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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / When were you going to tell me

When were you going to tell me translate French

124 parallel translation
When were you going to tell me, Joe?
Quand est-ce que tu allais me le dire, Joe?
When were you going to tell me?
Quand me l'aurais-tu dit?
When were you going to tell me that you're dating Chip?
Tu comptais me parler de Chip Matthews?
When were you going to tell me about my sister's ashes?
Quand allais-tu parler des cendres?
- When were you going to tell me?
- Quand alliez-vous me l'annoncer?
And when were you going to tell me about this?
Et quand comptais-tu me le dire?
When were you going to tell me?
Quand comptais-tu me le dire?
And when were you going to tell me?
- Quand pensais-tu me le dire?
When were you going to tell me about your fucked up marriage?
Quand allais-tu me raconter ton mariage pourri?
When were you going to tell me?
Quand aviez-vous l'intention de me le dire?
- When were you going to tell me?
Ça dure depuis longtemps? Vous alliez me le dire quand?
When were you going to tell me about this trip you're going on next week?
Quand comptais-tu me parler de ton voyage la semaine prochaine?
When were you going to tell me?
Et quand comptiez-vous me le dire?
- When were you going to tell me?
- Sandy, quand allais-tu m'en parler?
But I didn't know what- - when were you going to tell me?
Mais je savais pas que... Quand allais-tu me le dire?
So when were you going to tell me your real plans?
Quand comptais-tu me révéler ton véritable plan?
When were you going to tell me?
Tu comptais me le dire quand?
When were you going to tell me about this anonymous complaint?
Quand comptais-tu me parler de cette histoire de plainte?
And when were you going to tell me?
Et quand allais-tu me le dire?
So, when were you going to tell me?
Alors, quand allais-tu me le dire?
When were you going to tell me?
Quand allais-tu me le dire?
So when were you going to tell me, after she grew up and went to college, and got married and had children of her own?
Vous alliez le dire quand? Quand elle aurait grandi, serait rentrée à l'université, quand elle se serait mariée et aurait eu ses propres enfants?
- And when were you going to tell me?
- Vous alliez me le dire?
When were you going to tell me?
Maman, t'avais l'intention de m'en parler quand?
And just when were you going to tell me this?
Et tu comptais me l'annoncer quand?
- When were you going to tell me?
- Quand comptiez-vous me le dire?
When were you going to tell me you changed your entire career path?
Quand allais-tu me dire que tu avais complètement changé d'objectif de carrière?
When were you going to tell me this?
Et tu comptais me dire ça quand?
When were you going to tell me about Linsey?
Tu comptais me le dire quand pour Linsey?
What? When were you going to tell me that?
T'allais me le dire quand?
When were you going to tell me that you'd been sleeping with my murder victim?
Quand comptais-tu me dire que tu as couché avec ma victime?
When were you going to tell me about the pacemaker?
Quand comptiez-vous me dire pour votre pacemaker?
And when were you going to tell me?
Et quand comptais-tu me le dire?
When were you going to tell me you were part of the Illuminutty?
Quand allais-tu me dire que tu faisais partie des Illuminés?
When were you going to tell me?
Quand alliez-vous me le dire?
Well, when were you going to tell me about this?
Et quand allais-tu me le dire?
When were you going to tell me about this?
Quand comptais-tu m'en parler?
When... when were you going to tell me this?
Et.. et c'est maintenant que tu me le dis?
And when were you going to tell me this?
Et quand m'en aurais-tu parlé?
When were you going to tell me about this?
Quand allais-tu me parler de ceci?
When were you going to tell me?
- Tu allais me le dire?
- When were you going to tell me? - Soon. It...
- Quand comptais-tu me le dire?
You were going to tell me about an incident when Winnie Wainwhisle finds something for you.
Vous alliez me donner un exemple où Winnie Wainwhisle a retrouvé quelque chose pour vous.
When were you going to tell me?
Et on ne me dit rien?
When Michael called you to tell you that you were going to be a regular, did you even ask about me?
- Quand il t'a appelée pour te dire que tu allais être une régulière, as-tu demandé pour moi?
- And you were going to tell me this when?
Et tu allais me dire ça, hum... quand?
And you were going to tell me this when?
Quand comptais-tu me le dire?
I'm going to tell you something I swore I would never say. When Hollace came to Orlando to scout for talent, he said me and Scooter were perfect for the band.
J'avais juré de ne jamais le dire, mais Hollace a dit en venant à Orlando à la recherche de talents, que Scooter et moi étions parfaits pour le groupe.
When you and I were together, I couldn't stand it when you wouldn't be able to tell me where you were going or what you were doing... and, now, every once in a while, I catch Grant looking at me the same way.
Quand on était ensemble, je ne pouvais pas supporter quand tu ne pouvais pas me dire où tu allais ou ce que tu faisais... et maintenant, de temps en temps, je surprends Grant qui me regarde de la même façon.
Just curious, but when exactly were you going to tell me that our daughter saw a woman burn herself to death in a dream?
Juste par curiosité, mais quand allais-tu me dire exactement que notre fille a vu une femme se brûler vivante dans un rêve?
And you were going to tell me about this when?
Et tu allais me le dire quand?

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