When he was a kid translate French
537 parallel translation
I didn't fully understand all he tried to tell me, but it was something about you living the rest of your life for him as he might have lived it himself if he'd had the right breaks when he was a kid.
Je n'ai pas tout saisi. Il voulait que vous viviez la vie qu'il aurait menée si on lui avait donné sa chance.
My lord's father died when he was a kid.
Le père de mon Lord mourrut quand il était encore enfant.
Yes. Yes, he was very funny when he was a kid.
Il était très drôle, quand il était petit.
... I knew him when he was a kid in the poolroom. He used to beat everybody.
Encore gosse, il battait tout le monde.
When he was a kid, he used to fake headaches... to get his mother's attention away from the rest of the family.
Petit, il simulait des migraines pour que sa mère s'occupe de lui.
Maybe some woman did something mean to him when he was a kid.
Peut être quelque chose qu'une femme lui à fait, enfant.
When this man is caught, you'll find he has a record dating back to when he was a kid.
Quand cet homme sera pris, vous trouverez un dossier datant de l'enfance.
You see, when he was a kid, we had a maid. She taught him to do things like that.
Une de nos bonnes lui a appris des choses comme ça.
He had it hard when he was a kid.
Il a eu une jeunesse difficile.
When he was a kid, he was the fastest.
C'était le môme le plus rapide.
My dad used to be the same as me when he was a kid.
Mon père faisait pareil quand il était enfant.
You discovered him when he was a kid.
- C'est vous qui l'avez découvert, quand il était junior.
I taught him how to live in the underworld when he was a kid.
C'est moi qui lui ai appris à se débrouiller dans le Milieu quand il était encore gamin.
A writer friend of mine spent a horrific night there when he was a kid.
C'est cette maison. Un ami à moi a passé une nuit horrible là-bas quand il était enfant.
They look like pictures of Stuart when he was a kid.
On dirait des photos de Stuart enfant.
Here's a famous one when he was a kid, 12 years old.
Ça, c'est une photo de lui quand il avait 12 ans.
Sarah Connor, who taught her son to fight, organise, prepare from when he was a kid.
Sarah Connor, qui a appris à son fils à se battre, à s'organiser, qui l'a préparé depuis l'enfance.
Was he as hopeless a liar when he was a kid, huh?
Il mentait aussi bien quand il était petit?
When he was a kid, his parents dressed him up for Halloween as a speed bump.
Il doit se déguiser en tête à claques pour Halloween.
I figure my dad, uh, you know, when he was a kid, he never had a punching bag, so he married one.
Je crois qu'enfant, mon père n'a jamais eu de punching-ball donc il en a épousé un.
When he arrived in Kyoto from his home village he was a hungry kid.
Quand il est arrivé à Kyot, o venant de sa ville natale c'était un gamin affamé.
My dream when I was a kid.
Eh patron, He!
He was a swell kid when we first got married.
Il était gentil quand on s'est marié.
When he left home he was a good kid... Ask his parents. Ask his neighbours.
Quand il est parti de chez lui, c'était un bon gosse, demandez à ses parents, demandez à ses voisins.
Oh, from when he was a kid. Um, would you like a glass of water?
- Euh, vous voulez un verre d'eau?
He ran out on us when I was a kid.
J'étais gosse quand il nous a lâchés.
He went away when I was a little kid.
Il est parti quand j'étais petit.
When Tony was a kid, real little, he used to play here.
Quand Tony était tout jeune, il venait jouer ici.
He worked that big guy over and good. And when he was finished he handed the kid his watch and he said :
Il a cassé la figure au grand, a rendu sa montre au petit en disant :
You know, my dad, when I was a kid, told me about my grandfather. He had sort of a 6th sense, particularly in Indian country.
Quand j'étais gamin, mon père m'a dit que mon grand-père avait une sorte de sixième sens, surtout dans les terres indiennes.
Certainly, he was like a 100 years old when I was a kid.
Il avait déjà 100 ans quand j'étais gamin.
When I was a kid, he used to come up here. You gave him money.
Quand j'étais petit, il venait ici et tu lui donnais de l'argent.
When I was a kid, I had a dog. He grew up and my mom gave it away.
J'avais un chien mais ma mère l'a donné à un charretier.
When I was a kid I used to lie awake at night praying he would die.
Quand j'étais gosse, la nuit, dans mon lit, je priais pour qu'il meure.
He used to leave his loose change out when I was a kid so I could swipe some.
Il laissait traîner son argent pour que je puisse le ramasser.
My kid never lied about anything in his life except maybe today, when he said that I was sick.
Mon fils n'a jamais proféré un mensonge de sa vie. Sauf aujourd'hui, quand il a dit que j'étais malade.
He was a wild mostly drunk kid when I met him.
C'était un gosse violent et ivrogne à l'époque.
You know, when I was a kid I used to watch the Great Nestor and he had a wonderful trick.
Enfant, je regardais le Grand Nestor, il avait un tour incroyable.
Cain was a tough kid when he came here in'73.
C'était un dur quand il est arrivé ici en 1873.
You know the expression'a rotten kid'? That's what this kid is. I knew when he was...
L'expression lui va comme un gant.
Hat, the kid. His father was the Hook. But when he was knocked over in Vegas, the old man, Papa Angelo, adopted him.
Quand son père, le Caïd... a été buté à Las Vegas, Papa Angelo l'a adopté.
When I was a kid, my old man, he...
Quand j'étais enfant, mon père, il...
The kid who was supposed to get it got sick. He wasn't on duty when it came up.
Le type qui devait s'en charger est tombé malade, et il était pas de garde quand on a fait le coup.
When I was a kid, he used to work in the shot house.
Allez, on y va.
I'll be a son of a gun. I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather... he had a piece of furniture, it was exactly like this.
Ça alors, quand j'étais gosse, mon grand-père... il avait un meuble comme celui-là.
You know, when I was a little kid living in that village, he always made me feel like I was something evil.
Quand j'étais gosse dans ce village... il me rendait mauvais.
He was always bothering me when I was a kid.
Il m'enquiquinait toujours lorsque j'étais gamin.
He was at our place occasionally when I was a kid.
Il nous rendait visite, quand j'étais môme.
When Sam was a kid, he'd shove his head underwater.
Quand Sam était gosse, il lui mettait la tête sous l'eau.
He ran away when I was a kid. I never knew him.
Il s'est sauvé quand j'étais gosse, je l'ai pas connu.
When I was a kid, he used to take us all the time to 42nd St.
Quand j'étais petit, il nous emmenait sur la 42e rue.