do?
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez faire?
Ross shut up you bastard... what were you trying to do with my daughter?
Qu'est-ce que t'essayais de faire avec ma fille?
What the hell were you trying to do? Get us all killed?
Vous essayez de nous faire tuer?
- What? Because what you were trying to do was terrify us into spending more money than we have.
Vous vouliez nous pousser à l'achat en nous terrifiant.
- What the hell were you trying to do?
- Qu'essayiez-vous de faire?
What the hell were you guys really trying to do back there?
Qu'est-ce que vous vouliez faire, à l'lnstitut?
Well, I mean, what if... what you were trying to do... on some subconscious level... was to try and get your parents to notice you again?
Eh bien, et si ce que tu tentais de faire... à un niveau inconscient... c'était que tes parents fassent de nouveau attention à toi.
- I know what you were trying to do. - Nobody does it better than me.
Je sais ce que tu voulais faire.
What the hell were you trying to do?
Bon sang, qu'est-ce que vous vouliez faire?
What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important.
Tu essayais de te faire passer pour quelqu'un d'important.
Well, what I mean is that you didn't seem... to think what we were trying to do is laughable... like some of your fellow citizens around hereabouts. No. No, I...
Vous ne trouviez pas ridicule notre démarche comme certaines personnes ici.
What the hell were you trying to do over there, Tom?
Qu'est-ce que t'essayais de faire?
What the fuck were you trying to do, heh? - Nothing, I'm sorry alright?
Qu'est-ce que tu crois donc être en train de faire, hein?
What were you trying to get her to do?
Tu voulais faire un truc spécial?
I kept thinking that I wanted to thank you for what you were trying to do for me.
Je ne cessais de me dire que je voulais vous remercier de ce que vous essayiez de faire.
What were they trying to do? Kill you?
Ils ont essayé de vous tuer!
I appreciate what you're trying to do, but if what you're considering were possible, we'd have tried it before we abandoned the ship.
- Vos intentions sont bonnes. Mais si cela avait été possible, nous l'aurions fait au lieu de déguerpir.

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